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    Quick install guide for SpaceONE with minikube.


    Before installing SpaceONE, you need minikube and helm installed.
    Refer to the link below and proceed with the installation.

    Start Minikube

    • Spaceone requires a minimum of 4GB of memory.
    minikube start --driver=docker --memory=4096mb

    Install SpaceONE


    Create namespace a for SpaceONE.
    SpaceONE needs two namespaces, spaceone and root-supervisor.

    kubectl create ns spaceone
    kubectl create ns root-supervisor

    Check namespace list.

    kubectl get ns

    Helm Chart

    It is highly recommended to change kubernetes namespace to spaceone.

    kubectl config set-context $(kubectl config current-context) --namespace spaceone

    Register helm chart for SpaceONE.

    helm repo add spaceone https://cloudforet-io.github.io/charts
    helm repo list
    helm repo update

    Install SpaceONE with helm chart

    Example versions are subject to change.
    Please refer to this link to check the latest version.

    git clone https://github.com/cloudforet-io/charts.git
    cd charts/examples/v1.11.0
    helm install spaceone -f minikube.yaml spaceone/spaceone --version 1.11.0

    If you are using Amazon EC2, change localhost to your Amazon EC2's public IP address at minikube.yaml.

            ENDPOINT: http://##### EC2 public IP ####:8081
          DOMAIN_NAME: spaceone
          DOMAIN_NAME_REF: spaceone
          BILLING_ENABLED: []

    You need to check status of pods.

    kubectl get pod

    Check if STATUS is Completed or Running. It will take some time, so please wait.


    Installing SpaceONE on minikube doesn't provide any Ingress objects such as Amazon ALB or NGINX ingress controller. We can use kubectl port-forward instead.

    kubectl port-forward -n spaceone svc/console 8080:80 --address=''
    kubectl port-forward -n spaceone svc/console-api 8081:80 --address=''

    Open two terminals then run each command at separate terminal.


    You can run kubectl port-forward in background by adding & at the end.

    kubectl port-forward -n spaceone svc/console 8080:80 --address='' &
    kubectl port-forward -n spaceone svc/console-api 8081:80 --address='' &

    Start SpaceONE

    Log-In (Sign in for Root Account)

    Open browser (localhost:8080)


    Initial Setup


    If you are using Amazon Linux(RedHat Linux), you have to install required dependencies.

    yum install socat