
Metric #

A Metric is a monitoring metric data delivered from an external cloud service via a DataSource.

Package : spaceone.api.monitoring.plugin

Metric #

Metric Methods:


list #

Gets a list of all Metrics from a specific cloud service. You can use the method to list up the Metrics to collect before using the get_data method to collect the Metrics.

get_data #

Gets a Metric from a specific cloud service resource instance. By specifying the time period to collect the Metric, the Metric data value of the instance during the period is returned.

Message #

MetricDataInfo #

  • labels (ListValue) Required

  • values (Struct) Required

MetricDataRequest #

  • options (Struct) Required

  • secret_data (Struct) Required

  • metric_query (Struct) Required

  • metric (string) Required

    metric identifier in case of requested metric info is not a single.

  • start (string) Required

  • end (string) Required

  • period (int32)

  • stat (string)

  • schema (string)

MetricInfo #

  • key (string) Required

  • name (string) Required

  • group (string) Required

  • unit (Struct) Required

  • metric_query (Struct) Required

MetricRequest #

  • options (Struct) Required

  • secret_data (Struct) Required

  • query (Struct) Required

  • schema (string)

MetricsInfo #

  • metrics (MetricInfo) Repeated Required

Calendar July 1, 2024
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