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Getting Started

How to install Cloudforet for developer

    Previous version of Cloudforet,

    VersionInstallation Guide
    v1.12 (stable)
    v2.x (development)Current page


    This is Getting Started Installation guide with minikube.

    Note :- This Guide is for developer only.

    Cloudforet-Minikube Architecture

    Cloudforet-Minikube Architecture


    • Minimum requirements for development (2 cores, 8 GB memories, 30GB disk)
    CSPPossible Instance Type
    AWSt3.large , m5.large
    GCPn4-standard-2, n1-standard-2
    • Docker/Docker Desktop
      • If you don't have Docker installed, minikube will return an error as minikube uses docker as the driver.
      • Highly recommend installing Docker Desktop based on your OS.
    • Minikube
      • Requires minimum Kubernetes version of 1.21+.
    • Kubectl
    • Helm
      • Requires minimum Helm version of 3.11.0+.
      • If you want to learn more about Helm, refer to this.

    Before diving into the Cloudforet Installation process, start minikube by running the command below.

    minikube start --driver=docker --memory=6000mb


    You can install the Cloudforet by the following the steps below.

    1) Add Helm Repository

    This command wll register Helm repository.

    helm repo add cloudforet
    helm repo update
    helm search repo cloudforet

    2) Create Namespaces

    kubectl create ns cloudforet
    kubectl create ns cloudforet-plugin

    3) Create Role and RoleBinding

    First, download the rbac.yaml file.

    The rbac.yaml file basically serves as a means to regulate access to computer or network resources based on the roles of individual users. For more information about RBAC Authorization in Kubernetes, refer to this.

    If you are used to downloading files via command-line, run this command to download the file. Next, execute the following command.

    wget -O rbac.yaml
    kubectl apply -f rbac.yaml -n cloudforet-plugin

    4) Install Cloudforet Chart

    Download default YAML file for helm chart. Execute the following command.

    Current Cloudforet 2.x is development status, so you need to add --devel option.

    wget -O release-2x.yaml
    helm install cloudforet cloudforet/spaceone -n cloudforet -f release-2x.yaml --devel

    After executing the above command, check the status of the pod.

    Scheduler pods are in CrashLoopBackOff or Error state. This is because the setup is not complete.

    kubectl get pod -n cloudforet
    NAME                                      READY   STATUS             RESTARTS      AGE
    board-5746fd9657-vtd45                    1/1     Running            0             57s
    config-5d4c4b7f58-z8k9q                   1/1     Running            0             58s
    console-6b64cf66cb-q8v54                  1/1     Running            0             59s
    console-api-7c95848cb8-sgt56              2/2     Running            0             58s
    console-api-v2-rest-7d64bc85dd-987zn      2/2     Running            0             56s
    cost-analysis-7b9d64b944-xw9qg            1/1     Running            0             59s
    cost-analysis-scheduler-ff8cc758d-lfx4n   0/1     Error              3 (37s ago)   55s
    cost-analysis-worker-559b4799b9-fxmxj     1/1     Running            0             58s
    dashboard-b4cc996-mgwj9                   1/1     Running            0             56s
    docs-5fb4cc56c7-68qbk                     1/1     Running            0             59s
    identity-6fc984459d-zk8r9                 1/1     Running            0             56s
    inventory-67498999d6-722bw                1/1     Running            0             57s
    inventory-scheduler-5dc6856d44-4spvm      0/1     CrashLoopBackOff   3 (18s ago)   59s
    inventory-worker-68d9fcf5fb-x6knb         1/1     Running            0             55s
    marketplace-assets-8675d44557-ssm92       1/1     Running            0             59s
    mongodb-7c9794854-cdmwj                   1/1     Running            0             59s
    monitoring-fdd44bdbf-pcgln                1/1     Running            0             59s
    notification-5b477f6c49-gzfl8             1/1     Running            0             59s
    notification-scheduler-675696467-gn24j    1/1     Running            0             59s
    notification-worker-d88bb6df6-pjtmn       1/1     Running            0             57s
    plugin-556f7bc49b-qmwln                   1/1     Running            0             57s
    plugin-scheduler-86c4c56d84-cmrmn         0/1     CrashLoopBackOff   3 (13s ago)   59s
    plugin-worker-57986dfdd6-v9vqg            1/1     Running            0             58s
    redis-75df77f7d4-lwvvw                    1/1     Running            0             59s
    repository-5f5b7b5cdc-lnjkl               1/1     Running            0             57s
    secret-77ffdf8c9d-48k46                   1/1     Running            0             55s
    spacectl-5664788d5d-dtwpr                 1/1     Running            0             59s
    statistics-67b77b6654-p9wcb               1/1     Running            0             56s
    statistics-scheduler-586875947c-8zfqg     0/1     Error              3 (30s ago)   56s
    statistics-worker-68d646fc7-knbdr         1/1     Running            0             58s
    supervisor-scheduler-6744657cb6-tpf78     2/2     Running            0             59s

    To execute the commands below, every POD except xxxx-scheduler-yyyy must have a Running status.

    5) Default Initialization (in spacectl POD)

    To use Cloudforet, you have to initialize the root domain, which creates a SYSTEM TOKEN.

    Login to the spacectl POD and execute the command below.

    kubectl exec -it -n cloudforet spacectl-xxxxx -- /bin/sh
    spacectl config init -f default.yaml

    root domain yaml file (root.yaml)

        password: Admin123!@#
        name: Admin

    Execute the command below to create the root domain.

    spacectl exec init identity.System -f root.yaml

    6) Update Helm Values

    Update your helm values file (ex. release-2x.yaml) and edit the values. There is only one item that need to be updated.

    For EC2 users: put in your EC2 server's public IP instead of for both CONSOLE_API and CONSOLE_API_V2 ENDPOINT.

    • TOKEN (from the previous step)
          ENDPOINT: http://localhost:8081  # http://ec2_public_ip:8081 for EC2 users
          ENDPOINT: http://localhost:8082  # http://ec2_public_ip:8082 for EC2 users
        TOKEN: 'TOKEN_VALUE_FROM_ABOVE'   # Change the system token

    After editing the helm values file(ex. release-2x.yaml), upgrade the helm chart.

    helm upgrade cloudforet cloudforet/spaceone -n cloudforet -f release-2x.yaml --devel

    After upgrading, delete the pods in cloudforet namespace that have the label and value cloudforet.

    kubectl delete po -n cloudforet -l

    7) Check the status of the pods

    kubectl get pod -n cloudforet

    8) Create User Domain (In spacectl POD)

    Create a user domain yaml file (domain.yaml)

    name: spaceone
      password: Admin123!@#
      name: Admin

    execute the command below to create the user domain.

    spacectl config init -f default.yaml
    spacectl config set api_key {SYSTEM_TOKEN} 
    spacectl exec create identity.Domain -f domain.yaml

    If all pods are in Running state, the setup is complete.


    Installing Cloudforet on minikube doesn't provide any Ingress objects such as Amazon ALB or NGINX ingress controller. We can use kubectl port-forward instead.

    Run the following commands for port forwarding.

    # CLI commands
    kubectl port-forward -n cloudforet svc/console 8080:80 --address='' &
    kubectl port-forward -n cloudforet svc/console-api 8081:80 --address='' &
    kubectl port-forward -n cloudforet svc/console-api-v2-rest 8082:80 --address='' &

    Start Cloudforet

    Log-In User Domain

    For EC2 users: open browser with http://your_ec2_server_ip:8080

    Open browser (

