
Quota #

A Quota is a limit on protocol usage for a day or a month. You can manage the use of the protocol with a Quota.

Package : spaceone.api.notification.v1

Quota #

Quota Methods:


create #

Creates a new Quota limiting the use of a selected Protocol for a day or a month. If the parameter limit has no value, it will be deemed unlimited. If a Protocol has not set a Quota, the default Quota set in the Config will be applied.

POST /notification/v1/quota/create


  • protocol_id (string) Required

  • limit (Struct) Required

    The information about Quota limitation.

  • domain_id (string) Required

    The ID of domain.

   "protocol_id": "protocol-123456789012",
   "limit": {
       "day": 5.0,
       "month": 7.0


  • quota_id (string) Required

    The ID of Quota.

  • protocol_id (string) Required

    The ID of Protocol.

  • limit (Struct) Required

    The information about Quota limitation.

  • domain_id (string) Required

    The ID of domain

   "quota_id": "quota-123456789012",
   "protocol_id": "protocol-123456789012",
   "limit": {
       "day": 5.0,
       "month": 7.0
   "domain_id": "domain-123456789012"

update #

Updates a specific Quota. You can make changes in Quota limit, managing the use of the Protocol.

POST /notification/v1/quota/update


  • quota_id (string) Required

    The ID of Quota.

  • limit (Struct) Required

    The information about Quota limitation.

  • domain_id (string) Required

   "quota_id": "quota-123456789012",
   "limit": {
       "day": 10.0,
       "month": 15.0


  • quota_id (string) Required

    The ID of Quota.

  • protocol_id (string) Required

    The ID of Protocol.

  • limit (Struct) Required

    The information about Quota limitation.

  • domain_id (string) Required

    The ID of domain

   "quota_id": "quota-123456789012",
   "protocol_id": "protocol-123456789012",
   "limit": {
       "day": 5.0,
       "month": 7.0
   "domain_id": "domain-123456789012"

delete #

Deletes a specific Quota. The default Quota set in the Config will be applied to the Protocol you deleted the Quota of.

POST /notification/v1/quota/delete


  • quota_id (string) Required

    The ID of Quota.

  • domain_id (string) Required

    The ID of domain.

   "quota_id": "quota-123456789012"

get #

Gets a specific Quota. Prints detailed information about the Quota, including the limit and the Protocol limited by the Quota.

POST /notification/v1/quota/get


  • quota_id (string) Required

    The ID of Quota.

  • domain_id (string) Required

    The ID of domain.

   "quota_id": "quota-123456789012"


  • quota_id (string) Required

    The ID of Quota.

  • protocol_id (string) Required

    The ID of Protocol.

  • limit (Struct) Required

    The information about Quota limitation.

  • domain_id (string) Required

    The ID of domain

   "quota_id": "quota-123456789012",
   "protocol_id": "protocol-123456789012",
   "limit": {
       "day": 5.0,
       "month": 7.0
   "domain_id": "domain-123456789012"

list #

Gets a list of all Quotas. You can use a query to get a filtered list of Quotas.

POST /notification/v1/quota/list


  • domain_id (string) Required

    The ID of domain.

  • query (Query)

    Query format provided by SpaceONE. Please check the link for more information.

  • quota_id (string)

    The ID of Quota.

  • protocol_id (string)

    The ID of Protocol.

   "query": {}


  • results (QuotaInfo) Repeated Required

    List of queried Quota.

  • total_count (int32) Required

    Total counts of queried Quota.

   "results": [
           "quota_id": "quota-123456789012",
           "protocol_id": "protocol-123456789012",
           "limit": {
               "day": 10.0,
               "month": 15.0
           "domain_id": "domain-123456789012"
           "quota_id": "quota-987654321098",
           "protocol_id": "protocol-987654321098",
           "limit": {
               "day": 5.0,
               "month": 7.0
           "domain_id": "domain-123456789012"
   "total_count": 2

stat #

POST /notification/v1/quota/stat

Message #

CreateQuotaRequest #

  • protocol_id (string) Required

  • limit (Struct) Required

    The information about Quota limitation.

  • domain_id (string) Required

    The ID of domain.

QuotaInfo #

  • quota_id (string) Required

    The ID of Quota.

  • protocol_id (string) Required

    The ID of Protocol.

  • limit (Struct) Required

    The information about Quota limitation.

  • domain_id (string) Required

    The ID of domain

QuotaQuery #

  • domain_id (string) Required

    The ID of domain.

  • query (Query)

    Query format provided by SpaceONE. Please check the link for more information.

  • quota_id (string)

    The ID of Quota.

  • protocol_id (string)

    The ID of Protocol.

QuotaRequest #

  • quota_id (string) Required

    The ID of Quota.

  • domain_id (string) Required

    The ID of domain.

QuotaStatQuery #

  • query (StatisticsQuery) Required

    Statistics Query format provided by SpaceONE. Please check the link for more information.

  • domain_id (string) Required

    The ID of domain.

QuotasInfo #

  • results (QuotaInfo) Repeated Required

    List of queried Quota.

  • total_count (int32) Required

    Total counts of queried Quota.

UpdateQuotaRequest #

  • quota_id (string) Required

    The ID of Quota.

  • limit (Struct) Required

    The information about Quota limitation.

  • domain_id (string) Required

Calendar July 1, 2024
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