
Notification #

A Notification is a service that delivers event data generated in Cloudforet to a Project or User.

Package : spaceone.api.notification.v1

Notification #

Notification Methods:


create #

Creates a new Notification. When a Notification is created, it is delivered to a UserChannel or a ProjectChannel depending on the parameter resource_type. If a Notification is delivered to a UserChannel, the resource_type is identity.User, and if a Notification is delivered to a ProjectChannel, the resource_type is identity.Project.


  • resource_type (string) Required

    The type of resource to which the notification is dispatched. Currently, only “identity.Project” or “identity.User” can be set.

  • resource_id (string) Required

    The ID of the resource to which notifications are dispatched. If resource_type is “identity.Project”, then resource_id requires a project ID values. If resource_type is “identity.User”, then resource_id requires a user ID value.

  • topic (string) Required

    The topic of notification.

  • message (Struct) Required

    This message is used for each protocol.

  • notification_type (NotificationType)

    The type of notification.

  • notification_level (NotificationLEVEL)

    The level of notification.

   "resource_type": "identity.Project",
   "resource_id": "resource-123456789012",
   "topic": "monitoring.Alert",
   "message": {
       "title": "[Alerting] Not Running Pods 0:OK alert",
       "description": "[spaceone-dev] Not Running Pods 0 is OK\n\nFailure level : WorkerNode\nPanel ... ",
       "tags": {
           "urgency": "LOW",
           "resource_id": "pod",
           "assignee": "",
           "created_at": "2022-01-01T17:12:45.990Z",
           "state": "ACKNOWLEDGED",
           "project_id": "project-123456789012"
   "notification_type": "INFO",
   "notification_level": "LV2"

push #

Manually raises a Notification. A Notification is raised with a message to be sent using a valid specific Protocol, and data used for a specific Protocol such as a phone number.


  • protocol_id (string) Required

    The ID of Protocol.

  • data (string) Required

  • message (Struct) Required

  • notification_type (string)

  • notification_level (string)

  • topic (string)

   "protocol_id": "protocol-fb30cb6c28d6",
   "data": {
       "phone_number": "01012345678"
   "message": {
       "tags": [
               "key": "project_id",
               "value": "project-xxxx"
               "key": "project_name",
               "value": "Test Project"
               "key": "resource_id",
               "value": "server-yyyyy"
               "key": "resource_name",
               "value": "web-server-001"
       "description": "This is Sample Message",
       "title": "Sample"

delete #

Deletes multiple Notifications. You must specify notifications of the list of Notifications to delete.

POST /notification/v1/notification/delete


  • notifications (string) Repeated Required

    ID list of Notifications.

   "notifications": [

set_read #

Marks a Notification as read. When a Notification is raised and if the Notification has been acknowledged, it can be marked as read with the method.

POST /notification/v1/notification/set-read


  • notifications (string) Repeated Required

    ID list of Notifications.

   "notifications": [

get #

Gets a specific Notification. Prints detailed information about the Notification, including not only the message contents(title, description) but also related data such as created time and urgency.

POST /notification/v1/notification/get


  • notification_id (string) Required

    The ID of Notification.

  • set_read (bool)

   "notification_id": "notification-4025c1b61225"


  • notification_id (string) Required

    The ID of notification.

  • topic (string) Required

    The topic of notification.

  • message (Struct) Required

    The contents of notification. This message is used for each protocol.

  • notification_type (NotificationType) Required

    The type of notification.

  • notification_level (NotificationLEVEL) Required

    The level of notification.

  • is_read (bool) Required

    Whether or not to check the notification. If notification has been returned at least once through the Get or List method, is_read is changed to True.

  • domain_id (string) Required

    The ID of domain

  • user_id (string) Required

    The ID of user to whom the notification was dispatched.

  • created_at (string) Required

    Notification creation time.

   "notification_id": "notification-4025c1b61225",
   "topic": "monitoring.Alert",
   "message": {
       "tags": {
           "project_id": "project-18655561c535",
           "created_at": null,
           "urgency": "LOW",
           "state": "TRIGGERED",
           "resource_id": "AWS/NetworkELB",
           "resource_name": "[Asia Pacific (Seoul)]:[AWS/NetworkELB]: net/af83f347171a044af46453ebb34c8225/743a23562a96c595"
       "title": "[Asia Pacific (Seoul)]: NLB-TCP_Target_Reset_Count-Alert",
       "description": "Threshold Crossed: 1 out of the last 1 datapoints [200.0 (25/06/21 06:38:00)] was not greater than the threshold (200.0)"
   "notification_type": "INFO",
   "notification_level": "ALL",
   "is_read": true,
   "user_id": "",
   "domain_id": "domain-58010aa2e451",
   "created_at": "2021-06-25T06:42:05.867Z"

list #

Gets a list of all Notifications. You can use a query to get a filtered list of Notifications.

POST /notification/v1/notification/list


  • query (Query)

    Query format provided by SpaceONE. Please check the link for more information.

  • notification_id (string)

    The ID of notification.

  • topic (string)

    The topic of notification.

  • notification_type (NotificationType)

    The type of notification.

  • notification_level (NotificationLEVEL)

    The level of notification.

  • is_read (bool)

    Whether or not to check the notification. If is_read is False, the user has not checked the notification yet.

  • project_id (string)

    The project ID to which the notification will be dispatched.

  • parent_notification_id (string)

    The ID of parent notification. Not used yet.

   "query": {
       "filter": [
               "key": "notification_type",
               "value": "INFO",
               "operator": "eq"


  • results (NotificationInfo) Repeated Required

    List of queried notifications.

  • total_count (int32) Required

    Total counts of queried notifications.

   "results": [
           "notification_id": "notification-9f1476af11b7",
           "topic": "monitoring.Alert",
           "message": {
               "tags": {
                   "state": "ACKNOWLEDGED",
                   "resource_id": "pod",
                   "project_id": "project-18655561c535",
                   "urgency": "LOW",
                   "created_at": null,
                   "assignee": ""
               "title": "[Alerting] Not Running Pods 0:OK alert",
               "description": "[cloudone-dev-v1-eks-cluster] Not Running Pods 0 is OK"
           "notification_type": "INFO",
           "notification_level": "LV2",
           "is_read": true,
           "user_id": "",
           "domain_id": "domain-58010aa2e451",
           "created_at": "2021-06-21T17:13:39.570Z"
           "notification_id": "notification-4025c1b61225",
           "topic": "monitoring.Alert",
           "message": {
               "title": "[Asia Pacific (Seoul)]: NLB-TCP_Target_Reset_Count-Alert",
               "description": "Threshold Crossed: 1 out of the last 1 datapoints [200.0 (25/06/21 06:38:00)] was not greater than the threshold (200.0)",
               "tags": {
                   "resource_id": "AWS/NetworkELB",
                   "resource_name": "[Asia Pacific (Seoul)]:[AWS/NetworkELB]: net/dfsbvs/advdr32rwqdsvzc",
                   "created_at": null,
                   "state": "TRIGGERED",
                   "project_id": "project-18655561c535",
                   "urgency": "LOW"
           "notification_type": "INFO",
           "notification_level": "ALL",
           "is_read": true,
           "user_id": "",
           "domain_id": "domain-58010aa2e451",
           "created_at": "2021-06-25T06:42:05.867Z"
   "total_count": 2

stat #

POST /notification/v1/notification/stat

Message #

CreateNotificationRequest #

  • resource_type (string) Required

    The type of resource to which the notification is dispatched. Currently, only “identity.Project” or “identity.User” can be set.

  • resource_id (string) Required

    The ID of the resource to which notifications are dispatched. If resource_type is “identity.Project”, then resource_id requires a project ID values. If resource_type is “identity.User”, then resource_id requires a user ID value.

  • topic (string) Required

    The topic of notification.

  • message (Struct) Required

    This message is used for each protocol.

  • notification_type (NotificationType)

    The type of notification.

  • notification_level (NotificationLEVEL)

    The level of notification.

GetNotificationRequest #

  • notification_id (string) Required

    The ID of Notification.

  • set_read (bool)

NotificationInfo #

  • notification_id (string) Required

    The ID of notification.

  • topic (string) Required

    The topic of notification.

  • message (Struct) Required

    The contents of notification. This message is used for each protocol.

  • notification_type (NotificationType) Required

    The type of notification.

  • notification_level (NotificationLEVEL) Required

    The level of notification.

  • is_read (bool) Required

    Whether or not to check the notification. If notification has been returned at least once through the Get or List method, is_read is changed to True.

  • domain_id (string) Required

    The ID of domain

  • user_id (string) Required

    The ID of user to whom the notification was dispatched.

  • created_at (string) Required

    Notification creation time.

NotificationQuery #

  • query (Query)

    Query format provided by SpaceONE. Please check the link for more information.

  • notification_id (string)

    The ID of notification.

  • topic (string)

    The topic of notification.

  • notification_type (NotificationType)

    The type of notification.

  • notification_level (NotificationLEVEL)

    The level of notification.

  • is_read (bool)

    Whether or not to check the notification. If is_read is False, the user has not checked the notification yet.

  • project_id (string)

    The project ID to which the notification will be dispatched.

  • parent_notification_id (string)

    The ID of parent notification. Not used yet.

NotificationStatQuery #

  • query (StatisticsQuery) Required

    is_required: true Statistics Query format provided by SpaceONE. Please check the link for more information.

NotificationsInfo #

  • results (NotificationInfo) Repeated Required

    List of queried notifications.

  • total_count (int32) Required

    Total counts of queried notifications.

NotificationsRequest #

  • notifications (string) Repeated Required

    ID list of Notifications.

PushNotificationRequest #

  • protocol_id (string) Required

    The ID of Protocol.

  • data (string) Required

  • message (Struct) Required

  • notification_type (string)

  • notification_level (string)

  • topic (string)

Calendar July 1, 2024
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