
Protocol #

A Protocol defines the method to use when dispatching Notifications via a channel.

Package : spaceone.api.notification.v1

Protocol #

Protocol Methods:


create #

Creates a new Protocol. When creating a protocol, you must specify the plugins provided from the repository, and you must also set the credentials to be set in the plugin if necessary.

POST /notification/v1/protocol/create


  • name (string) Required

    The name of Protocol. It can have a maximum of 255 characters.

  • plugin_info (PluginRequest) Required

    Describe a Plugin information for protocol that include was used plugin, specific version, schema etc.

  • tags (Struct)

    The tags for protocol.

   "name": "Email",
   "plugin_info": {
       "plugin_id": "plugin-email-noti-protocol",
       "version": "1.0.1",
       "options": {},
       "secret_id": "secret-123546789012",
       "metadata": {
           "data": {
               "schema": {
                   "properties": {
                       "email": {
                           "pattern": "^[\\W]*([\\w+\\-.%]+@[\\w\\-.]+\\.[A-Za-z]{2,4}[\\W]*,{1}[\\W]*)*([\\w+\\-.%]+@[\\w\\-.]+\\.[A-Za-z]{2,4})[\\W]*$",
                           "examples": [
                           "minLength": 10.0,
                           "description": "Email address to receive notifications",
                           "type": "string",
                           "title": "Email Address"
                   "required": [
                   "type": "object"
           "data_type": "PLAIN_TEXT"
       "upgrade_mode": "AUTO"
   "tags": {}


  • protocol_id (string) Required

    The ID of Protocol.

  • name (string) Required

    The name of Protocol.

  • state (ProtocolState) Required

    The state of Protocol. ENABLED or DISABLED only.

  • protocol_type (ProtocolType) Required

    desc : The type of Protocol. INTERNAL or EXTERNAL only.

  • resource_type (string) Required

    desc : Resource type for Protocol. Currently only identity.Project or identity.User can be set.

  • capability (Struct) Required

    desc : The capability information for the Protocol. It included supported schema for the Protocol.

  • plugin_info (PluginInfo) Required

    the plugin information set in Protocol.

  • tags (Struct) Required

    The tags for protocol.

  • domain_id (string) Required

    The ID of domain to which the Protocol belongs.

  • created_at (string) Required

    Protocol creation time.

   "protocol_id": "protocol-123546789012",
   "name": "Email",
   "state": "ENABLED",
   "protocol_type": "EXTERNAL",
   "capability": {
       "supported_schema": [
   "plugin_info": {
       "plugin_id": "plugin-email-noti-protocol",
       "version": "1.0.1",
       "options": {},
       "secret_id": "secret-123546789012",
       "metadata": {
           "data": {
               "schema": {
                   "properties": {
                       "email": {
                           "pattern": "^[\\W]*([\\w+\\-.%]+@[\\w\\-.]+\\.[A-Za-z]{2,4}[\\W]*,{1}[\\W]*)*([\\w+\\-.%]+@[\\w\\-.]+\\.[A-Za-z]{2,4})[\\W]*$",
                           "examples": [
                           "minLength": 10.0,
                           "description": "Email address to receive notifications",
                           "type": "string",
                           "title": "Email Address"
                   "required": [
                   "type": "object"
           "data_type": "PLAIN_TEXT"
       "upgrade_mode": "AUTO"
   "tags": {},
   "domain_id": "domain-123546789012",
   "created_at": "2022-01-01T07:55:57.043Z"

update #

Updates a specific Protocol. The method update can update the name and tags only. If you want to update the plugin version or options, you can use update_plugin method.

POST /notification/v1/protocol/update


  • protocol_id (string) Required

    The ID of Protocol.

  • name (string)

    The Name of Protocol. It can have a maximum of 255 characters.

  • tags (Struct)

    The tags for protocol. When updating, existing tag information is deleted all and will be updated with new.

   "protocol_id": "protocol-123456789012",
   "name": "Email-test",
   "tags": {
       "type": "test"


  • protocol_id (string) Required

    The ID of Protocol.

  • name (string) Required

    The name of Protocol.

  • state (ProtocolState) Required

    The state of Protocol. ENABLED or DISABLED only.

  • protocol_type (ProtocolType) Required

    desc : The type of Protocol. INTERNAL or EXTERNAL only.

  • resource_type (string) Required

    desc : Resource type for Protocol. Currently only identity.Project or identity.User can be set.

  • capability (Struct) Required

    desc : The capability information for the Protocol. It included supported schema for the Protocol.

  • plugin_info (PluginInfo) Required

    the plugin information set in Protocol.

  • tags (Struct) Required

    The tags for protocol.

  • domain_id (string) Required

    The ID of domain to which the Protocol belongs.

  • created_at (string) Required

    Protocol creation time.

   "protocol_id": "protocol-123546789012",
   "name": "Email",
   "state": "ENABLED",
   "protocol_type": "EXTERNAL",
   "capability": {
       "supported_schema": [
   "plugin_info": {
       "plugin_id": "plugin-email-noti-protocol",
       "version": "1.0.1",
       "options": {},
       "secret_id": "secret-123546789012",
       "metadata": {
           "data": {
               "schema": {
                   "properties": {
                       "email": {
                           "pattern": "^[\\W]*([\\w+\\-.%]+@[\\w\\-.]+\\.[A-Za-z]{2,4}[\\W]*,{1}[\\W]*)*([\\w+\\-.%]+@[\\w\\-.]+\\.[A-Za-z]{2,4})[\\W]*$",
                           "examples": [
                           "minLength": 10.0,
                           "description": "Email address to receive notifications",
                           "type": "string",
                           "title": "Email Address"
                   "required": [
                   "type": "object"
           "data_type": "PLAIN_TEXT"
       "upgrade_mode": "AUTO"
   "tags": {},
   "domain_id": "domain-123546789012",
   "created_at": "2022-01-01T07:55:57.043Z"

update_plugin #

Updates a plugin for a Protocol. It is usually used when redeploying a plugin to a new version.

POST /notification/v1/protocol/update-plugin


  • protocol_id (string) Required

    The ID of Protocol.

  • domain_id (string) Required

    The ID of domain to which the Protocol belongs.

  • version (string)

    The version of plugin you want to update. Version means the tags of plugin container image in repository that specific market place.

  • options (Struct)

    The Options that contains information about using plugin.

   "protocol_id": "protocol-123456789012",
   "version": "1.0.2",
   "options": {}


  • protocol_id (string) Required

    The ID of Protocol.

  • name (string) Required

    The name of Protocol.

  • state (ProtocolState) Required

    The state of Protocol. ENABLED or DISABLED only.

  • protocol_type (ProtocolType) Required

    desc : The type of Protocol. INTERNAL or EXTERNAL only.

  • resource_type (string) Required

    desc : Resource type for Protocol. Currently only identity.Project or identity.User can be set.

  • capability (Struct) Required

    desc : The capability information for the Protocol. It included supported schema for the Protocol.

  • plugin_info (PluginInfo) Required

    the plugin information set in Protocol.

  • tags (Struct) Required

    The tags for protocol.

  • domain_id (string) Required

    The ID of domain to which the Protocol belongs.

  • created_at (string) Required

    Protocol creation time.

   "protocol_id": "protocol-123546789012",
   "name": "Email",
   "state": "ENABLED",
   "protocol_type": "EXTERNAL",
   "capability": {
       "supported_schema": [
   "plugin_info": {
       "plugin_id": "plugin-email-noti-protocol",
       "version": "1.0.1",
       "options": {},
       "secret_id": "secret-123546789012",
       "metadata": {
           "data": {
               "schema": {
                   "properties": {
                       "email": {
                           "pattern": "^[\\W]*([\\w+\\-.%]+@[\\w\\-.]+\\.[A-Za-z]{2,4}[\\W]*,{1}[\\W]*)*([\\w+\\-.%]+@[\\w\\-.]+\\.[A-Za-z]{2,4})[\\W]*$",
                           "examples": [
                           "minLength": 10.0,
                           "description": "Email address to receive notifications",
                           "type": "string",
                           "title": "Email Address"
                   "required": [
                   "type": "object"
           "data_type": "PLAIN_TEXT"
       "upgrade_mode": "AUTO"
   "tags": {},
   "domain_id": "domain-123546789012",
   "created_at": "2022-01-01T07:55:57.043Z"

enable #

Enables a specific Protocol. If the Protocol is enabled, the Protocol can be used and the Notification can be dispatched.

POST /notification/v1/protocol/enable


  • protocol_id (string) Required

    The ID of Protocol.

   "protocol_id": "protocol-123456789012"


  • protocol_id (string) Required

    The ID of Protocol.

  • name (string) Required

    The name of Protocol.

  • state (ProtocolState) Required

    The state of Protocol. ENABLED or DISABLED only.

  • protocol_type (ProtocolType) Required

    desc : The type of Protocol. INTERNAL or EXTERNAL only.

  • resource_type (string) Required

    desc : Resource type for Protocol. Currently only identity.Project or identity.User can be set.

  • capability (Struct) Required

    desc : The capability information for the Protocol. It included supported schema for the Protocol.

  • plugin_info (PluginInfo) Required

    the plugin information set in Protocol.

  • tags (Struct) Required

    The tags for protocol.

  • domain_id (string) Required

    The ID of domain to which the Protocol belongs.

  • created_at (string) Required

    Protocol creation time.

   "protocol_id": "protocol-123546789012",
   "name": "Email",
   "state": "ENABLED",
   "protocol_type": "EXTERNAL",
   "capability": {
       "supported_schema": [
   "plugin_info": {
       "plugin_id": "plugin-email-noti-protocol",
       "version": "1.0.1",
       "options": {},
       "secret_id": "secret-123546789012",
       "metadata": {
           "data": {
               "schema": {
                   "properties": {
                       "email": {
                           "pattern": "^[\\W]*([\\w+\\-.%]+@[\\w\\-.]+\\.[A-Za-z]{2,4}[\\W]*,{1}[\\W]*)*([\\w+\\-.%]+@[\\w\\-.]+\\.[A-Za-z]{2,4})[\\W]*$",
                           "examples": [
                           "minLength": 10.0,
                           "description": "Email address to receive notifications",
                           "type": "string",
                           "title": "Email Address"
                   "required": [
                   "type": "object"
           "data_type": "PLAIN_TEXT"
       "upgrade_mode": "AUTO"
   "tags": {},
   "domain_id": "domain-123546789012",
   "created_at": "2022-01-01T07:55:57.043Z"

disable #

Disables a specific Protocol. If a Protocol is disabled, the Notification will not be dispatched, even if it is created.

POST /notification/v1/protocol/disable


  • protocol_id (string) Required

    The ID of Protocol.

   "protocol_id": "protocol-123456789012"


  • protocol_id (string) Required

    The ID of Protocol.

  • name (string) Required

    The name of Protocol.

  • state (ProtocolState) Required

    The state of Protocol. ENABLED or DISABLED only.

  • protocol_type (ProtocolType) Required

    desc : The type of Protocol. INTERNAL or EXTERNAL only.

  • resource_type (string) Required

    desc : Resource type for Protocol. Currently only identity.Project or identity.User can be set.

  • capability (Struct) Required

    desc : The capability information for the Protocol. It included supported schema for the Protocol.

  • plugin_info (PluginInfo) Required

    the plugin information set in Protocol.

  • tags (Struct) Required

    The tags for protocol.

  • domain_id (string) Required

    The ID of domain to which the Protocol belongs.

  • created_at (string) Required

    Protocol creation time.

   "protocol_id": "protocol-123546789012",
   "name": "Email",
   "state": "ENABLED",
   "protocol_type": "EXTERNAL",
   "capability": {
       "supported_schema": [
   "plugin_info": {
       "plugin_id": "plugin-email-noti-protocol",
       "version": "1.0.1",
       "options": {},
       "secret_id": "secret-123546789012",
       "metadata": {
           "data": {
               "schema": {
                   "properties": {
                       "email": {
                           "pattern": "^[\\W]*([\\w+\\-.%]+@[\\w\\-.]+\\.[A-Za-z]{2,4}[\\W]*,{1}[\\W]*)*([\\w+\\-.%]+@[\\w\\-.]+\\.[A-Za-z]{2,4})[\\W]*$",
                           "examples": [
                           "minLength": 10.0,
                           "description": "Email address to receive notifications",
                           "type": "string",
                           "title": "Email Address"
                   "required": [
                   "type": "object"
           "data_type": "PLAIN_TEXT"
       "upgrade_mode": "AUTO"
   "tags": {},
   "domain_id": "domain-123546789012",
   "created_at": "2022-01-01T07:55:57.043Z"

delete #

Deletes a specific Protocol. If there exists a channel using the Protocol, it cannot be deleted.

POST /notification/v1/protocol/delete


  • protocol_id (string) Required

    The ID of Protocol.

   "protocol_id": "protocol-123456789012"

get #

Gets a specific Protocol. Prints detailed information about the Protocol.

POST /notification/v1/protocol/get


  • protocol_id (string) Required

    The ID of Protocol.

   "protocol_id": "protocol-123456789012"


  • protocol_id (string) Required

    The ID of Protocol.

  • name (string) Required

    The name of Protocol.

  • state (ProtocolState) Required

    The state of Protocol. ENABLED or DISABLED only.

  • protocol_type (ProtocolType) Required

    desc : The type of Protocol. INTERNAL or EXTERNAL only.

  • resource_type (string) Required

    desc : Resource type for Protocol. Currently only identity.Project or identity.User can be set.

  • capability (Struct) Required

    desc : The capability information for the Protocol. It included supported schema for the Protocol.

  • plugin_info (PluginInfo) Required

    the plugin information set in Protocol.

  • tags (Struct) Required

    The tags for protocol.

  • domain_id (string) Required

    The ID of domain to which the Protocol belongs.

  • created_at (string) Required

    Protocol creation time.

   "protocol_id": "protocol-123546789012",
   "name": "Email",
   "state": "ENABLED",
   "protocol_type": "EXTERNAL",
   "capability": {
       "supported_schema": [
   "plugin_info": {
       "plugin_id": "plugin-email-noti-protocol",
       "version": "1.0.1",
       "options": {},
       "secret_id": "secret-123546789012",
       "metadata": {
           "data": {
               "schema": {
                   "properties": {
                       "email": {
                           "pattern": "^[\\W]*([\\w+\\-.%]+@[\\w\\-.]+\\.[A-Za-z]{2,4}[\\W]*,{1}[\\W]*)*([\\w+\\-.%]+@[\\w\\-.]+\\.[A-Za-z]{2,4})[\\W]*$",
                           "examples": [
                           "minLength": 10.0,
                           "description": "Email address to receive notifications",
                           "type": "string",
                           "title": "Email Address"
                   "required": [
                   "type": "object"
           "data_type": "PLAIN_TEXT"
       "upgrade_mode": "AUTO"
   "tags": {},
   "domain_id": "domain-123546789012",
   "created_at": "2022-01-01T07:55:57.043Z"

list #

Gets a list of Protocols. You can use a query to get a filtered list of Protocols.

POST /notification/v1/protocol/list


  • query (Query)

    Query format provided by SpaceONE. Please check the link for more information.

  • protocol_id (string)

    The ID of Protocol.

  • name (string)

    The name of Protocol.

  • state (ProtocolState)

    The state of Protocol. ENABLED or DISABLED only.

  • protocol_type (ProtocolType)

    The type of Protocol. INTERNAL or EXTERNAL only.

   "query": {}


  • results (ProtocolInfo) Repeated Required

    List of queried protocols.

  • total_count (int32) Required

    Total counts of queried Protocols.


                              "description":"Email address to receive notifications",
                              "title":"Email Address"


stat #

POST /notification/v1/protocol/stat

Message #

CreateProtocolRequest #

  • name (string) Required

    The name of Protocol. It can have a maximum of 255 characters.

  • plugin_info (PluginRequest) Required

    Describe a Plugin information for protocol that include was used plugin, specific version, schema etc.

  • tags (Struct)

    The tags for protocol.

PluginInfo #

  • plugin_id (string) Required

    The ID of plugin set in the Protocol.

  • version (string) Required

    The version of plugin.

  • options (Struct) Required

    The Options that contains information about using plugin.

  • metadata (Struct) Required

    The metadata of plugin. It includes schema for the data that must be set for the Channel when creating the Channel using a Protocol. The schema follows the JSON Schema format.

  • upgrade_mode (UpgradeMode) Required

    Auto upgrade for plugin. If the upgrade_mode is AUTO, check the latest plugin version when running the plugin, and if a new version is existed, replace the plugin and then run it.

  • secret_id (string)

    The ID of the Secret containing encrypted data to be used in the plugin.

PluginRequest #

  • plugin_id (string) Required

    The ID of plugin.

  • version (string) Required

    The version of plugin.

  • options (Struct)

    The Options that contains information about using plugin.

  • secret_data (Struct)

    The data for using plugin if necessary. This data is encrypted and stored in the Secret service.

  • schema (string)

    The name of schema. When the secret_data is stored in the Secret service, it can be set with schema if the schema is existed. The schema is provided through the Repository service.

  • upgrade_mode (UpgradeMode)

    Auto upgrade feature for plugin. If the upgrade mode is AUTO, check the latest plugin version when running the plugin, and if a new version is existed, replace the plugin and then run it.

ProtocolInfo #

  • protocol_id (string) Required

    The ID of Protocol.

  • name (string) Required

    The name of Protocol.

  • state (ProtocolState) Required

    The state of Protocol. ENABLED or DISABLED only.

  • protocol_type (ProtocolType) Required

    desc : The type of Protocol. INTERNAL or EXTERNAL only.

  • resource_type (string) Required

    desc : Resource type for Protocol. Currently only identity.Project or identity.User can be set.

  • capability (Struct) Required

    desc : The capability information for the Protocol. It included supported schema for the Protocol.

  • plugin_info (PluginInfo) Required

    the plugin information set in Protocol.

  • tags (Struct) Required

    The tags for protocol.

  • domain_id (string) Required

    The ID of domain to which the Protocol belongs.

  • created_at (string) Required

    Protocol creation time.

ProtocolQuery #

  • query (Query)

    Query format provided by SpaceONE. Please check the link for more information.

  • protocol_id (string)

    The ID of Protocol.

  • name (string)

    The name of Protocol.

  • state (ProtocolState)

    The state of Protocol. ENABLED or DISABLED only.

  • protocol_type (ProtocolType)

    The type of Protocol. INTERNAL or EXTERNAL only.

ProtocolRequest #

  • protocol_id (string) Required

    The ID of Protocol.

ProtocolStatQuery #

  • query (StatisticsQuery) Required

    Statistics Query format provided by SpaceONE. Please check the link for more information.

ProtocolsInfo #

  • results (ProtocolInfo) Repeated Required

    List of queried protocols.

  • total_count (int32) Required

    Total counts of queried Protocols.

UpdateProtocolPluginRequest #

  • protocol_id (string) Required

    The ID of Protocol.

  • domain_id (string) Required

    The ID of domain to which the Protocol belongs.

  • version (string)

    The version of plugin you want to update. Version means the tags of plugin container image in repository that specific market place.

  • options (Struct)

    The Options that contains information about using plugin.

UpdateProtocolRequest #

  • protocol_id (string) Required

    The ID of Protocol.

  • name (string)

    The Name of Protocol. It can have a maximum of 255 characters.

  • tags (Struct)

    The tags for protocol. When updating, existing tag information is deleted all and will be updated with new.

Calendar July 1, 2024
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