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Advanced feature

Advanced features are designed to use Cloudforet more conveniently.

1 - Custom table

Custom table feature is useful when there are many fields in the table or when you want to adjust the field order.

If you click the [Settings] icon button from the table, you can directly set up the table fields.


Getting field properties

You can sort fields by suggestion/alphabet or search by field name. You can also search by the tag field that you have.


Selecting/deselecting fields

Fields can be freely deselected/selected from the field table. Select the desired field and click the [OK] button.


Sorting fields

Auto sort

If you click the [Recommended order] or [Alphabetical order] button at the top of the field table, the fields are sorted by the corresponding condition. The sorting only applies to the selected field.


Manual sorting

You can manually sort fields by dragging and dropping the [Reorder] icon button to the right of the selected field.


Reverting to default settings

If you want to retrieve a custom field to its default settings, click the [Return to Default] button.


2 - Export as an Excel file

Export as an Excel file allows you to download table data compatible with Excel.

Click the [Export as an Excel file] icon button from the table.


The data downloaded to Excel is as follows, and if you set it up to show only some fields as a custom table, you can see the data of that field only:


3 - Search

Search feature makes your data easily refined and checked.

There are two ways to use the search bar from the data tables: advanced and keyword searches.

The search field provided by SpaceONE makes data searches much more convenient. All field names that can be searched would appear as you hover your mouse cursor over the search bar.


After selecting a field, you can manually enter a value for that field or choose it from a list of suggestions.


Use the keyword search if you want to search all fields rather than limit your search to a specific field. If you type the text in the search bar and press the enter key, the data containing the keyword is filtered in and displayed in the table.


You can use both advanced and keyword searches together, and multiple searches are possible. The search word shall be displayed in the table if any of the field values ​​are matched by filtering the data with the "or" condition.
