Micro Service Deployment

Micro Service Deployment

Cloudforet Deployment

The Cloudforet can be deployed by Helm chart. Each micro services has its own Helm chart, and the top chart, spaceone/spaceone contains all sub charts like console, identity, inventory and plugin.

Cloudforet provides own Helm chart repository. The repository URL is https://cloudforet-io.github.io/charts

helm repo add spaceone https://cloudforet-io.github.io/charts
helm repo list
helm repo update

helm search repo -r spaceone
spaceone/spaceone             	1.8.6        	1.8.6      	A Helm chart for Cloudforet
spaceone/spaceone-initializer 	1.2.8        	1.x.y      	Cloudforet domain initializer Helm chart for Kube...
spaceone/billing              	1.3.6        	1.x.y      	Cloudforet billing Helm chart for Kubernetes
spaceone/billing-v2           	1.3.6        	1.x.y      	Cloudforet billing v2 Helm chart for Kubernetes
spaceone/config               	1.3.6        	1.x.y      	Cloudforet config Helm chart for Kubernetes
spaceone/console              	1.2.5        	1.x.y      	Cloudforet console Helm chart for Kubernetes
spaceone/console-api          	1.1.8        	1.x.y      	Cloudforet console-api Helm chart for Kubernetes
spaceone/cost-analysis        	1.3.7        	1.x.y      	Cloudforet Cost Analysis Helm chart for Kubernetes
spaceone/cost-saving          	1.3.6        	1.x.y      	Cloudforet cost_saving Helm chart for Kubernetes
spaceone/docs                 	2.0.0        	1.0.0      	Cloudforet Open-Source Project Site Helm chart fo...
spaceone/identity             	1.3.7        	1.x.y      	Cloudforet identity Helm chart for Kubernetes
spaceone/inventory            	1.3.7        	1.x.y      	Cloudforet inventory Helm chart for Kubernetes
spaceone/marketplace-assets   	1.1.3        	1.x.y      	Cloudforet marketplace-assets Helm chart for Kube...
spaceone/monitoring           	1.3.15       	1.x.y      	Cloudforet monitoring Helm chart for Kubernetes
spaceone/notification         	1.3.8        	1.x.y      	Cloudforet notification Helm chart for Kubernetes
spaceone/plugin               	1.3.6        	1.x.y      	Cloudforet plugin Helm chart for Kubernetes
spaceone/power-scheduler      	1.3.6        	1.x.y      	Cloudforet power_scheduler Helm chart for Kubernetes
spaceone/project-site         	1.0.0        	0.1.0      	Cloudforet Open-Source Project Site Helm chart fo...
spaceone/repository           	1.3.6        	1.x.y      	Cloudforet repository Helm chart for Kubernetes
spaceone/secret               	1.3.9        	1.x.y      	Cloudforet secret Helm chart for Kubernetes
spaceone/spot-automation      	1.3.6        	1.x.y      	Cloudforet spot_automation Helm chart for Kubernetes
spaceone/spot-automation-proxy	1.0.0        	1.x.y      	Cloudforet Spot Automation Proxy Helm chart for K...
spaceone/statistics           	1.3.6        	1.x.y      	Cloudforet statistics Helm chart for Kubernetes
spaceone/supervisor           	1.1.4        	1.x.y      	Cloudforet supervisor Helm chart for Kubernetes

Helm Chart Code

Each repository should provide its own helm chart.

The code should be at {repository}/deploy/helm

Every Helm charts consists of four components.

File or DirectoryDescription
Chart.yamlInformation of this Helm chart
values.yamlDefault vaule of this Helm chart
config (directory)Default configuration of this micro service
templates (directory)Helm template files

The directory looks like

└── helm
    ├── Chart.yaml
    ├── config
    │   └── config.yaml
    ├── templates
    │   ├── NOTES.txt
    │   ├── _helpers.tpl
    │   ├── application-grpc-conf.yaml
    │   ├── application-rest-conf.yaml
    │   ├── application-scheduler-conf.yaml
    │   ├── application-worker-conf.yaml
    │   ├── database-conf.yaml
    │   ├── default-conf.yaml
    │   ├── deployment-grpc.yaml
    │   ├── deployment-rest.yaml
    │   ├── deployment-scheduler.yaml
    │   ├── deployment-worker.yaml
    │   ├── ingress-rest.yaml
    │   ├── rest-nginx-conf.yaml
    │   ├── rest-nginx-proxy-conf.yaml
    │   ├── service-grpc.yaml
    │   ├── service-rest.yaml
    │   └── shared-conf.yaml
    └── values.yaml

3 directories, 21 files

Based on micro service types like frontend, backend, or supervisor, the contents of templates directory is different.



values.yaml file defines default vault of templates.

Basic information

enabled: true
developer: false
grpc: true
scheduler: false
worker: false
rest: false
name: identity
    name: spaceone/identity
    version: latest
imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent

database: {}
  • enabled: true | false defines deploy this helm chart or not
  • developer: true | false for developer mode (recommendation: false)
  • grpc: true if you want to deploy gRPC server
  • rest: true if you want to deploy rest server
  • scheduler: true if you want to deploy scheduler server
  • worker: true if you want to deploy worker server
  • name: micro service name
  • image: docker image and version for this micro service
  • imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent | Always
  • database: if you want to overwrite default database configuration

Application Configuration

Each server type like gRPC, rest, scheduler or worker server has its own specific configuration.

application_grpc: {}
application_rest: {}
application_scheduler: {}
application_worker: {}

This section is used at templates/application-{server type}-conf.yaml, then saved as ConfigMap.

Deployment file uses this ConfigMap at volumes,

then volumeMount as /opt/spaceone/{ service name }/config/application.yaml

For example, inventory scheduler server needs QUEUES and SCHEDULERS configuration.

So you can easily configure by adding configuration at application_scheduler like

            backend: spaceone.core.queue.redis_queue.RedisQueue
            host: redis
            port: 6379
            channel: collector

            backend: spaceone.inventory.scheduler.inventory_scheduler.InventoryHourlyScheduler
            queue: collector_q
            interval: 1
            minute: ':00'

Local sidecar

If you want to append specific sidecar in this micro service.

# local sidecar

Local volumes

Every micro service needs default timezone and log directory.

# Local volumes
    - name: timezone
          path: /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Seoul
    - name: log-volume
      emptyDir: {}

Global variables

Every micro services need some part of same configuration or same sidecar.

# global variable
    shared: {}
    sidecar: []


gRPC or rest server needs Service

# Service
        type: ClusterIP
            nil: nil
            - name: grpc
              port: 50051
              targetPort: 50051
              protocol: TCP
        type: ClusterIP
            nil: nil
            - name: rest
              port: 80
              targetPort: 80
              protocol: TCP


Some micro service may need additional file or configuration. In this case use volumeMounts which can attach any thing.

# volumeMount per deployment
    application_grpc: []
    application_rest: []
    application_scheduler: []
    application_worker: []

POD Spec

We can configure specific value for POD spec. For example, we can use nodeSelector for deploy POD at specific K8S worker node.

# pod spec (append more pod spec)
# example nodeSelect
# pod:
#   spec:
#     nodeSelector:
#       application: my-node-group
    spec: {}

CI (github action)

If you want to make helm chart for this micro service, trigger at github action Make Helm Chart.