
History #

A History is a record of data collection based on a Schedule.

Package : spaceone.api.statistics.v1

History #

History Methods:


create #

Creates a new History. Gets a Schedule as an input and creates a History as an output. You can use this method to manually run a specific Schedule.

POST /statistics/v1/history/create

list #

Gets a list of all Histories. You can use a query to get a filtered list of Histories.

POST /statistics/v1/history/list

stat #

POST /statistics/v1/history/stat

Message #

CreateHistoryRequest #

  • schedule_id (string) Required

HistoryInfo #

  • results (HistoryValueInfo) Repeated Required

  • total_count (int32) Required

HistoryStatRequest #

  • query (StatisticsQuery) Required

  • topic (string)

HistoryValueInfo #

  • topic (string) Required

  • values (Struct) Required

  • domain_id (string) Required

  • created_at (string) Required

QueryHistoryRequest #

  • query (Query)

  • topic (string)

Calendar July 1, 2024
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