
EventRule #

An EventRule is a rule to transform the request data when an Event is generated.

Package : spaceone.api.monitoring.v1

EventRule #

EventRule Methods:


create #

Creates a new EventRule. You can filter the Events to apply the EventRule by setting the input parameter Conditions. The method can change the Events’ assignee or Project.

POST /monitoring/v1/event-rule/create


  • name (string) Required

  • conditions (EventRuleCondition) Repeated Required

  • conditions_policy (ConditionsPolicy) Required

  • actions (EventRuleActions) Required

  • resource_group (ResourceGroup) Required

  • options (EventRuleOptions)

  • tags (Struct)

  • project_id (string)

     "conditions": [{"key": "description", "value": "API", "operator": "contain"}],
     "conditions_policy": "ALL",
     "actions": {"change_assignee": "user1@email.com",
     "change_urgency": "LOW",
     "change_project": "project-123456789012",
     "add_additional_info": {"type": "personal rule"},
     "no_notification": true},
     "options": {},
     "project_id": "project-123456789012",
     "domain_id": "domain-123456789012"


  • event_rule_id (string) Required

  • name (string) Required

  • order (int32) Required

  • conditions (EventRuleCondition) Repeated Required

  • conditions_policy (ConditionsPolicy) Required

  • actions (EventRuleActions) Required

  • options (EventRuleOptions) Required

  • tags (Struct) Required

  • resource_group (ResourceGroup) Required

  • domain_id (string) Required

  • workspace_id (string) Required

  • project_id (string) Required

  • created_at (string) Required

     "event_rule_id": "er-123456789012",
     "order": 1,
     "conditions": [
     "key": "description",
     "value": "API",
     "operator": "contain"
     "conditions_policy": "ALL",
     "actions": {
     "change_assignee": "user1@email.com",
     "change_urgency": "LOW",
     "change_project": "project-123456789012",
     "add_additional_info": {
     "type": "personal rule"
     "no_notification": true
     "options": {},
     "scope": "PROJECT",
     "project_id": "project-123456789012",
     "tags": {},
     "domain_id": "domain-123456789012",
     "created_at": "2022-01-02T06:02:31.517Z"

update #

Changes a priority order between EventRules to apply. EventRules are filtered by the order configured.

POST /monitoring/v1/event-rule/update


  • event_rule_id (string) Required

  • name (string)

  • conditions (EventRuleCondition) Repeated

  • conditions_policy (ConditionsPolicy)

  • actions (EventRuleActions)

  • options (EventRuleOptions)

  • tags (Struct)

     "event_rule_id": "er-123456789012",
     "conditions": [{"key": "description", "value": "ELB", "operator": "contain"}],
     "conditions_policy": "ALL",
     "actions": {"change_assignee": "user2@email.com",
     "change_urgency": "HIGH",
     "change_project": "project-123456789012",
     "add_additional_info": {"type": "personal rule"},
     "no_notification": true},
     "options": {},
     "domain_id": "domain-123456789012"


  • event_rule_id (string) Required

  • name (string) Required

  • order (int32) Required

  • conditions (EventRuleCondition) Repeated Required

  • conditions_policy (ConditionsPolicy) Required

  • actions (EventRuleActions) Required

  • options (EventRuleOptions) Required

  • tags (Struct) Required

  • resource_group (ResourceGroup) Required

  • domain_id (string) Required

  • workspace_id (string) Required

  • project_id (string) Required

  • created_at (string) Required

     "event_rule_id": "er-123456789012",
     "order": 1,
     "conditions": [
     "key": "description",
     "value": "API",
     "operator": "contain"
     "conditions_policy": "ALL",
     "actions": {
     "change_assignee": "user1@email.com",
     "change_urgency": "LOW",
     "change_project": "project-123456789012",
     "add_additional_info": {
     "type": "personal rule"
     "no_notification": true
     "options": {},
     "scope": "PROJECT",
     "project_id": "project-123456789012",
     "tags": {},
     "domain_id": "domain-123456789012",
     "created_at": "2022-01-02T06:02:31.517Z"

change_order #

Updates a specific EventRule. You can make changes in EventRule settings.

POST /monitoring/v1/event-rule/change-order


  • event_rule_id (string) Required

  • order (int32) Required

   "event_rule_id": "er-123456789012", 
   "order": 2,
   "domain_id": "domain-123456789012"


  • event_rule_id (string) Required

  • name (string) Required

  • order (int32) Required

  • conditions (EventRuleCondition) Repeated Required

  • conditions_policy (ConditionsPolicy) Required

  • actions (EventRuleActions) Required

  • options (EventRuleOptions) Required

  • tags (Struct) Required

  • resource_group (ResourceGroup) Required

  • domain_id (string) Required

  • workspace_id (string) Required

  • project_id (string) Required

  • created_at (string) Required

     "event_rule_id": "er-123456789012",
     "order": 1,
     "conditions": [
     "key": "description",
     "value": "API",
     "operator": "contain"
     "conditions_policy": "ALL",
     "actions": {
     "change_assignee": "user1@email.com",
     "change_urgency": "LOW",
     "change_project": "project-123456789012",
     "add_additional_info": {
     "type": "personal rule"
     "no_notification": true
     "options": {},
     "scope": "PROJECT",
     "project_id": "project-123456789012",
     "tags": {},
     "domain_id": "domain-123456789012",
     "created_at": "2022-01-02T06:02:31.517Z"

delete #

Deletes a specific EventRule. You must assign an EventRule resource to delete by specifying event_rule_id.

POST /monitoring/v1/event-rule/delete


  • event_rule_id (string) Required
   "event_rule_id": "er-123456789012",
   "order": 2,
   "domain_id": "domain-123456789012"

get #

Gets a specific EventRule. Prints detailed information about the EventRule.

POST /monitoring/v1/event-rule/get


  • event_rule_id (string) Required
   "event_rule_id": "er-123456789012",
   "order": 2,
   "domain_id": "domain-123456789012"


  • event_rule_id (string) Required

  • name (string) Required

  • order (int32) Required

  • conditions (EventRuleCondition) Repeated Required

  • conditions_policy (ConditionsPolicy) Required

  • actions (EventRuleActions) Required

  • options (EventRuleOptions) Required

  • tags (Struct) Required

  • resource_group (ResourceGroup) Required

  • domain_id (string) Required

  • workspace_id (string) Required

  • project_id (string) Required

  • created_at (string) Required

     "event_rule_id": "er-123456789012",
     "order": 1,
     "conditions": [
     "key": "description",
     "value": "API",
     "operator": "contain"
     "conditions_policy": "ALL",
     "actions": {
     "change_assignee": "user1@email.com",
     "change_urgency": "LOW",
     "change_project": "project-123456789012",
     "add_additional_info": {
     "type": "personal rule"
     "no_notification": true
     "options": {},
     "scope": "PROJECT",
     "project_id": "project-123456789012",
     "tags": {},
     "domain_id": "domain-123456789012",
     "created_at": "2022-01-02T06:02:31.517Z"

list #

Gets a list of all EventRules. You can use a query to get a filtered list of EventRules. For example, you can adjust the scope of the list to a certain Project or Domain.

POST /monitoring/v1/event-rule/list


  • query (Query)

  • event_rule_id (string)

  • name (string)

  • workspace_id (string)

  • project_id (string)

   "project_id": "project-123456789012",
   "domain_id": "domain-123456789012"


  • results (EventRuleInfo) Repeated Required

  • total_count (int32) Required

     "results": [
     "event_rule_id": "er-123456789012",
     "order": 1,
     "conditions": [
     "key": "title",
     "value": "AWS",
     "operator": "contain"
     "conditions_policy": "ALL",
     "actions": {
     "change_assignee": "user2@email.com",
     "change_urgency": "HIGH",
     "add_additional_info": {},
     "no_notification": true
     "options": {},
     "scope": "PROJECT",
     "project_id": "project-123456789012",
     "tags": {},
     "domain_id": "domain-123456789012",
     "created_at": "2022-01-01T06:33:58.388Z"
     "event_rule_id": "er-123456789012",
     "order": 2,
     "conditions": [
     "key": "title",
     "value": "ELB",
     "operator": "contain"
     "conditions_policy": "ALL",
     "actions": {
     "change_assignee": "user1@email.com",
     "change_urgency": "LOW",
     "change_project": "project-123456789012",
     "add_additional_info": {},
     "no_notification": true
     "options": {},
     "scope": "PROJECT",
     "project_id": "project-123456789012",
     "tags": {},
     "domain_id": "domain-123456789012",
     "created_at": "2022-01-01T06:12:30.226Z"
     "total_count": 2

stat #

POST /monitoring/v1/event-rule/stat

Message #

ChangeEventRuleOrderRequest #

  • event_rule_id (string) Required

  • order (int32) Required

CreateEventRuleRequest #

  • name (string) Required

  • conditions (EventRuleCondition) Repeated Required

  • conditions_policy (ConditionsPolicy) Required

  • actions (EventRuleActions) Required

  • resource_group (ResourceGroup) Required

  • options (EventRuleOptions)

  • tags (Struct)

  • project_id (string)

EventRuleActionResponder #

  • resource_type (string) Required

  • resource_id (string) Required

EventRuleActions #

  • change_assignee (string) Required

  • change_urgency (string) Required

  • change_project (string) Required

  • change_escalation_policy (string) Required

  • match_service_account (MatchRule) Required

  • add_additional_info (Struct) Required

  • no_notification (bool) Required

EventRuleCondition #

  • key (string) Required

  • value (string) Required

  • operator (string) Required

EventRuleInfo #

  • event_rule_id (string) Required

  • name (string) Required

  • order (int32) Required

  • conditions (EventRuleCondition) Repeated Required

  • conditions_policy (ConditionsPolicy) Required

  • actions (EventRuleActions) Required

  • options (EventRuleOptions) Required

  • tags (Struct) Required

  • resource_group (ResourceGroup) Required

  • domain_id (string) Required

  • workspace_id (string) Required

  • project_id (string) Required

  • created_at (string) Required

EventRuleOptions #

  • stop_processing (bool) Required

EventRuleQuery #

  • query (Query)

  • event_rule_id (string)

  • name (string)

  • workspace_id (string)

  • project_id (string)

EventRuleRequest #

  • event_rule_id (string) Required

EventRuleStatQuery #

  • query (StatisticsQuery) Required

EventRulesInfo #

  • results (EventRuleInfo) Repeated Required

  • total_count (int32) Required

MatchRule #

  • source (string) Required

  • target (string) Required

UpdateEventRuleRequest #

  • event_rule_id (string) Required

  • name (string)

  • conditions (EventRuleCondition) Repeated

  • conditions_policy (ConditionsPolicy)

  • actions (EventRuleActions)

  • options (EventRuleOptions)

  • tags (Struct)

Calendar July 1, 2024
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