
Cost #

A Cost is a resource of raw cost data collected by the cost_analysis.DataSource.

Package : spaceone.api.cost_analysis.v1

Cost #

Cost Methods:


create #

Creates a new Cost. When creating a Cost, if the parameter provider is not entered, the default value of the parameter will be the provider information of the DataSource which collected the raw data of the Cost from the provider. The parameter billed_at is the data of when the cost is billed. While the DataSource collects the cost data, if the billed_at data does not exist, the value will be replaced with the created_at data indicating when the Cost is created. If the cost data collected is based on USD, the Cost is created without the currency exchange.

POST /cost-analysis/v1/cost/create


  • cost (double) Required

  • project_id (string) Required

  • data_source_id (string) Required

  • billed_date (string) Required

  • usage_quantity (double)

  • usage_unit (float)

  • provider (string)

  • region_code (string)

  • product (string)

  • usage_type (string)

  • resource (string)

  • tags (Struct)

  • additional_info (Struct)

  • service_account_id (string)

       "cost": 142,
       "usage_quantity": 84532,
       "usage_unit": "GB",
       "provider": "aws",
       "region_code": "ap-northeast-1",
       "product": "AWSDataTransfer",
       "account": "722069360300",
       "usage_type": "data-transfer.out",
       "additional_info": {
           "raw_usage_type": "APN1-DataTransfer-Out-Bytes"
       "tags": {
           "Environment": "Dev"
       "data_source_id": "ds-fcba92ca73b1"


  • cost_id (string) Required

  • cost (double) Required

  • usage_quantity (double) Required

  • usage_unit (string) Required

  • provider (string) Required

  • region_code (string) Required

  • region_key (string) Required

  • product (string) Required

  • usage_type (string) Required

  • resource (string) Required

  • tags (Struct) Required

  • additional_info (Struct) Required

  • data (Struct) Required

  • domain_id (string) Required

  • workspace_id (string) Required

  • project_id (string) Required

  • service_account_id (string) Required

  • data_source_id (string) Required

  • account_id (string) Required

  • billed_year (string) Required

  • billed_month (string) Required

  • billed_date (string) Required

       "cost_id": "cost-c5aae7712ec9",
       "cost": 142,
       "usage_quantity": 84532,
       "usage_unit": "GB",
       "provider": "aws",
       "region_code": "ap-northeast-1",
       "product": "AWSDataTransfer",
       "usage_type": "data-transfer.out",
       "additional_info": {
           "raw_usage_type": "APN1-DataTransfer-Out-Bytes"
       "tags": {
           "Environment": "Dev"
       "data_source_id": "ds-fcba92ca73b1"
       "domain_id": "domain-58010aa2e451",
       "billed_year": "2022",
       "billed_month": "2022-07",
       "billed_date": "2022-07-19"

delete #

Deletes a specific Cost. You must specify the cost_id of the Cost to delete.

POST /cost-analysis/v1/cost/delete


  • cost_id (string) Required
   "cost_id": "cost-2ad052ed03d7"

get #

Gets a specific Cost. Prints detailed information about the Cost, including region_code and account.

POST /cost-analysis/v1/cost/get


  • cost_id (string) Required
   "cost_id": "cost-2ad052ed03d7"


  • cost_id (string) Required

  • cost (double) Required

  • usage_quantity (double) Required

  • usage_unit (string) Required

  • provider (string) Required

  • region_code (string) Required

  • region_key (string) Required

  • product (string) Required

  • usage_type (string) Required

  • resource (string) Required

  • tags (Struct) Required

  • additional_info (Struct) Required

  • data (Struct) Required

  • domain_id (string) Required

  • workspace_id (string) Required

  • project_id (string) Required

  • service_account_id (string) Required

  • data_source_id (string) Required

  • account_id (string) Required

  • billed_year (string) Required

  • billed_month (string) Required

  • billed_date (string) Required

       "cost_id": "cost-c5aae7712ec9",
       "cost": 142,
       "usage_quantity": 84532,
       "usage_unit": "GB",
       "provider": "aws",
       "region_code": "ap-northeast-1",
       "product": "AWSDataTransfer",
       "usage_type": "data-transfer.out",
       "additional_info": {
           "raw_usage_type": "APN1-DataTransfer-Out-Bytes"
       "tags": {
           "Environment": "Dev"
       "data_source_id": "ds-fcba92ca73b1"
       "domain_id": "domain-58010aa2e451",
       "billed_year": "2022",
       "billed_month": "2022-07",
       "billed_date": "2022-07-19"

list #

Gets a list of all Costs. You can use a query to get a filtered list of Costs.

POST /cost-analysis/v1/cost/list


  • data_source_id (string) Required

  • query (Query)

  • cost_id (string)

  • provider (string)

  • region_code (string)

  • region_key (string)

  • product (string)

  • usage_type (string)

  • resource (string)

  • workspace_id (string)

  • project_id (string)

  • project_group_id (string)

  • service_account_id (string)

  • billed_year (string)

  • billed_month (string)

  • billed_date (string)

   "query": {}


  • results (CostInfo) Repeated Required

  • total_count (int32) Required

       "results": [
               "cost_id": "cost-c5aae7712ec9",
               "cost": 142,
               "usage_quantity": 84532,
               "usage_unit": "GB",
               "provider": "aws",
               "region_code": "ap-northeast-1",
               "product": "AWSDataTransfer",
               "usage_type": "data-transfer.out",
               "additional_info": {
               "raw_usage_type": "APN1-DataTransfer-Out-Bytes"
               "tags": {
               "Environment": "Dev"
               "data_source_id": "ds-fcba92ca73b1"
               "domain_id": "domain-58010aa2e451",
               "billed_year": "2022",
               "billed_month": "2022-07",
               "billed_date": "2022-07-19"
               "cost_id": "cost-1d5e1b0dbf82",
               "cost": 78,
               "usage_quantity": 34523,
               "usage_unit": "Count",
               "provider": "aws",
               "region_code": "ap-northeast-1",
               "product": "AWSQueueService"
               "additional_info": {
                   "raw_usage_type": "APN1-Requests-Tier1"
               "tags": {},
               "data_source_id": "ds-fcba92ca73b1",
               "domain_id": "domain-58010aa2e451",
               "billed_year": "2022",
               "billed_month": "2022-07",
               "billed_date": "2022-07-20"
       "total_count": 307066

analyze #

Gets the Cost information of specific products based on the time granularity: DAILY, MONTHLY, or ACCUMULATED. For DAILY granularity, this method can get the Cost data of at most 31 days. For MONTHLY or ACCUMULATED granularity, this method can get the Cost data of at most 12 months.

POST /cost-analysis/v1/cost/analyze

stat #

POST /cost-analysis/v1/cost/stat

Message #

CostAnalyzeQuery #

  • query (TimeSeriesAnalyzeQuery) Required

  • data_source_id (string) Required

CostInfo #

  • cost_id (string) Required

  • cost (double) Required

  • usage_quantity (double) Required

  • usage_unit (string) Required

  • provider (string) Required

  • region_code (string) Required

  • region_key (string) Required

  • product (string) Required

  • usage_type (string) Required

  • resource (string) Required

  • tags (Struct) Required

  • additional_info (Struct) Required

  • data (Struct) Required

  • domain_id (string) Required

  • workspace_id (string) Required

  • project_id (string) Required

  • service_account_id (string) Required

  • data_source_id (string) Required

  • account_id (string) Required

  • billed_year (string) Required

  • billed_month (string) Required

  • billed_date (string) Required

CostQuery #

  • data_source_id (string) Required

  • query (Query)

  • cost_id (string)

  • provider (string)

  • region_code (string)

  • region_key (string)

  • product (string)

  • usage_type (string)

  • resource (string)

  • workspace_id (string)

  • project_id (string)

  • project_group_id (string)

  • service_account_id (string)

  • billed_year (string)

  • billed_month (string)

  • billed_date (string)

CostRequest #

  • cost_id (string) Required

CostStatQuery #

  • query (StatisticsQuery) Required

  • data_source_id (string)

CostsInfo #

  • results (CostInfo) Repeated Required

  • total_count (int32) Required

CreateCostRequest #

  • cost (double) Required

  • project_id (string) Required

  • data_source_id (string) Required

  • billed_date (string) Required

  • usage_quantity (double)

  • usage_unit (float)

  • provider (string)

  • region_code (string)

  • product (string)

  • usage_type (string)

  • resource (string)

  • tags (Struct)

  • additional_info (Struct)

  • service_account_id (string)

Calendar July 1, 2024
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