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Documentation for Cloudforet - Easy guide for multi cloud management

Documentation and detailed use guide for Cloudforet contributors.
cloudforet ecosystem

1 - Introduction

Introducing Cloudforet Project

1.1 - Overview

Introducing Cloudforet Project

Main Features

1. Multi-Cloud Management

  • IaaS Infra-integration: Auto-discovery and sorting infrastructure information scattered across various platforms
  • Resource Search: Quick search over resources reflected on relevance
  • Resource Monitoring: Instant connection to resource's status connected to infrastructure

2. Cloud Orchestration

  • Infrastructure as Code: Code-based infrastructure configuration management

  • Remote Command: Batch command execution over multiple remote servers

  • Application Catalog: Supports easy installation on applications such as Database and Middleware

3. Infra. Analysis

  • Security Compliance: Auto-detection and analysis on Cloud security vulnerabilities
  • Cost Optimization: Detection over unused resources and analyzing overinvested infrastructure
  • Capacity Planning: Infrastructure usage statistics and expansion plan establishment

Cloudforet Universe

Our feature is expanding all areas to build a Cloudforet universe to fulfill requirements for cloud operation/management based on the inventory data, automation, analysis, and many more for Multi Clouds. SpaceONE Universe

1.2 - Integrations

Supported Technologies


Cloudforet supports the Plugin Interfaces, which supports to extend Core Services. The supported plugins are below


Inventory.Collector supports Collection of Assets. Integrate all your cloud service accounts and scan all existing resources. All cloud resources are collected through Cloudforet collector plugins based on the Plugin Interfaces.

AWS Cloud Service Plugin

MS Azure Cloud Service Plugin

Google Cloud Service Plugin


Identity.auth supports user management. Choonho various authentication options. Cloudforet supports from local ID / password to external identity services including Google OAuth2, Active Directory and Keycloak.

Google oAuth Identity Plugin

KeyCloak Identity Plugin



AWS CloudWatch DataSource Plugin

Azure Monitor DataSource Plugin

Google Cloud Monitor DataSource Plugin


AWS Simple Notification Webhook Plugin

Zabbix Webhook Plugin

Grafana Webhook Plugin


API Direct Connect Protocol Plugin

AWS SNS Protocol Plugin

Slack Protocol Plugin

Telegram Protocol Plugin

Email Protocol Plugin


Megazone Hyperbilling Billing Service

1.3 - Key Differentiators

Core technology of Cloudforet.

Open Platform

In order to provide effective and flexible support over various cloud platforms, we aim for an open source based strategy cloud developer community. Open Platform

Plugin Interfaces

Protocol-Buffer based gRPC Framework provides optimization on its own engine, enabling effective processing of thousands of various cloud schemas based on MSA (Micro Service Architecture). Plugin Architecture

Dynamic Rendering

Provide a user-customized view with selected items by creating a Custom-Dashboard based on Json Metadata. Dynamic Rendering

Plugin Ecosystem

A Plugin marketplace for various users such as MSP, 3rd party, and customers to provide freedom for developments and installation according to their own needs. Plugin Ecosystem

1.4 - Release Notes

SpaceONE Release Notes
DateVersionSee Details
2023-03-061.11.0Version 1.11.0-english
2022-11-281.10.4Version 1.10.4-english
2022-11-071.10.3Version 1.10.3-english
2022-10-111.10.2Version 1.10.2-english
2022-09-011.10.1Version 1.10.1-english
2022-07-221.10.0Version 1.10.0-english
2022-05-251.9.7Version 1.9.6-english
2022-05-021.9.6Version 1.9.6-english
2022-04-051.9.4Version 1.9.4-english
2022-03-101.9.3Version 1.9.3-english
2022-02-091.9.1Version 1.9.1-english
2021-12-301.9.0Version 1.9.0-english
2021-12-141.8.7Version 1.8.7-english
2021-11-051.8.5Version 1.8.5-english
2021-10-051.8.4Version 1.8.4-english
2021-09-141.8.3Version 1.8.3-english
2021-08-311.8.2Version 1.8.2-english
2021-08-171.8.1Version 1.8.1-english
2021-07-211.7.4Version 1.7.4-english
2021-06-291.7.3Version 1.7.3-english
2021-05-271.7.2Version 1.7.2-english
2021-04-211.6.7Version 1.6.7-english
2021-03-091.6.4Version 1.6.4-english
2021-02-171.6.2Version 1.6.2-english
2021-01-251.6.1Version 1.6.1-english
2020-12-291.5.3Version 1.5.3-english
2020-11-231.5.1Version 1.5.1-english
2020-9-281.3.2Version 1.3.2-english

2 - Concepts

About SpaceONE Project

2.1 - Architecture

Overall Architecture

2.2 - Identity

Overall explanation of identity service

2.2.1 - Project Management

About project management

2.2.2 - Role Based Access Control

This page explores the basic concepts of User Role-Based Access Management (RBAC) in SpaceONE.

How RBAC Works

Define who can access what to who and which organization (project or domain) through SpaceONE's RBAC (Role Based Access Control).

For example, the Project Admin Role can inquire (Read) and make several changes (Update/Delete) on all resources within the specified Project. Domain Viewer Role can inquire (Read) all resources within the specified domain. Resources here include everything from users created within SpaceONE, Project/Project Groups, and individual cloud resources.

Every user has one or more roles, which can be assigned directly or inherited within a project. This makes it easy to manage user role management in complex project relationships.

Role defines what actions can be performed on the resource specified through Policy. Also, a Role is bound to each user. The diagram below shows the relationships between Users and Roles and Projects that make up RBAC.

This role management model is divided into three main components.

  • Role. It is a collection of access right policies that can be granted for each user. All roles must have one policy. For more detailed explanation, please refer to Understanding Role.

  • Project. The project or project group to which the permission is applied.

  • User. Users include users who log in to the console and use UI, API users, and SYSTEM users. Each user is connected to multiple Roles through the RoleBinding procedure. Through this, it is possible to access various resources of SpaceONE by receiving appropriate permissions.

Basic Concepts

When a user wants to access resources within an organization, the administrator grants each user a role of the target project or domain. SpaceONE Identity Service verifies the Role/Policy granted to each user to determine whether each user can access resources or not.


If a user wants to access a resource in a specific SpaceONE project, you can grant the user an appropriate role and then add it to the target project as a member to make it accessible. Examples of these resources are Server, Project, Alert .

In order to conveniently use the resources managed within SpaceONE for each service, we provide predefined Role/Policy. If you want to define your own access scope within the company, you can create a Custom Policy/Custom Role and apply it to the internal organization.

For a detailed explanation of this, refer to Understanding Role.


A policy is a collection of permissions. In permission, the allowed access range for each resource of Space One is defined. A policy can be assigned to each user through a role. Policies can be published on the Marketplace and be used by other users, or can be published privately for a specific domain.

This permission is expressed in the form below. {service}.{resource}.{verb} For example, it has the form inventory.Server.list .

Permission also corresponds to SpaceONE API Method. This is because each microservice in SpaceONE is closely related to each exposed API method. Therefore, when the user calls SpaceONE API Method, corresponding permission is required.

For example, if you want to call inventory.Server.list to see the server list of the Inventory service, you must have the corresponding inventory.Server.list permission included in your role.

Permission cannot be granted directly to a user. Instead, an appropriate set of permissions can be defined as a policy and assigned to a user through a role. For more information, refer to Understanding Policy.


A role is composed of a combination of an access target and a policy. Permission cannot be directly granted to a user, but can be granted in the form of a role. Also, all resources in SpaceONE belong to Project. DOMAIN, PROJECT can be separated and managed.

For example, Domain Admin Role is provided for the full administrator of the domain, and Alert Manager Operator Role is provided for event management of Alert Manager.


All cloud resources managed within SpaceONE are managed in units of projects. Therefore, you can control access to resources by giving each user a role and adding them as project members.

Depending on the role type, the user can access all resources within the domain or the resources within the specified project.

  • Domain: You can access all resources within the domain.
  • Project: You can access the resources within the specified Project.

Project type users can access resources within the project by specifically being added as a member of the project.

If you add as member of Project Group, the right to access all subordinate project resources is inherited.


All resources in SpaceONE can be managed hierarchically through the following organizational structure.

All users can specify access targets in such a way that they are connected (RoleBinding) to the organization.

  • Domain : This is the highest level organization. Covers all projects and project groups.
  • PROJECT GROUP : This is an organization that can integrate and manage multiple projects.
  • Projects : The smallest organizational unit in SpaceONE. All cloud resources belong to a project. - Understanding Policy

This page takes a detailed look at Policy.


Policy is a set of permissions defined to perform specific actions on SpaceONE resources. Permissions define the scopes that can be managed for Cloud Resources. For an overall description of the authority management system, please refer to Role Based Access Control.

Policy Type

Once defined, the policy can be shared so that it can be used by roles in other domains. Depending on whether or not this is possible, the policy is divided into two types.

  • MANAGED: A policy defined globally in the Repository service. The policy is directly managed and shared by the entire system administrator. This is a common policy convenient for most users.
  • CUSTOM: You can use a policy with self-defined permissions for each domain. It is useful to manage detailed permission for each domain.

Policy can be classified as following according to Permission Scope.

  • Basic: Includes overall permission for all resources in SpaceONE.
  • Predefined : Includes granular permission for specific services (alert manager, billing, etc.).

Managed Policy

The policy below is a full list of Managed Policies managed by the CloudONE team. Detailed permission is automatically updated if necessary. Managed Policy was created to classify policies according to the major roles within the organization.

Policy TypePolicy NamePolicy IdPermission DescriptionReference
MANAGED-BasicDomain Admin Accesspolicy-managed-domain-adminHas all privileges except for the following
Create/delete domain
api_type is SYSTEM/NO_AUTH
Manage DomainOwner (create/change/delete)
Manage plug-in identity.Auth Plugin management ( change)
MANAGED-BasicDomain Viewer Accesspolicy-managed-domain-viewerRead permission among Domain Admin Access permissionspolicy-managed-domain-viewer
MANAGED-BasicProject Admin Accesspolicy-managed-project-adminExclude the following permissions from Domain Admin Access Policy
Manage providers (create/change/inquire/delete)
Manage Role/Policy (create/change/delete)
Manage plug-ins inventory.Collector (create/change /delete)
plugin management monitoring.DataSource (create/change/delete)
plugin management notification.Protocol (create/change/delete)
MANAGED-BasicProject Viewer Accesspolicy-managed-project-viewerRead permission among Permissions of Project Admin Access Policypolicy-managed-project-viewer
MANAGED-PredefinedAlert Manager Full Accesspolicy-managed-alert-manager-full-accessFull access to Alert Managerpolicy-managed-alert-manager-full-access

Custom Policy

If you want to manage the policy of a domain by yourself, please refer to the Managing Custom Policy document. - Understanding Role

This page takes a detailed look at Roles.

Role structure

Role is a Role Type that specifies the scope of access to resources as shown below and the organization (project or project group) to which the authority is applied. Users can define access rights within each SpaceONE through RoleBinding.

Role Example

Example: Alert Operator Role

  - created_at: '2021-11-15T05:12:31.060Z'
    domain_id: domain-xxx
    name: Alert Manager Operator
      - policy_id: policy-managed-alert-manager-operator
        policy_type: MANAGED
    role_id: role-f18c7d2a9398
    role_type: PROJECT
    tags: {}

Example : Domain Viewer Role

- created_at: '2021-11-15T05:12:28.865Z'
  domain_id: domain-xxx
  name: Domain Viewer
  - policy_id: policy-managed-domain-viewer
    policy_type: MANAGED
  role_id: role-242f9851eee7
  role_type: DOMAIN
  tags: {}

Role Type

Role Type specifies the range of accessible resources within the domain.

  • DOMAIN: Access is possible to all resources in the domain.
  • PROJECT: Access is possible to all resources in the project added as a member.

Please refer to Add as Project Member for how to add a member as a member in the project.

Add Member

All resources in SpaceONE are hierarchically managed as follows. The administrator of the domain can manage so that users can access resources within the project by adding members to each project. Users who need access to multiple projects can access all projects belonging to the lower hierarchy by being added to the parent project group as a member. For how to add as a member of the Project Group, refer to Add as a Member of Project Group.

Role Hierarchy

If a user has complex Rolebinding within the hierarchical project structure. Role is applied according to the following rules.

For example, as shown in the figure below, the user is bound to the parent Project Group as Project Admin Role, and the lower level project is APAC. When it is bound to Project Viewer Role in Roles for each project are applied in the following way.

  • The role of the parent project is applied to the sub-project/project group that is not directly bound by RoleBinding.
  • The role is applied to the subproject that has explicit RoleBinding. (overwriting the higher-level role)

Default Roles

All SpaceOne domains automatically include Default Role when created. Below is the list.

NameRole TypeDescription
Domain AdminDOMAINYou can search/change/delete all domain resources
Domain ViewerDOMAINYou can search all domain resources
Project AdminPROJECTYou can view/change/delete the entire project resource added as a member
Project ViewerPROJECTYou can search the entire project resource added as a member
Alert Manager OperatorPROJECTYou can inquire the entire project resource added as a member, and have the alert handling authority of Alert Manager

Managing Roles

Roles can be managed by the domain itself through spacectl. Please refer to the Managing Roles document.

2.3 - Inventory

Overall explanation of inventory service

2.3.1 - Monitoring

About monitoring service

2.4 - Alert Manager

About alert manager

2.5 - Cost Analysis

About cost analysis

3 - Setup & Operation

SpaceONE System Administrator Guide

3.1 - Getting Started

How to install Cloudforet for developer

This is Getting Started Installation guide with minikube.

Note :- This Guide is not for production, but for developer only.

Verified Environments

DistroStatusLink(ex. Blog)
Ubuntu 20.04Not Tested
Ubuntu 22.04Verified
Amazon Linux 2Not Tested
Amazon Linux 2023Not Tested
macOS (Apple Silicon, M1)Verified
macOS (Apple Silicon, M2)Verified


Cloudforet-Minikube Architecture

Cloudforet-Minikube Architecture


  • AWS EC2 VM (Intel/AMD/ARM CPU)

Recommended instance type: t3.large (2 cores, 8 GB Memory, 30GB EBS)

  • Docker/Docker Desktop
    • If you don't have Docker installed, minikube will return an error as minikube uses docker as the driver.
    • Highly recommend installing Docker Desktop based on your OS.
  • Minikube
    • Requires minimum Kubernetes version of 1.21+.
  • Kubectl
  • Helm
    • Requires minimum Helm version of 3.11.0+.
    • If you want to learn more about Helm, refer to this.

Before diving into the Cloudforet Installation process, start minikube by running the command below.

minikube start --driver=docker --memory=5000mb

If you encounter Unable to resolve the current Docker CLI context "default" error, check if the docker daemon is running.


You can install the Cloudforet by the following the steps below.

For Cloudforet v1.12.x, we DONOT provide helm charts online. You can download the helm chart from the Cloudforet Github

1) Download Helm Chart Repository

This command wll download Helm repository.

# Set working directory
mkdir cloudforet-deployment
cd cloudforet-deployment
tar zxvf spaceone-1.12.12.tgz

2) Create Namespaces

kubectl create ns cloudforet
kubectl create ns cloudforet-plugin

3) Create Role and RoleBinding

First, download the rbac.yaml file.

The rbac.yaml file basically serves as a means to regulate access to computer or network resources based on the roles of individual users. For more information about RBAC Authorization in Kubernetes, refer to this.

If you are used to downloading files via command-line, run this command to download the file.

wget -O rbac.yaml

Next, execute the following command.

kubectl apply -f rbac.yaml -n cloudforet-plugin

4) Install Cloudforet Chart

Download default YAML file for helm chart.

wget -O release-1-12.yaml
helm install cloudforet spaceone -n cloudforet -f release-1-12.yaml

After executing the above command, check the status of the pod.

Scheduler pods are in CrashLoopBackOff or Error state. This is because the setup is not complete.

kubectl get pod -n cloudforet

NAME                                      READY   STATUS             RESTARTS      AGE
board-5746fd9657-vtd45                    1/1     Running            0             57s
config-5d4c4b7f58-z8k9q                   1/1     Running            0             58s
console-6b64cf66cb-q8v54                  1/1     Running            0             59s
console-api-7c95848cb8-sgt56              2/2     Running            0             58s
console-api-v2-rest-7d64bc85dd-987zn      2/2     Running            0             56s
cost-analysis-7b9d64b944-xw9qg            1/1     Running            0             59s
cost-analysis-scheduler-ff8cc758d-lfx4n   0/1     Error              3 (37s ago)   55s
cost-analysis-worker-559b4799b9-fxmxj     1/1     Running            0             58s
dashboard-b4cc996-mgwj9                   1/1     Running            0             56s
docs-5fb4cc56c7-68qbk                     1/1     Running            0             59s
identity-6fc984459d-zk8r9                 1/1     Running            0             56s
inventory-67498999d6-722bw                1/1     Running            0             57s
inventory-scheduler-5dc6856d44-4spvm      0/1     CrashLoopBackOff   3 (18s ago)   59s
inventory-worker-68d9fcf5fb-x6knb         1/1     Running            0             55s
marketplace-assets-8675d44557-ssm92       1/1     Running            0             59s
mongodb-7c9794854-cdmwj                   1/1     Running            0             59s
monitoring-fdd44bdbf-pcgln                1/1     Running            0             59s
notification-5b477f6c49-gzfl8             1/1     Running            0             59s
notification-scheduler-675696467-gn24j    1/1     Running            0             59s
notification-worker-d88bb6df6-pjtmn       1/1     Running            0             57s
plugin-556f7bc49b-qmwln                   1/1     Running            0             57s
plugin-scheduler-86c4c56d84-cmrmn         0/1     CrashLoopBackOff   3 (13s ago)   59s
plugin-worker-57986dfdd6-v9vqg            1/1     Running            0             58s
redis-75df77f7d4-lwvvw                    1/1     Running            0             59s
repository-5f5b7b5cdc-lnjkl               1/1     Running            0             57s
secret-77ffdf8c9d-48k46                   1/1     Running            0             55s
spacectl-5664788d5d-dtwpr                 1/1     Running            0             59s
statistics-67b77b6654-p9wcb               1/1     Running            0             56s
statistics-scheduler-586875947c-8zfqg     0/1     Error              3 (30s ago)   56s
statistics-worker-68d646fc7-knbdr         1/1     Running            0             58s
supervisor-scheduler-6744657cb6-tpf78     2/2     Running            0             59s

To execute the commands below, every POD except xxxx-scheduler-yyyy must have a Running status.

5) Initialize the Configuration

First, download the initializer.yaml file.

For more information about the initializer, please refer to the spaceone-initializer.

If you are used to downloading files via command-line, run this command to download the file.

wget -O initializer.yaml

And execute the following command.

tar zxvf spaceone-initializer-1.3.3.tgz
helm install initializer spaceone-initializer -n cloudforet -f initializer.yaml

6) Set the Helm Values and Upgrade the Chart

Complete the initialization, you can get the system token from the initializer pod logs.

To figure out the pod name for the initializer, run this command first to show all pod names for namespace spaceone.

kubectl get pods -n cloudforet 

Then, among the pods shown copy the name of the pod that starts with initialize-spaceone.

NAME                                       READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
board-5997d5688-kq4tx                      1/1     Running     0          24m
config-5947d845b5-4ncvn                    1/1     Running     0          24m
console-7fcfddbd8b-lbk94                   1/1     Running     0          24m
console-api-599b86b699-2kl7l               2/2     Running     0          24m
console-api-v2-rest-cb886d687-d7n8t        2/2     Running     0          24m
cost-analysis-8658c96f8f-88bmh             1/1     Running     0          24m
cost-analysis-scheduler-67c9dc6599-k8lgx   1/1     Running     0          24m
cost-analysis-worker-6df98df444-5sjpm      1/1     Running     0          24m
dashboard-84d8969d79-vqhr9                 1/1     Running     0          24m
docs-6b9479b5c4-jc2f8                      1/1     Running     0          24m
identity-6d7bbb678f-b5ptf                  1/1     Running     0          24m
initialize-spaceone-fsqen-74x7v            0/1     Completed   0          98m
inventory-64d6558bf9-v5ltj                 1/1     Running     0          24m
inventory-scheduler-69869cc5dc-k6fpg       1/1     Running     0          24m
inventory-worker-5649876687-zjxnn          1/1     Running     0          24m
marketplace-assets-5fcc55fb56-wj54m        1/1     Running     0          24m
mongodb-b7f445749-2sr68                    1/1     Running     0          101m
monitoring-799cdb8846-25w78                1/1     Running     0          24m
notification-c9988d548-gxw2c               1/1     Running     0          24m
notification-scheduler-7d4785fd88-j8zbn    1/1     Running     0          24m
notification-worker-586bc9987c-kdfn6       1/1     Running     0          24m
plugin-79976f5747-9snmh                    1/1     Running     0          24m
plugin-scheduler-584df5d649-cflrb          1/1     Running     0          24m
plugin-worker-58d5cdbff9-qk5cp             1/1     Running     0          24m
redis-b684c5bbc-528q9                      1/1     Running     0          24m
repository-64fc657d4f-cbr7v                1/1     Running     0          24m
secret-74578c99d5-rk55t                    1/1     Running     0          24m
spacectl-8cd55f46c-xw59j                   1/1     Running     0          24m
statistics-767d84bb8f-rrvrv                1/1     Running     0          24m
statistics-scheduler-65cc75fbfd-rsvz7      1/1     Running     0          24m
statistics-worker-7b6b7b9898-lmj7x         1/1     Running     0          24m
supervisor-scheduler-555d644969-95jxj      2/2     Running     0          24m

To execute the below kubectl logs command, the status of POD(Ex: here initialize-spaceone-fsqen-74x7v) should be Completed . Proceeding with this while the POD is INITIALIZING will give errors

Get the token by getting the log information of the pod with the name you found above.

kubectl logs initialize-spaceone-fsqen-74x7v -n cloudforet

TASK [Print Admin API Key] *********************************************************************************************

FINISHED [ ok=23, skipped=0 ] ******************************************************************************************


Update your helm values file (ex. release-1-12.yaml) and edit the values. There is only one item that need to be updated.

For EC2 users: put in your EC2 server's public IP instead of for both CONSOLE_API and CONSOLE_API_V2 ENDPOINT.

      ENDPOINT: http://localhost:8081  # http://ec2_public_ip:8081 for EC2 users
      ENDPOINT: http://localhost:8082  # http://ec2_public_ip:8082 for EC2 users

    TOKEN: 'TOKEN_VALUE_FROM_ABOVE'   # Change the system token

After editing the helm values file(ex. release-1-12.yaml), upgrade the helm chart.

helm upgrade cloudforet spaceone -n cloudforet -f release-1-12.yaml

After upgrading, delete the pods in cloudforet namespace that have the label and value cloudforet.

kubectl delete po -n cloudforet -l

7) Check the status of the pods

kubectl get pod -n cloudforet

If all pods are in Running state, the setup is complete.


Installing Cloudforet on minikube doesn't provide any Ingress objects such as Amazon ALB or NGINX ingress controller. We can use kubectl port-forward instead.

Run the following commands for port forwarding.

# CLI commands
kubectl port-forward -n cloudforet svc/console 8080:80 --address='' &
kubectl port-forward -n cloudforet svc/console-api 8081:80 --address='' &
kubectl port-forward -n cloudforet svc/console-api-v2-rest 8082:80 --address='' &

Start Cloudforet

Log-In (Sign in for Root Account)

For EC2 users: open browser with http://your_ec2_server_ip:8080

Open browser (


Initial Setup for Cloudforet

For your reference, Cloudforet is an open source project for SpaceOne. For additional information, refer to our official website here.


3.2 - Installation

This section describes how to install CloudForet.

3.2.1 - AWS

Install Guide of Cloudforet on AWS

Cloudforet Helm Charts

A Helm Chart for Cloudforet 1.12.


  • Kubernetes 1.21+
  • Helm 3.2.0+
  • Service Domain & SSL Certificate (optional)
    • Console:
    • REST API: *
    • gRPC API: *
    • Webhook:
  • MongoDB 5.0+ (optional)

Cloudforet Architecture

Cloudforet Architecture


You can install the Cloudforet using the following the steps.

1) Add Helm Repository

helm repo add cloudforet
helm repo update
helm search repo cloudforet

2) Create Namespaces

kubectl create ns spaceone
kubectl create ns spaceone-plugin

If you want to use only one namespace, you don't create the spaceone-plugin namespace.

3) Create Role and RoleBinding

First, download the rbac.yaml file.

wget -O rbac.yaml

And execute the following command.

kubectl apply -f rbac.yaml -n spaceone-plugin


kubectl apply -f -n spaceone-plugin

4) Install Cloudforet Chart

helm install cloudforet cloudforet/spaceone -n spaceone

After executing the above command, check the status of the pod.

kubectl get pod -n spaceone

NAME                                       READY   STATUS             RESTARTS      AGE
board-64f468ccd6-v8wx4                     1/1     Running            0             4m16s
config-6748dc8cf9-4rbz7                    1/1     Running            0             4m14s
console-767d787489-wmhvp                   1/1     Running            0             4m15s
console-api-846867dc59-rst4k               2/2     Running            0             4m16s
console-api-v2-rest-79f8f6fb59-7zcb2       2/2     Running            0             4m16s
cost-analysis-5654566c95-rlpkz             1/1     Running            0             4m13s
cost-analysis-scheduler-69d77598f7-hh8qt   0/1     CrashLoopBackOff   3 (39s ago)   4m13s
cost-analysis-worker-68755f48bf-6vkfv      1/1     Running            0             4m15s
cost-analysis-worker-68755f48bf-7sj5j      1/1     Running            0             4m15s
cost-analysis-worker-68755f48bf-fd65m      1/1     Running            0             4m16s
cost-analysis-worker-68755f48bf-k6r99      1/1     Running            0             4m15s
dashboard-68f65776df-8s4lr                 1/1     Running            0             4m12s
file-manager-5555876d89-slqwg              1/1     Running            0             4m16s
identity-6455d6f4b7-bwgf7                  1/1     Running            0             4m14s
inventory-fc6585898-kjmwx                  1/1     Running            0             4m13s
inventory-scheduler-6dd9f6787f-k9sff       0/1     CrashLoopBackOff   4 (21s ago)   4m15s
inventory-worker-7f6d479d88-59lxs          1/1     Running            0             4m12s
mongodb-6b78c74d49-vjxsf                   1/1     Running            0             4m14s
monitoring-77d9bd8955-hv6vp                1/1     Running            0             4m15s
monitoring-rest-75cd56bc4f-wfh2m           2/2     Running            0             4m16s
monitoring-scheduler-858d876884-b67tc      0/1     Error              3 (33s ago)   4m12s
monitoring-worker-66b875cf75-9gkg9         1/1     Running            0             4m12s
notification-659c66cd4d-hxnwz              1/1     Running            0             4m13s
notification-scheduler-6c9696f96-m9vlr     1/1     Running            0             4m14s
notification-worker-77865457c9-b4dl5       1/1     Running            0             4m16s
plugin-558f9c7b9-r6zw7                     1/1     Running            0             4m13s
plugin-scheduler-695b869bc-d9zch           0/1     Error              4 (59s ago)   4m15s
plugin-worker-5f674c49df-qldw9             1/1     Running            0             4m16s
redis-566869f55-zznmt                      1/1     Running            0             4m16s
repository-8659578dfd-wsl97                1/1     Running            0             4m14s
secret-69985cfb7f-ds52j                    1/1     Running            0             4m12s
statistics-98fc4c955-9xtbp                 1/1     Running            0             4m16s
statistics-scheduler-5b6646d666-jwhdw      0/1     CrashLoopBackOff   3 (27s ago)   4m13s
statistics-worker-5f9994d85d-ftpwf         1/1     Running            0             4m12s
supervisor-scheduler-74c84646f5-rw4zf      2/2     Running            0             4m16s

Scheduler pods are in CrashLoopBackOff or Error state. This is because the setup is not complete.

5) Initialize the Configuration

First, download the initializer.yaml file.

wget -O initializer.yaml

And execute the following command.

helm install cloudforet-initializer cloudforet/spaceone-initializer -n spaceone -f initializer.yaml


helm install cloudforet-initializer cloudforet/spaceone-initializer -n spaceone -f

For more information about the initializer, please refer the spaceone-initializer.

6) Set the Helm Values and Upgrade the Chart

Complete the initialization, you can get the system token from the initializer pod logs.

# check pod name
kubectl logs initialize-spaceone-xxxx-xxxxx -n spaceone

TASK [Print Admin API Key] *********************************************************************************************

FINISHED [ ok=23, skipped=0 ] ******************************************************************************************


First, copy this TOKEN, then Create the values.yaml file and paste it to the TOKEN.

    # If you don't have a service domain, you refer to the following 'No Domain & IP Access' example.
      ENDPOINT:       # Change the endpoint
      ENDPOINT:    # Change the endpoint

    TOKEN: '{TOKEN}'                                    # Change the system token

For more advanced configuration, please refer the following the links.

After editing the values.yaml file, upgrade the helm chart.

helm upgrade cloudforet cloudforet/spaceone -n spaceone -f values.yaml
kubectl delete po -n spaceone -l

7) Check the status of the pods

kubectl get pod -n spaceone

If all pods are in Running state, the setup is complete.

8) Ingress and AWS Load Balancer

In Kubernetes, Ingress is an API object that provides a load-balanced external IP address to access Services in your cluster. It acts as a layer 7 (HTTP/HTTPS) reverse proxy and can route traffic to other services based on the requested host and URL path.

For more information, see What is an Application Load Balancer? on AWS and ingress in the Kubernetes documentation.


Install AWS Load Balancer Controller
AWS Load Balancer Controller is a controller that helps manage ELB (Elastic Load Balancers) in a Kubernetes Cluster. Ingress resources are provisioned with Application Load Balancer, and service resources are provisioned with Network Load Balancer.
Installation methods may vary depending on the environment, so please refer to the official guide document below.

How to set up Cloudforet ingress

1) Ingress Type
Cloudforet provisions a total of 3 ingresses through 2 files.

  • Console : Ingress to access the domain
  • REST API : Ingress for API service
    • console-api
    • console-api-v2

2) Console ingress
Setting the ingress to accerss the console is as follows.

cat <<EOF> spaceone-console-ingress.yaml
kind: Ingress
  name: console-ingress
  namespace: spaceone
  annotations: '[{"HTTP": 80}]' internet-facing ip idle_timeout.timeout_seconds=600 HTTP 200-399 spaceone-console-ingress # Caution!! Must be fewer than 32 characters.
  ingressClassName: alb
      name: console
        number: 80
# Apply ingress
kubectl apply -f spaceone-console-ingress.yaml

If you apply the ingress, it will be provisioned to AWS Load Balancer with the name spaceone-console-ingress. You can connect through the provisioned DNS name using HTTP (80 Port).

3) REST API ingress
Setting the REST API ingress for the API service is as follows.

cat <<EOF> spaceone-rest-ingress.yaml
kind: Ingress
  name: console-api-ingress
  namespace: spaceone
  annotations: '[{"HTTP": 80}]' internet-facing ip idle_timeout.timeout_seconds=600 HTTP 200-399 spaceone-console-api-ingress # Caution!! Must be fewer than 32 characters.
  ingressClassName: alb
      name: console-api
        number: 80
kind: Ingress
  name: console-api-v2-ingress
  namespace: spaceone
  annotations: '[{"HTTP": 80}]' internet-facing ip idle_timeout.timeout_seconds=600 HTTP 200-399 spaceone-console-api-v2-ingress
  ingressClassName: alb
      name: console-api-v2-rest
        number: 80
# Apply ingress
kubectl apply -f spaceone-rest-ingress.yaml

REST API ingress provisions two ALBs. The DNS Name of the REST API must be saved as console.CONSOLE_API.ENDPOINT and console.CONSOLE_API_V2.ENDPOINT in the values.yaml file.

4) Check DNS Name
The DNS name will be generated as http://{ingress-name}-{random}.{region-code} You can check this through the kubectl get ingress -n spaceone command in Kubernetes.

kubectl get ingress -n spaceone

NAME                     CLASS   HOSTS   ADDRESS                                                                      PORTS   AGE
console-api-ingress      alb     *       spaceone-console-api-ingress-xxxxxxxxxx.{region-code}      80      15h
console-api-v2-ingress   alb     *       spaceone-console-api-v2-ingress-xxxxxxxxxx.{region-code}   80      15h
console-ingress          alb     *       spaceone-console-ingress-xxxxxxxxxx.{region-code}          80      15h

Or, you can check it in AWS Console. You can check it in EC2 > Load balancer as shown in the image below.


5) Connect with DNS Name
When all ingress is ready, edit the values.yaml file, restart pods, and access the console.

    # If you don't have a service domain, you refer to the following 'No Domain & IP Access' example.
      ENDPOINT: http://spaceone-console-api-ingress-xxxxxxxxxx.{region-code}
      ENDPOINT: http://spaceone-console-api-v2-ingress-xxxxxxxxxx.{region-code}

After applying the prepared values.yaml file, restart the pods.

helm upgrade cloudforet cloudforet/spaceone -n spaceone -f values.yaml
kubectl delete po -n spaceone -l

Now you can connect to Cloudforet with the DNS Name of spaceone-console-ingress.

  • http://spaceone-console-ingress-xxxxxxxxxx.{region-code}

Advanced ingress settings

How to register an SSL certificate
We will guide you through how to register a certificate in ingress for SSL communication.
There are two methods for registering a certificate. One is when using ACM(AWS Certificate Manager), and the other is how to register an external certificate.

How to register an ACM certificate with ingress
If the certificate was issued through ACM, you can register the SSL certificate by simply registering acm arn in ingress.

First of all, please refer to the AWS official guide document on how to issue a certificate.

How to register the issued certificate is as follows. Please check the options added or changed for SSL communication in existing ingress.

Check out the changes in ingress.
Various settings for SSL are added and changed. Check the contents of metadata.annotations.
Also, check the added contents such as ssl-redirect and in spec.rules.

  • spaceone-console-ingress.yaml
kind: Ingress
  name: console-ingress
  namespace: spaceone
+ '{"Type": "redirect", "RedirectConfig": { "Protocol": "HTTPS", "Port": "443", "StatusCode": "HTTP_301"}}'
+ '[{"HTTP": 80}, {"HTTPS":443}]'
- '[{"HTTP": 80}]' internet-facing ip idle_timeout.timeout_seconds=600 HTTP
+ "arn:aws:acm:..."  # Change the certificate-arn 200-399 spaceone-console-ingress # Caution!! Must be fewer than 32 characters.
  ingressClassName: alb
- defaultBackend:
-   service:
-     name: console
-     port:
-       number: 80
+ rules:
+   - http:
+       paths:
+         - path: /*
+           pathType: ImplementationSpecific
+           backend:
+             service:
+               name: ssl-redirect
+               port:
+                 name: use-annotation
+   - host: ""  # Change the hostname
+     http:
+       paths:
+         - path: /*
+           pathType: ImplementationSpecific
+           backend:
+             service:
+               name: console 
+               port:
+                 number: 80
  • spaceone-rest-ingress.yaml
kind: Ingress
  name: console-api-ingress
  namespace: spaceone
+ '{"Type": "redirect", "RedirectConfig": { "Protocol": "HTTPS", "Port": "443", "StatusCode": "HTTP_301"}}'
+ '[{"HTTP": 80}, {"HTTPS":443}]'
- '[{"HTTP": 80}]' internet-facing ip idle_timeout.timeout_seconds=600 HTTP
+ "arn:aws:acm:..."  # Change the certificate-arn 200-399 spaceone-console-api-ingress # Caution!! Must be fewer than 32 characters.
  ingressClassName: alb
- defaultBackend:
-   service:
-     name: console-api
-     port:
-       number: 80
+ rules:
+   - http:
+       paths:
+         - path: /*
+           pathType: ImplementationSpecific
+           backend:
+             service:
+               name: ssl-redirect
+               port:
+                 name: use-annotation
+   - host: ""  # Change the hostname
+     http:
+       paths:
+         - path: /*
+           pathType: ImplementationSpecific
+           backend:
+             service:
+               name: console-api
+               port:
+                 number: 80
kind: Ingress
  name: console-api-v2-ingress
  namespace: spaceone
+ '{"Type": "redirect", "RedirectConfig": { "Protocol": "HTTPS", "Port": "443", "StatusCode": "HTTP_301"}}'
+ '[{"HTTP": 80}, {"HTTPS":443}]'
- '[{"HTTP": 80}]' internet-facing ip idle_timeout.timeout_seconds=600 HTTP
+ "arn:aws:acm:..."  # Change the certificate-arn 200-399 spaceone-console-api-v2-ingress
  ingressClassName: alb
- defaultBackend:
-   service:
-     name: console-api-v2-rest
-     port:
-       number: 80
+ rules:
+   - http:
+       paths:
+         - path: /*
+           pathType: ImplementationSpecific
+           backend:
+             service:
+               name: ssl-redirect
+               port:
+                 name: use-annotation
+   - host: ""  # Change the hostname
+     http:
+       paths:
+         - path: /*
+           pathType: ImplementationSpecific
+           backend:
+             service:
+               name: console-api-v2-rest
+               port:
+                 number: 80

SSL application is completed when the changes are reflected through the kubectl command.

kubectl apply -f spaceone-console-ingress.yaml
kubectl apply -f spaceone-rest-ingress.yaml

How to register an SSL/TLS certificate
Certificate registration is possible even if you have an external certificate that was previously issued. You can register by adding a Kubernetes secret using the issued certificate and declaring the added secret name in ingress.

Create SSL/TLS certificates as Kubernetes secrets. There are two ways:

1. Using yaml file
You can add a secret to a yaml file using the command below.

kubectl apply -f <<EOF> tls-secret.yaml
apiVersion: v1
  tls.crt: {your crt}   # crt
  tls.key: {your key}   # key
kind: Secret
  name: tls-secret
  namespace: spaceone

2. How to use the command if a file exists
If you have a crt and key file, you can create a secret using the following command.

kubectl create secret tls tlssecret --key tls.key --cert tls.crt

Add tls secret to Ingress
Modify ingress using registered secret information.

ingress-nginx settings
Using secret and tls may require setup methods using ingress-nginx. For more information, please refer to the following links:

kind: Ingress
  name: console-ingress
  namespace: spaceone
  annotations: '{"Type": "redirect", "RedirectConfig": { "Protocol": "HTTPS", "Port": "443", "StatusCode": "HTTP_301"}}' '[{"HTTP": 80}, {"HTTPS":443}]' internet-facing ip idle_timeout.timeout_seconds=600 HTTP 200-399 spaceone-console-ingress # Caution!! Must be fewer than 32 characters.
  - hosts:
      -        # Change the hostname
    secretName: tlssecret          # Insert secret name
    - http:
          - path: /*
            pathType: ImplementationSpecific
                name: ssl-redirect
                  name: use-annotation
    - host: ""  # Change the hostname
          - path: /*
            pathType: ImplementationSpecific
                name: console 
                  number: 80

3.2.2 - On Premise

This section describes how to install CloudForet in an On-Premise environment.



Install Cloudforet

It guides you on how to install Cloudforet using Helm chart. Related information is also available at:

1. Add Helm Repository

helm repo add cloudforet 
helm repo update 
helm search repo

2. Create Namespaces

kubectl create ns spaceone 
kubectl create ns spaceone-plugin

Cautions of creation namespace
If you need to use only one namespace, you do not need to create the spaceone-plugin namespace.
If changing the Cloudforet namespace, please refer to the following link. Change K8S Namespace

3. Create Role and RoleBinding

In a general situation where namespaces are not merged, supervisor distributes plugins from spaceone namespace to spaceone-plugin namespace, so roles and rolebindings are required as follows. Check the contents at the following link.

Details of the authority are as follows. You can edit the file to specify permissions if needed.

  • Create file

    cat <<EOF> rbac.yaml
    kind: Role
      name: supervisor-plugin-control-role
      namespace: spaceone-plugin 
    - apiGroups:
      - "*"
      - replicaSets
      - pods
      - deployments
      - services
      - endpoints
      - get
      - list
      - watch
      - create
      - delete
    kind: RoleBinding
      name: supervisor-role-binding
      namespace: spaceone-plugin 
      kind: Role
      name: supervisor-plugin-control-role
    - kind: ServiceAccount
      name: default
      namespace: spaceone

To apply the permission, you can reflect it with the command below. If you have changed the namespace, enter the changed namespace. (Be careful with the namespace.)

kubectl apply -f rbac.yaml -n spaceone-plugin

4. Install

Proceed with the installation using the helm command below.

helm install cloudforet cloudforet/spaceone -n spaceone

After entering the command, you can see that pods are uploaded in the spaceone namespace as shown below.

kubectl get pod -n spaceone

NAME                                       READY   STATUS             RESTARTS      AGE
board-64f468ccd6-v8wx4                     1/1     Running            0             4m16s
config-6748dc8cf9-4rbz7                    1/1     Running            0             4m14s
console-767d787489-wmhvp                   1/1     Running            0             4m15s
console-api-846867dc59-rst4k               2/2     Running            0             4m16s
console-api-v2-rest-79f8f6fb59-7zcb2       2/2     Running            0             4m16s
cost-analysis-5654566c95-rlpkz             1/1     Running            0             4m13s
cost-analysis-scheduler-69d77598f7-hh8qt   0/1     CrashLoopBackOff   3 (39s ago)   4m13s
cost-analysis-worker-68755f48bf-6vkfv      1/1     Running            0             4m15s
cost-analysis-worker-68755f48bf-7sj5j      1/1     Running            0             4m15s
cost-analysis-worker-68755f48bf-fd65m      1/1     Running            0             4m16s
cost-analysis-worker-68755f48bf-k6r99      1/1     Running            0             4m15s
dashboard-68f65776df-8s4lr                 1/1     Running            0             4m12s
file-manager-5555876d89-slqwg              1/1     Running            0             4m16s
identity-6455d6f4b7-bwgf7                  1/1     Running            0             4m14s
inventory-fc6585898-kjmwx                  1/1     Running            0             4m13s
inventory-scheduler-6dd9f6787f-k9sff       0/1     CrashLoopBackOff   4 (21s ago)   4m15s
inventory-worker-7f6d479d88-59lxs          1/1     Running            0             4m12s
mongodb-6b78c74d49-vjxsf                   1/1     Running            0             4m14s
monitoring-77d9bd8955-hv6vp                1/1     Running            0             4m15s
monitoring-rest-75cd56bc4f-wfh2m           2/2     Running            0             4m16s
monitoring-scheduler-858d876884-b67tc      0/1     Error              3 (33s ago)   4m12s
monitoring-worker-66b875cf75-9gkg9         1/1     Running            0             4m12s
notification-659c66cd4d-hxnwz              1/1     Running            0             4m13s
notification-scheduler-6c9696f96-m9vlr     1/1     Running            0             4m14s
notification-worker-77865457c9-b4dl5       1/1     Running            0             4m16s
plugin-558f9c7b9-r6zw7                     1/1     Running            0             4m13s
plugin-scheduler-695b869bc-d9zch           0/1     Error              4 (59s ago)   4m15s
plugin-worker-5f674c49df-qldw9             1/1     Running            0             4m16s
redis-566869f55-zznmt                      1/1     Running            0             4m16s
repository-8659578dfd-wsl97                1/1     Running            0             4m14s
secret-69985cfb7f-ds52j                    1/1     Running            0             4m12s
statistics-98fc4c955-9xtbp                 1/1     Running            0             4m16s
statistics-scheduler-5b6646d666-jwhdw      0/1     CrashLoopBackOff   3 (27s ago)   4m13s
statistics-worker-5f9994d85d-ftpwf         1/1     Running            0             4m12s
supervisor-scheduler-74c84646f5-rw4zf      2/2     Running            0             4m16s

If some of the scheduler pods are having problems and the rest of the pods are up, you're in the right state for now. The scheduler problem requires an upgrade operation using the values.yaml file after issuing a token through the initializer.

5. Initialize the configuration

This is a task for Cloudforet's domain creation. A root domain is created and a root token is issued through the initializer.

spaceone-initializer can be found on the following cloudforet-io github site.

The initializer.yaml file to be used here can be found at the following link.

You can change the domain name,, etc. in the initializer.yaml file.

  • Create file

    cat <<EOF> filename.yaml
            - /root/spacectl/apply/root_domain.yaml
            - /root/spacectl/apply/create_managed_repository.yaml
            - /root/spacectl/apply/user_domain.yaml
            - /root/spacectl/apply/create_role.yaml
            - /root/spacectl/apply/add_statistics_schedule.yaml
            - /root/spacectl/apply/print_api_key.yaml
                root: root
                user: spaceone
            default_language: ko
            default_timezone: Asia/Seoul
                id: admin
                password: Admin123!@# # Change your password
                id: system_api_key

After editing the file, execute the initializer with the command below.

helm install initializer cloudforet/spaceone-initializer -n spaceone -f initializer.yaml

After execution, an initializer pod is created in the specified spaceone namespace and domain creation is performed. You can check the log when the pod is in Completed state.

6. Set the Helm Values and Upgrade the chart

To customize the default installed helm chart, the values.yaml file is required.

A typical example of a values.yaml file can be found at the following link.

To solve the scheduler problem, check the pod log in Completed status as shown below to obtain an admin token.

kubectl logs initializer-5f5b7b5cdc-abcd1 -n spaceone

TASK [Print Admin API Key] *********************************************************************************************

FINISHED [ ok=23, skipped=0 ] ******************************************************************************************


Create a values.yaml file using the token value obtained from the initializer pod log. Inside the file, you can declare app settings, namespace changes, kubernetes options changes, etc.

The following describes how to configure the console domain in the values.yaml file and how to use the issued token as a global config.

    # If you don't have a service domain, you refer to the following 'No Domain & IP Access' example.
      ENDPOINT:       # Change the endpoint
      ENDPOINT:    # Change the endpoint

    TOKEN: '{TOKEN}'                                  # Change the system token

After setting the values.yaml file as above, execute the helm upgrade operation with the command below. After the upgrade is finished, delete all app instances related to cloudforet so that all pods are restarted.

helm upgrade cloudforet cloudforet/spaceone -n spaceone -f values.yaml
kubectl delete po -n spaceone -l

7. Check the status of the pods

Check the status of the pod with the following command. If all pods are in Running state, the installation is complete.

kubectl get pod -n spaceone

8. Configuration Ingress

Kubernetes Ingress is a resource that manages connections between services in a cluster and external connections. Cloudforet is serviced by registering the generated certificate as a secret and adding an ingress in the order below.

Install Nginx Ingress Controller
An ingress controller is required to use ingress in an on-premise environment. Here is a link to the installation guide for Nginx Ingress Controller supported by Kubernetes.

Generate self-managed SSL

Create a private ssl certificate using the openssl command below. (If an already issued certificate exists, you can create a Secret using the issued certificate. For detailed instructions, please refer to the following link. Create secret by exist cert)

  • console

    • *.{domain}
openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout console_ssl.pem -out console_ssl.csr -subj "/CN=*.{domain}/O=spaceone" -addext "subjectAltName = DNS:*.{domain}"
  • api

    • *.api.{domain}
openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout api_ssl.pem -out api_ssl.csr -subj "/CN=*.api.{domain}/O=spaceone" -addext "subjectAltName = DNS:*.api.{domain}"

Create secret for ssl

If the certificate is ready, create a secret using the certificate file.

kubectl create secret tls console-ssl --key console_ssl.pem --cert console_ssl.csr
kubectl create secret tls api-ssl --key api_ssl.pem --cert api_ssl.csr

Create Ingress

Prepare the two ingress files below. These ingress files can be downloaded from the following link.

Each file is as follows. Change the hostname inside the file to match the domain of the certificate you created.

  • console

    cat <<EOF> console_ingress.yaml
    kind: Ingress
    name: console-ingress
    namespace: spaceone
    ingressClassName: nginx
        - hosts:
            - ""  # Change the hostname
        secretName: spaceone-tls
        - host: ""  # Change the hostname
            - path: /
                pathType: Prefix
                    name: console 
                    number: 80
  • rest_api

    cat <<EOF> rest_api_ingress.yaml
    kind: Ingress
    name: console-api-ingress
    namespace: spaceone
    ingressClassName: nginx
        - hosts:
            - "*"  # Change the hostname
        secretName: spaceone-tls
        - host: ""  # Change the hostname
            - path: /
                pathType: Prefix
                    name: console-api
                    number: 80
    kind: Ingress
    name: console-api-v2-ingress
    namespace: spaceone
    ingressClassName: nginx
        - hosts:
            - "*"  # Change the hostname
        secretName: spaceone-tls
        - host: ""  # Change the hostname
            - path: /
                pathType: Prefix
                    name: console-api-v2-rest
                    number: 80

Create the prepared ingress in the spaceone namespace with the command below.

kubectl apply -f console_ingress.yaml -n spaceone
kubectl apply -f rest_api_ingress.yaml -n spaceone

Connect to the Console

Connect to the Cloudforet Console service.

Advanced Configurations

Additional settings are required for the following special features. Below are examples and solutions for each situation.

Set Plugin CertificateThis is how to set a certificate for each plugin when using a private certificate.
Support Private Image RegistryIn an environment where communication with the outside is blocked for organization's security reasons, you can operate your own Private Image Registry. In this case, Container Image Sync operation is required, and Cloudforet suggests a method using the dregsy tool.
Change K8S NamespaceNamespace usage is limited by each environment, or you can use your own namespace name. Here is how to change Namespace in Cloudforet.
Set HTTP ProxyIn the on-premise environment with no Internet connection, proxy settings are required to communicate with the external world. Here's how to set up HTTP Proxy.
Set K8S ImagePullSecretsIf you are using Private Image Registry, you may need credentials because user authentication is set. In Kubernetes, you can use secrets to register credentials with pods. Here's how to set ImagePullSecrets.

3.3 - Configuration

In the Configuration section, We will introduce the settings for using Cloudforet.

3.3.1 - Set plugin certificate

Describes how to set up private certificates for plugins used in Cloudforet.


If Cloudforet is built in an on-premise environment, it can be accessed through a proxy server without direct communication with the Internet.
At this time, a private certificate is required when communicating with the proxy server.
First, configure the secret with the prepared private certificate and mount it on the private-tls volume.
After that, set the value of various environment variables required to set the certificate in supervisor's KubernetesConnectorto be the path of tls.crt in the private-tls volume.

Register the prepared private certificate as a Kubernetes Secret

apiVersionAPI version of resourcev1
kindKind of resourceSecret
metadataMetadata of resource{...}
metadata.nameName of resourceprivate-tls
metadata.namespaceNamespace of resourcespaceone
dataData of resourcetls.crt
typeType of
kubectl apply -f create_tls_secret.yml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: spaceone-tls
  namespace: spaceone
  tls.crt: base64 encoded cert  # openssl base64 -in cert.pem -out cert.base64

Set up on KubernetesConnector of supervisor

supervisor.application_schedulerConfiguration of supervisor scheduler{...}
supervisor.application_scheduler.CONNECTORS.KubernetesConnector.env[]Environment variables for plugin[...]
supervisor.application_scheduler.CONNECTORS.KubernetesConnector.env[].nameName of environment variableREQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE, AWS_CA_BUNDLE, CLOUDFORET_CA_BUNDLE
supervisor.application_scheduler.CONNECTORS.KubernetesConnector.env[].valueValue of environment variable/opt/ssl/cert/tls.crt
supervisor.application_scheduler.CONNECTORS.KubernetesConnector.volumes[]Volumes for plugin[...]
supervisor.application_scheduler.CONNECTORS.KubernetesConnector.volumes[].nameName of volumesprivate-tls
supervisor.application_scheduler.CONNECTORS.KubernetesConnector.volumes[].secret.secretNameSecret name of secret volumeprivate-tls
supervisor.application_scheduler.CONNECTORS.KubernetesConnector.volumeMounts[]Volume mounts of plugins[...]
supervisor.application_scheduler.CONNECTORS.KubernetesConnector.volumeMounts[].nameName of volume mountsprivate-tls
supervisor.application_scheduler.CONNECTORS.KubernetesConnector.volumeMounts[].mountPathPath of volume mounts/opt/ssl/cert/tls.crt
supervisor.application_scheduler.CONNECTORS.KubernetesConnector.volumeMounts[].readOnlyRead permission on the mounted volumetrue
  enabled: true
    name: spaceone/supervisor
    version: x.y.z

    - name: my-credential

          - name: REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE
            value: /opt/ssl/cert/tls.crt
          - name: AWS_CA_BUNDLE
            value: /opt/ssl/cert/tls.crt
          - name: CLOUDFORET_CA_BUNDLE
            value: /opt/ssl/cert/tls.crt
          - name: private-tls
              secretName: private-tls
          - name: private-tls
            mountPath: /opt/ssl/cert/tls.crt
            readOnly: true


You can apply the changes through the helm upgrade command and by deleting the pods

helm upgrade cloudforet cloudforet/spaceone -n spaceone -f values.yaml
kubectl delete po -n spaceone -l

3.3.2 - Change kubernetes namespace

This section describes how to change a core service or plugin service to a namespace with a different name.

When Cloudforet is installed in the K8S environment, the core service is installed in spaceone and the plugin service for extension function is installed in spaceone-plugin namespace. (In v1.11.5 and below, it is installed in root-supervisor.)

If the user wants to change the core service or plugin service to a namespace with a different name or to install in a single namespace, the namespace must be changed through options.

In order to change the namespace, you need to write changes in Cloudforet's values.yaml. Changes can be made to each core service and plugin service.

Change the namespace of the core service

To change the namespace of the core service, add the spaceone-namespace value by declaring global.namespace in the values.yaml file.

#  production_json:
#      ENDPOINT:        # Change the endpoint
#      ENDPOINT:     # Change the endpoint

  namespace: spaceone-namespace                         # Change the namespace

Change the namespace of plugin service

You can change the namespace of supervisor's plugin service as well as the core service. Life-cycle of plugin service is managed by supervisor, and plugin namespace setting is also set in supervisor.

Below is the part where supervisor is set to change the namespace of the plugin service in the values.yaml file. Add the plugin-namespace value to supervisor.application_scheduler.CONNECTORS.KubernetesConnector.namespace.

    HOSTNAME: spaceone.svc.cluster.local                # Change the hostname
        namespace: plugin-namespace                     # Change the namespace


You can apply the changes through the helm upgrade command and by deleting the pods.

helm upgrade cloudforet cloudforet/spaceone -n spaceone -f values.yaml
kubectl delete po -n spaceone -l

3.3.3 - Creating and applying kubernetes imagePullSecrets

We will explain the process of enabling Cloudforet pods to get private container images using imagePullSecrets.

Due to organization's security requirements, User can Build and utilize a private dedicated image registry to manage private images.

To pull container images from a private image registry, credentials are required. In Kubernetes, Secrets can be used to register such credentials with pods, enabling them to retrieve and pull private container images.

For more detailed information, please refer to the official documentation.

Creating a Secret for credentials.

Kubernetes pods can pull private container images using a Secret of type

To do this, create a secret for credentials based on registry credentials.

kubectl create secret docker-registry my-credential --docker-server=<your-registry-server> --docker-username=<your-name> --docker-password=<your-pword> --docker-email=<your-email>

Mount the credentials Secret to a Pod.

You can specify imagePullSecrets in the helm chart values of Cloudforet to mount the credentials Secret to the pods.

WARN: Kubernetes Secret is namespace-scoped resources, so they need to exist in the same namespace.

Set imagePullSecrets configuration for the core service

[services].imagePullSecrets[]]imagePullSecrets configuration(* Each micro service section)[]
[services].imagePullSecrets[].nameName of secret type of""
    enable: true
      name: spaceone/console
      version: x.y.z

      - name: my-credential

    enable: true
      name: spaceone/console-api
      version: x.y.z

      - name: my-credential


Set imagePullSecrets configuration for the plugin

supervisor.application_schedulerConfiguration of supervisor scheduler{...}
supervisor.application_scheduler.CONNECTORS.KubernetesConnector.imagePullSecrets[]imagePullSecrets configuration for plugin[]
supervisor.application_scheduler.CONNECTORS.KubernetesConnector.imagePullSecrets[].nameName of secret type of for plugin""
    enabled: true
      name: spaceone/supervisor
      version: x.y.z

      - name: my-credential

                - name: my-credential


You can apply the changes through the helm upgrade command and by deleting the pods

helm upgrade cloudforet cloudforet/spaceone -n spaceone -f values.yaml
kubectl delete po -n spaceone -l

3.3.4 - Setting up http proxy

We will explain the http_proxy configuration for a Kubernetes pod to establish a proxy connection.


You can enable communication from pods to the external world through a proxy server by declaring the http_proxy and https_proxy environment variables.

This configuration is done by declaring http_proxy and https_proxy in the environment variables of each container.

no_proxy environment variable is used to exclude destinations from proxy communication.

For Cloudforet, It is recommended to exclude the service domains within the cluster for communication between micro services.


Set roxy configuration for the core service

global.common_env[]Environment Variable for all micro services[]
global.common_env[].nameName of environment variable""
global.common_env[].valueValue of environment variable""
    - name: HTTP_PROXY
      value: http://{proxy_server_address}:{proxy_port}
    - name: HTTPS_PROXY
      value: http://{proxy_server_address}:{proxy_port}
    - name: no_proxy
      value: .svc.cluster.local,localhost,{cluster_ip},board,config,console,console-api,console-api-v2,cost-analysis,dashboard,docs,file-manager,identity,inventory,marketplace-assets,monitoring,notification,plugin,repository,secret,statistics,supervisor

Set proxy configuration for the plugin

supervisor.application_schedulerConfiguration of supervisor schduler{...}
supervisor.application_scheduler.CONNECTORS.KubernetesConnector.env[]Environment Variable for plugin[]
supervisor.application_scheduler.CONNECTORS.KubernetesConnector.env[].nameName of environment variable""
supervisor.application_scheduler.CONNECTORS.KubernetesConnector.env[].valueName of environment variable""

Depending on your the installation environment, the default local domain may differ, so you need to change the default local domain such as .svc.cluster.local to match your environment. You can check the current cluster DNS settings with the following command.

kubectl run -it --rm busybox --image=busybox --restart=Never -- cat /etc/resolv.conf

    enabled: true
      name: spaceone/supervisor
      version: x.y.z

      - name: my-credential

            - name: HTTP_PROXY
              value: http://{proxy_server_address}:{proxy_port}
            - name: HTTPS_PROXY
              value: http://{proxy_server_address}:{proxy_port}
            - name: no_proxy
              value: .svc.cluster.local,localhost,{cluster_ip},board,config,console,console-api,console-api-v2,cost-analysis,dashboard,docs,file-manager,identity,inventory,marketplace-assets,monitoring,notification,plugin,repository,secret,statistics,supervisor


You can apply the changes through the helm upgrade command and by deleting the pods

helm upgrade cloudforet cloudforet/spaceone -n spaceone -f values.yaml
kubectl delete po -n spaceone -l

3.3.5 - Support private image registry

Cloudforet proposes a way to sync container images between private and public image registries.

In organizations operating in an on-premise environment, there are cases where they establish and operate their own container registry within the internal network due to security concerns.

In such environments, when installing Cloudforet, access to external networks is restricted, requiring the preparation of images from Dockerhub and syncing them to their own container registry.

To automate the synchronization of container images in such scenarios, Cloudforet proposes using a Container Registry Sync tool called 'dregsy' to periodically sync container images.


In an environment situated between an external network and an internal network, dregsy is executed.

This tool periodically pulls specific container images from Dockerhub and uploads them to the organization's private container registry.

The dregsy tool described in this guide always pulls container images from Dockerhub, regardless of whether the images already exist in the destination registry.

And, Docker Hub limits the number of Docker image downloads, or pulls based on the account type of the user pulling the image

  • For anonymous users, the rate limit is set to 100 pulls per 6 hours per IP address
  • For authenticated users, it’s 200 pulls per 6 hour period.
  • Users with a paid Docker subscription get up to 5000 pulls per day.

Install and Configuration

In this configuration, communication with Dockerhub is required, so it should be performed in an environment with internet access.

Also, this explanation is based on the installation of Cloudforet version 1.11.x



Since the tools are executed using Docker, there is no separate installation process required. 

The plan is to pull and run the dregsy image, which includes skopeo (mirror tool).


  • Create files
touch /path/to/your/dregsy-spaceone-core.yaml
touch /path/to/your/dregsy-spaceone-plugin.yaml
  • Add configuration (dregsy-spaceone-core.yaml)

If authentication to the registry is configured with username:password,
the information is encoded and set in the 'auth' field as shown below (example - lines 19 and 22 of the configuration).

echo '{"username": "...", "password": "..."}' | base64

In the case of Harbor, Robot Token is not supported for authentication.
Please authenticate by encoding the username:password

relay: skopeo
watch: true

  binary: skopeo
  certs-dir: /etc/skopeo/certs.d

  maxItems: 100
  cacheDuration: 2h

  - name: sync_spaceone_doc
    interval: 21600 # 6 hours
    verbose: true

      auth: {Token}                 # replace to your dockerhub token
      registry: {registry_address}  # replace to your registry address
      auth: {Token}                 # replace to your registry token
      skip-tls-verify: true

      - from: spaceone/spacectl
        to: your_registry_project/spaceone/spacectl     # replace to your registry project & repository
          - 'regex: 1\.11\.(?:[0-9]?[0-9]).*'
      - from: spaceone/marketplace-assets
        to: your_registry_project/spaceone/marketplace-assets   # replace to your registry project & repository
          - 'regex: 1\.11\.(?:[0-9]?[0-9]).*'
      - from: spaceone/docs
        to: your_registry_project/spaceone/docs          # replace to your registry project & repository
          - 'regex: 1\.11\.(?:[0-9]?[0-9]).*'
      - from: redis
        to: your_registry_project/spaceone/redis       # replace to your registry project & repository
          - 'latest'
      - from: mongo
        to: your_registry_project/spaceone/mongo       # replace to your registry project & repository
          - 'latest'

  - name: sync_spaceone_core
    interval: 21600 # 6 hours
    verbose: true

      auth: {Token}
      registry: {registry_address}  # replace to your registry address
      auth: {Token}               # replace to your registry token
      skip-tls-verify: true

      - from: spaceone/console
        to: your_registry_project/spaceone/console     # replace to your registry project & repository
          - 'regex: 1\.11\.(?:[0-9]?[0-9]).*'
      - from: spaceone/inventory
        to: your_registry_project/spaceone/inventory       # replace to your registry project & repository
          - 'regex: 1\.11\.(?:[0-9]?[0-9]).*'
      - from: spaceone/console-api
        to: your_registry_project/spaceone/console-api     # replace to your registry project & repository
          - 'regex: 1\.11\.(?:[0-9]?[0-9]).*'
      - from: spaceone/cost-analysis
        to: your_registry_project/spaceone/cost-analysis       # replace to your registry project & repository
          - 'regex: 1\.11\.(?:[0-9]?[0-9]).*'
      - from: spaceone/statistics
        to: your_registry_project/spaceone/statistics      # replace to your registry project & repository
          - 'regex: 1\.11\.(?:[0-9]?[0-9]).*'
      - from: spaceone/secret
        to: your_registry_project/spaceone/secret      # replace to your registry project & repository
          - 'regex: 1\.11\.(?:[0-9]?[0-9]).*'
      - from: spaceone/file-manager
        to: your_registry_project/spaceone/file-manager        # replace to your registry project & repository
          - 'regex: 1\.11\.(?:[0-9]?[0-9]).*'
      - from: spaceone/monitoring
        to: your_registry_project/spaceone/monitoring      # replace to your registry project & repository
          - 'regex: 1\.11\.(?:[0-9]?[0-9]).*'
      - from: spaceone/supervisor
        to: your_registry_project/spaceone/supervisor      # replace to your registry project & repository
          - 'regex: 1\.11\.(?:[0-9]?[0-9]).*'
      - from: spaceone/identity
        to: your_registry_project/spaceone/identity        # replace to your registry project & repository
          - 'regex: 1\.11\.(?:[0-9]?[0-9]).*'
      - from: spaceone/notification
        to: your_registry_project/spaceone/notification        # replace to your registry project & repository
          - 'regex: 1\.11\.(?:[0-9]?[0-9]).*'
      - from: spaceone/repository
        to: your_registry_project/spaceone/repository      # replace to your registry project & repository
          - 'regex: 1\.11\.(?:[0-9]?[0-9]).*'
      - from: spaceone/plugin
        to: your_registry_project/spaceone/plugin      # replace to your registry project & repository
          - 'regex: 1\.11\.(?:[0-9]?[0-9]).*'
      - from: spaceone/config
        to: your_registry_project/spaceone/config      # replace to your registry project & repository
          - 'regex: 1\.11\.(?:[0-9]?[0-9]).*'
      - from: spaceone/console-api-v2
        to: your_registry_project/spaceone/console-api-v2      # replace to your registry project & repository
          - 'regex: 1\.11\.(?:[0-9]?[0-9]).*'
      - from: spaceone/board
        to: your_registry_project/spaceone/board       # replace to your registry project & repository
          - 'regex: 1\.11\.(?:[0-9]?[0-9]).*'
      - from: spaceone/dashboard
        to: your_registry_project/spaceone/dashboard       # replace to your registry project & repository
          - 'regex: 1\.11\.(?:[0-9]?[0-9]).*'
  • Add configuration (dregsy-spaceone-plugin.yaml)
relay: skopeo
watch: true

  binary: skopeo
  certs-dir: /etc/skopeo/certs.d

  maxItems: 100
  cacheDuration: 2h

  - name: sync_spaceone_plugin
    interval: 21600 # 6 hours
    verbose: true

      auth: {Token}                 # replace to your dockerhub token
      registry: {registry_address}  # replace to your registry address
      auth: {Token}                 # replace to your registry token
      skip-tls-verify: true

      - from: spaceone/plugin-google-cloud-inven-collector
        to: your_registry_project/spaceone/plugin-google-cloud-inven-collector     # replace to your registry project & repository
          - 'semver: >=1.0.0 <1.99.0'
          - 'keep: latest 2'
      - from: spaceone/plugin-azure-inven-collector
        to: your_registry_project/spaceone/plugin-azure-inven-collector     # replace to your registry project & repository
          - 'semver: >=1.0.0 <1.99.0'
          - 'keep: latest 2'
      - from: spaceone/plugin-aws-cloudwatch-mon-datasource
        to: your_registry_project/spaceone/plugin-aws-cloudwatch-mon-datasource     # replace to your registry project & repository
          - 'semver: >=1.0.0 <1.99.0'
          - 'keep: latest 2'
      - from: spaceone/plugin-azure-activity-log-mon-datasource
        to: your_registry_project/spaceone/plugin-azure-activity-log-mon-datasource     # replace to your registry project & repository
          - 'semver: >=1.0.0 <1.99.0'
          - 'keep: latest 2'
      - from: spaceone/plugin-aws-cloudtrail-mon-datasource
        to: your_registry_project/spaceone/plugin-aws-cloudtrail-mon-datasource     # replace to your registry project & repository
          - 'semver: >=1.0.0 <1.99.0'
          - 'keep: latest 2'
      - from: spaceone/plugin-aws-ec2-inven-collector
        to: your_registry_project/spaceone/plugin-aws-ec2-inven-collector     # replace to your registry project & repository
          - 'semver: >=1.0.0 <1.99.0'
          - 'keep: latest 2'
      - from: spaceone/plugin-aws-sns-mon-webhook
        to: your_registry_project/spaceone/plugin-aws-sns-mon-webhook     # replace to your registry project & repository
          - 'semver: >=1.0.0 <1.99.0'
          - 'keep: latest 2'
      - from: spaceone/plugin-aws-trusted-advisor-inven-collector
        to: your_registry_project/spaceone/plugin-aws-trusted-advisor-inven-collector     # replace to your registry project & repository
          - 'semver: >=1.0.0 <1.99.0'
          - 'keep: latest 2'
      - from: spaceone/plugin-azure-monitor-mon-datasource
        to: your_registry_project/spaceone/plugin-azure-monitor-mon-datasource     # replace to your registry project & repository
          - 'semver: >=1.0.0 <1.99.0'
          - 'keep: latest 2'
      - from: spaceone/plugin-email-noti-protocol
        to: your_registry_project/spaceone/plugin-email-noti-protocol     # replace to your registry project & repository
          - 'semver: >=1.0.0 <1.99.0'
          - 'keep: latest 2'
      - from: spaceone/plugin-google-stackdriver-mon-datasource
        to: your_registry_project/spaceone/plugin-google-stackdriver-mon-datasource     # replace to your registry project & repository
          - 'semver: >=1.0.0 <1.99.0'
          - 'keep: latest 2'
      - from: spaceone/plugin-telegram-noti-protocol
        to: your_registry_project/spaceone/plugin-telegram-noti-protocol     # replace to your registry project & repository
          - 'semver: >=1.0.0 <1.99.0'
          - 'keep: latest 2'
      - from: spaceone/plugin-keycloak-identity-auth
        to: your_registry_project/spaceone/plugin-keycloak-identity-auth     # replace to your registry project & repository
          - 'semver: >=1.0.0 <1.99.0'
          - 'keep: latest 2'
      - from: spaceone/plugin-prometheus-mon-webhook
        to: your_registry_project/spaceone/plugin-prometheus-mon-webhook     # replace to your registry project & repository
          - 'semver: >=1.0.0 <1.99.0'
          - 'keep: latest 2'
      - from: spaceone/plugin-slack-noti-protocol
        to: your_registry_project/spaceone/plugin-slack-noti-protocol     # replace to your registry project & repository
          - 'semver: >=1.0.0 <1.99.0'
          - 'keep: latest 2'
      - from: spaceone/plugin-grafana-mon-webhook
        to: your_registry_project/spaceone/plugin-grafana-mon-webhook     # replace to your registry project & repository
          - 'semver: >=1.0.0 <1.99.0'
          - 'keep: latest 2'
      - from: spaceone/plugin-aws-cloud-service-inven-collector
        to: your_registry_project/spaceone/plugin-aws-cloud-service-inven-collector     # replace to your registry project & repository
          - 'semver: >=1.0.0 <1.99.0'
          - 'keep: latest 2'
      - from: spaceone/plugin-aws-phd-inven-collector
        to: your_registry_project/spaceone/plugin-aws-phd-inven-collector     # replace to your registry project & repository
          - 'semver: >=1.0.0 <1.99.0'
          - 'keep: latest 2'
      - from: spaceone/plugin-api-direct-mon-webhook
        to: your_registry_project/spaceone/plugin-api-direct-mon-webhook     # replace to your registry project & repository
          - 'semver: >=1.0.0 <1.99.0'
          - 'keep: latest 2'
      - from: spaceone/plugin-azure-cost-mgmt-cost-datasource
        to: your_registry_project/spaceone/plugin-azure-cost-mgmt-cost-datasource     # replace to your registry project & repository
          - 'semver: >=1.0.0 <1.99.0'
          - 'keep: latest 2'
      - from: spaceone/plugin-aws-cost-explorer-cost-datasource
        to: your_registry_project/spaceone/plugin-aws-cost-explorer-cost-datasource     # replace to your registry project & repository
          - 'semver: >=1.0.0 <1.99.0'
          - 'keep: latest 2'
      - from: spaceone/plugin-ms-teams-noti-protocol
        to: your_registry_project/spaceone/plugin-ms-teams-noti-protocol     # replace to your registry project & repository
          - 'semver: >=1.0.0 <1.99.0'
          - 'keep: latest 2'
      - from: spaceone/plugin-google-monitoring-mon-webhook
        to: your_registry_project/spaceone/plugin-google-monitoring-mon-webhook     # replace to your registry project & repository
          - 'semver: >=1.0.0 <1.99.0'
          - 'keep: latest 2'
      - from: spaceone/plugin-http-file-cost-datasource
        to: your_registry_project/spaceone/plugin-http-file-cost-datasource     # replace to your registry project & repository
          - 'semver: >=1.0.0 <1.99.0'
          - 'keep: latest 2'
      - from: spaceone/plugin-google-cloud-log-mon-datasource
        to: your_registry_project/spaceone/plugin-google-cloud-log-mon-datasource     # replace to your registry project & repository
          - 'semver: >=1.0.0 <1.99.0'
          - 'keep: latest 2'


No need to pull docker images separately.
The command below will get the image if there is no image locally

docker run -d --rm --name dregsy_spaceone_core -v /path/to/your/dregsy-spaceone-core.yaml:/config.yaml xelalex/dregsy:0.5.0
docker run -d --rm --name dregsy_spaceone_plugin -v /path/to/your/dregsy-spaceone-plugin.yaml:/config.yaml xelalex/dregsy:0.5.0


  • view log
docker logs -f {container_id|container_name}
  • delete docker container
docker rm {container_id|container_name} [-f]

3.3.6 - Advanced configuration guide

Advanced Configuration Guide of SpaceONE

Title and Favicon

SpaceONE has default title and CI with Wanny favicon.

But you can change them to your own title and favicon.

ComponentFile PathDescription
Title/var/www/title.txtname of Title
Favicon/var/www/favicon.icofavicon file

Console supports the functionality of changing title and favicon. The default values are in source code, but you can overwrite them when deploying pods.

This is an example value of console.yaml file.
  # favicon
          - name: favicon
            mountPath: /var/www/title.txt
            subPath: title.txt
            readOnly: true
          - name: favicon-img
            mountPath: /var/www/favicon.ico
            subPath: favicon.ico
            readOnly: true

      - name: favicon
            name: favicon
      - name: favicon-img
            name: favicon-img

The actual values are from Kubernetes ConfigMap object. So you might have to change the value at ConfigMap or create a new one and mount it in your pod.


apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: favicon
  namespace: spaceone
  title.txt: |
    KB One Cloud


apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: favicon-img
  namespace: spaceone
  favicon.ico: AAABAAEAAAAAAAEAIADxxxxxxx...

NOTE: favicon.ico must be base64 encoded.

# cat favicon.ico | base64

Corporate Identity

When you open SpaceONE page, you can see the default SpaceONE CI, logo and text. You can change the default SpaceONE CI with your company CI.

Login Page

Every Page

Update helm value of console (console -> production_json -> DOMAIN_IMAGE)


CI_LOGOCustom Logo ImageImage (56 * 56 px)
CI_TEXT_WITH_TYPECI Text ImageImage (164 * 40 px)
SIGN_INSign-in page ImageImage (1024 * 1024 px)
CI_TEXTCI Text Image On every pageImage (123 * 16 px)

NOTE: Recommended file format is SVG. But if you would like to use a PNG file, use transparent background and double the size than recommended size.

NOTE: SpaceONE does not support uploading files, so upload CI files at your web server or S3.!

  enabled: true
  developer: false
  name: console
  replicas: 2
      name: spaceone/console
      version: 1.8.7
  imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent

# TODO: Update value
#  - GTAG_ID (if you have google analytics ID)
#  - AMCHARTS_LICENSE (for commercial use only)

Google Analytics

You can apply Google Analytics to SpaceONE Console by following the steps below.

Create accounts and properties

  1. Log in to your Google account after accessing the Google Analytics site.

  2. Click the Start Measurement button.


  3. Enter your account name and click the Next button.


  4. Enter a property name and click the Next button.

    In the property name, enter the name of the url you want to track.


  5. Click the Create button.


  6. Click the Agree button after agreeing to the data processing terms.


Set up data streams

  1. Choose Web as the platform for the data stream you want to collect.


  2. Enter your SpaceONE Console website URL and stream name and click the Create Stream button.


  3. Check the created stream information and copy the measurement ID.


Set up the SpaceONE Helm Chart

Paste the copied measurement ID as the value for the GTAG_ID key in the helm chart settings as shown below.

# frontend.yaml
    GTAG_ID: {measurement ID}

3.3.7 - Create secret by exist cert

If a public or private certificate is issued, it explains how to create and apply a secret using the issued certificate.

If a public or private certificate has already been issued, you can create a secret through the existing certificate. The following is how to create a secret using the certificate_secret.yaml file.

Create Secret from certificate_secret.yaml file

If the certificate is ready, edit the certificate_secert.yaml file. The file can be downloaded from the link below. In addition, the downloaded content is edited and used as follows.

cat <<EOF> certificate_secret.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: spaceone-tls
  namespace: spaceone           # Change the namespace
  tls.crt: base64 encoded cert  # openssl base64 -in cert.pem -out cert.base64
  tls.key: base64 encoded key   # openssl base64 -in key.pem -out key.base64

Apply the certificate_secret.yaml file to the spaceone namespace through the following command.

kubectl apply -f certificate_secret.yaml -n spaceone

4 - User Guide

Guide to use SpaceONE

4.1 - Get started

Cloudforet provides a service that helps integrate resources spread in many β€˜cloud service’ providers and systematically manage them.

Learn more about Cloudforet through a user guide.

To use Cloudforet's services, the following three prerequisites must be met:

  • User settings
  • Project settings
  • Service account settings

User settings

Cloudforet users are classified into three types: internal users, external users, and API users.

This section only introduces how to add internal users, and how to add external users and API users can be found in [IAM] user guide.

Adding a user

(1) Click the [Create] button on the [Admin > Users] page.


(2) In the [Create user] modal, select the [Local] tab.

(2-1) After entering the ID, click the [Check ID] button to check if the ID is valid.


(2-2) After entering the name, email, and password to identify the user, click the [OK] button to complete the user creation.


Project settings

Create project and Project group for systematic resource management .

Creating a project group

Since a project must belong to one project group, you must first create a project group before creating a project.

(1) Click the [Create project group] button on the [Project] page.


(2) After entering the project group name in the [Create project group] modal dialog, click the [OK] button to create the project group.


Creating a project

After creating a project group, create a project that will belong to it.

(1) Select the previously created project group from the list of project groups on the left and click the [Create project] button at the top right.


(2) After entering the project name in the [Create project] modal dialog, click the [OK] button to create the project.


Inviting project group members

You can invite users to a project group to register as a Member of the project group.

(1) Select the previously created project group from the [Project group] list on the left.

(2) Click the [Manage project group members] icon button at the top right.


(3) Click the [Invite] button on the [Manage project group members] page to open the [Invite members] modal dialog.


(3-1) Select the member you want to invite. You can select and invite multiple members at once.


(3-2) Select the role to be granted to the members to be invited.


(3-3) After entering the labels for the members to invite, press the Enter key to add them.

(3-4) Click the [OK] button to complete member invitation.


Service account settings

Service Account means the Cloud service account required to collect resources for the cloud service.

Adding cloud service account

(1) On the [Asset Inventory > Service account] page, select the cloud service you want to add.


(2) Click the [Add] button.


(3) Fill out the service account creation form.

(3-1) Enter basic information.


(3-2) Specify the project to collect resources from according to the service account.


(3-3) Enter encryption key information.


(4) Click the [Save] button to complete.

After completing the above steps, if you want to use Cloudforet’s services more conveniently and in a variety of ways, please see the following guide:

4.2 - Dashboards

Dashboard service that visually represents (multi) cloud data, such as billing and assets, making complex data easy to understand at a glance. With support for various chart types and graphic elements, you can quickly grasp the essentials of your critical data.

You can create customized dashboards by combining specific widgets to gain a quick overview of your desired data in addition to the default provided dashboards. Furthermore, you can have precise control over variables, date ranges, and detailed options for each widget for each dashboard, allowing you to build and manage more accurate and professional dashboards tailored to your organization's requirements.

4.2.1 - Dashboard Templates

Using the default templates makes it easier and faster to create a dashboard.

Monthly Cost Summary

This is a dashboard that visualizes cloud cost status and budget utilization based on various group-specific statistical criteria in the form of charts.

It is comprised of cost-related widgets, and among the dashboard variables, one specific Data-Source must be selected.


CDN & Traffic

This is a dashboard that charts the status of CDN and traffic-related costs and usage for a specific cloud product. One specific Data-Source must be selected.


Compliance Overview

This is a dashboard that visualizes compliance configuration audit and monitoring results. One specific Data-Source must be selected.


4.2.2 - Create Dashboard

You can create and manage custom dashboards by utilizing various widgets based on the importance and characteristics of your data, in addition to the provided default dashboards.

Creating a new dashboard

You can create a dashboard following the steps below.

(1) To create a new dashboard, you can either click on [Dashboard > Create New Dashboard] in the top menu or click the [+] button at the top of the left-hand menu within the dashboard service to go to the creation page.



(2) On the "Create New Dashboard" page, select the dashboard scope and choose whether it should be public or not.


  • Entire Workspace : The data for the entire workspace's projects will be displayed.
  • Single Project : The dashboard will be configured using only the data from a chosen project.

(3) You can select from the default templates provided by Cloudforet or choose to duplicate an existing dashboard. After selecting your preferred options, click the [Continue] button.


(4) After entering the dashboard name, you can complete creating the dashboard using the provided widgets. For detailed editing instructions, refer to here.


(5) The created dashboard can be found on the [View All Dashboards] page, categorized based on [viewers] and [scope].


To review the created dashboard and make quick adjustments, please refer to here.

4.2.3 - Customize Dashboard

In the dashboard [Customize] mode, you can modify the dashboard name, layout, widgets, and more.

Customizing your dashboard

Switch to 'Customize' mode

Clicking the [Customize] button on the right side of a dashboard page will take you to the dashboard editing page.


Rename the dashboard

You can click the [Edit] icon button next to the dashboard title to make changes.


Manage labels

You can add or remove labels just below the dashboard title at the top. Labels are used to categorize and differentiate dashboard-related categories and features, making them useful for dashboard searches.


Apply a period range

(1) When you activate the [Date Range Selector] option from the right side panel, a dropdown button for setting the period will be displayed on the dashboard.


(2) You can select a specific month from the drop-down or choose a specific month within the last 3 years using the [Custom] menu.


Configure auto data refresh

You can choose the data refresh interval from the [Refresh] dropdown in the upper right corner of the dashboard.


Add widgets

(1) Click the [+ Add Widget] button on the right-hand dashboard editing page.


(2) Select a specific widget from the list on the left and add it.


(2-2) If you have selected a specific widget, you can enter the [Name] and set the detailed options.


(2-3) If there are no additional options you want, you can click the [+Add Option] button to add them.


(2-4) When you've finished the configuration, click the [Confirm] button to complete adding widgets to the dashboard.

Rearrange the widget order

You can change the order by drag & drop the widget name button from the widget list in the right panel.


Enlarge widget size

If you want to view a widget in full-screen, click the [Full Screen] icon button in the top right corner of the widget.



Edit a widget

(1) Click the [Edit] icon button in the top right corner of the widget to edit it.


(2) You can edit the widget name and options, then click the [Confirm] button to save your changes. However, if you don't [Save] the dashboard in [Customize] mode, the edited widget won't be reflected in the final version.

  • For information on widget option settings, please refer to here.


4.2.4 - Review & Quick Configuration

While in dashboard [Customize] mode, you can add new widgets and manage detailed layouts. However, in dashboard [View] mode, you can not only review data but also edit names, labels, delete, and quickly edit widgets.

Editing a dashboard's name or Deleting/Duplicating

Editing a dashboard's name

(1) Click the [Edit] icon button next to the dashboard name.


(2) After changing the dashboard's name, click the [Confirm] button.



(1) Click the [Trash] icon button next to the dashboard name.


(2) Click the [Confirm] button in the [Delete Dashboard] modal to delete the dashboard.



(1) Click the [Clone] button on the right side of a dashboard.


(2) Select the following options and complete the cloning.


  • Dashboard name
  • Viewers:Β Select one between Private andΒ Public.

Managing labels

Label addition/removal can be done in the same way as on here.


Setting filters

When you set up filters, you can view the dashboard data filtered by the desired conditions.

(1) Choose the specific options of the desired item from the Variables section at the top of the dashboard.


(2) If there are differences from the previously saved settings, the [Save] button on the right side will be activated, allowing you to quickly save the changes.


(3) If you want to revert your changes to the most recently saved values while in the process of changing options, click the [Reset] button.


(4) Click the [+ More] > [Manage Variables] button to review all available variables or add custom variables.


(4-1) If you need to add custom variables, click the [+ Add Variable] button in the upper right corner of the [Manage Variables] window.


(4-2) After entering the basic information for the variable you want to add, click the [Save] button.


Setting the period

In the dashboard's top-right [Period] dropdown, you can select a specific month or choose a specific month within the last 3 years using the [Custom] menu.


Configuring auto data refresh

You can select the data refresh interval from the [Refresh] dropdown in the top right corner of the dashboard.


Viewing and editing widget settings

(1) Click the [Full Screen] icon button in the top-right corner of a specific widget


(2) In full-screen mode, you can examine detailed widget data. The top filter options are the same as the dashboard variables, and you can explore each option to get a closer look at the widget's data.


(3) If detailed editing of the widget is required, click the [Edit Options] button in the top-right corner.


(4) Similar to [Customize] mode, you can edit and save the specific items of the widget.

  • For information on widget option settings, please refer to here.


4.3 - Project

Design and manage a hierarchical structure according to the size and structure of your organization, where you can systematically manage the collected cloud resources.

Create a Project group and a Project on the project page of Cloudforet, and invite your member.


4.3.1 - Project

Project is a grouping unit for managing resources.

A project must belong to a specific Project group, and there can be no more hierarchies below the project.

Invite a Member to the project and assign a Role that differentiates their access privilege to project resources.

Creating a project

(1) From the [Project group] list on the left side of the [Project] page, select a project group for which you will create a project.


(2) Click the [Create project] button at the top right.

(3) After entering a project name in the [Create project] modal dialog, click the [OK] button to create the project.


Viewing the project list

From the project list, you can easily check the resource status of the major categories of each project.
You can also enter a search word to see a list of project groups and projects that match your criteria.

Getting a list of all projects

You can view a list of the entire projects by selecting [All projects] from [Project groups] on the left.


Viewing a list of projects in a project group

You can select the project group you want from the [Project group] list on the left to view projects belonging to that group only.


If there are other project groups under the selected project group, the projects belonging to such other project groups are not displayed here.

- Project Group A
    - Project Group B
        - Project B-1
        - Project B-2
    - Project A-1
    - Project A-2

For example in the above structure, if you select Project Group A, only Project A-1 and Project A-2 would be displayed in the list.

Exploring projects

Select a project from a list of projects to enter the project detail page.

Project Dashboard

In the [Summary information] tab, you can check the aggregated information of the resources belonging to the project through the project dashboard.


The project dashboard shows the status of resource usage and trends by category and region.

In addition, statistical information about the project in diverse formats through multiple widgets helps to manage resources more efficiently and minimize costs.

Below is a list of widgets on the project dashboard.

Project dashboard widget nameDescription
AlertInformation on alerts that occurred in the project
CostCost information for the project
Today's resource updatesResource information updated from midnight local time to the present
Cloud servicesInformation on major cloud services among the services
AWS Personal Health DashboardInformation on AWS Personal Health Dashboard
AWS Trusted AdvisorInformation on AWS Trusted Advisor

Edit project

Changing project name

(1) Click the [Edit] icon button to the right of the project name.


(2) After entering the name to be changed in the [Change project] modal dialog, click the [OK] button to change the project name.


Managing project tags

You can manage it by adding tags to your project.

(1) Click the [Edit] button inside the [Tag] tab.


(2) Click the [Add Tag] button on the [Tag] page.

(3) Enter the value to be added in the form of β€˜key:value.’


(3-1) If you want to add more tags, click the [Add tag] button as many as the number of tags you want.

(4) Click the [Save] button to finish adding tags.

Deleting a project

(1) Click the [Delete] icon button to the right of the project name.


(2) Click the [OK] button in the [Delete project] modal dialog to delete the project.


4.3.2 - Member

Invite Members to a Project and a Project group, and assign a Role to them.

Members are always assigned at least one role for each, which allows them to manage access to the project and project group.

Manage project group members

You can manage members by entering the [Manage project group members] page.

(1) Select the project group whose members you want to manage from the [Project group] list on the left side of the [Project] page.

(2) Click the [Manage project group members] icon button at the top right.


(3) Enter a search word on the [Manage project group members] page to view a list of projects that meet the criteria, invite new members, or edit/delete members.


Inviting project group members

(1) Click the [Invite] button on the [Manage project group members] page to open the [Invite members] modal dialog.


(2) Select the member you want to invite. You can select and invite multiple members at once.


(3) Select the roles to be granted to members that you want to invite.


(4) After entering labels for members to invite, press the Enter key to add them.

(5) Click the [OK] button to complete member invitation.


Editing project group members

You can change the roles and labels granted to members for the project group.

(1) In the [Manage project group members] page, select the member you want to edit.

(2) Select [Edit] from the [Action] dropdown.


(3) In the [Change member information] modal dialog, enter the contents you want to change and click the [OK] button to complete the change.


Deleting project group members

(1) In the [Manage project group members] page, select the member you want to delete. Multiple selections are possible.

(2) Select [Delete] from the [Action] dropdown.


(3) Click the [OK] button in the [Remove member] modal dialog to remove the member.


Managing project members

You can manage members by entering the [Members] tab of the project detail page, and all methods and contents are the same as the managing project group members (link).

(1) On the [Project] page, select the project whose members you want to manage and go to the project detail page.

(2) Select the [Member] tab.


4.4 - Asset inventory

Asset inventory allows a user to collect resources based on the registered user cloud service account, and view the collected resources.

Cloud provider: refers to a cloud provider offering cloud services such as AWS, Google Cloud, Azure, etc.

Cloud service: refers to a cloud service that a cloud provider offers, as in the case of AWS EC2 Instance.

Cloud resource: refers to resources of cloud services, as in the case of servers of AWS EC2 Instance.

4.4.1 - Quick Start

You may want to go over our Asset inventory service for a quick start below.

Creating a service account

Add a cloud service account in the [Asset inventory > Service account] page.

(1) Select a cloud service to add.


(2) Click the [Add] button.


(3) Fill out the service account creation form.

(3-1) Enter basic information.


(3-2) Specify the project to collect resources from according to the service account.


(3-3) Enter encryption key information.


Creating a collector

On the [Asset Inventory > Collector] page, create a collector to collect resources.

(1) Click the [Create] button.


(2) Select the plugin to use when collecting resources.


(3) Fill out the collector creation form. (3-1) Enter basic information such as a name and a version.


(3-2) Add tags if necessary.


(4) Create a schedule for running the collector.

(4-1) On the [Asset inventory > Collector] page, select one collector from the table, and then click the [Add] button in the [Schedule] tab.


(4-2) In the [Add schedule] modal dialog, set the time to run the collector and click the [OK] button.


Verifying collected resources

You can view the collected resources in [Asset inventory > Cloud service].


4.4.2 - Cloud service

Collector allows you to integratively view diverse cloud resources and understand their usage status.

Viewing a list of cloud services

The cloud service page displays the status of cloud service usage by Provider.

Advanced Search and filter settings allow you to filter the list by refined criteria.

Choosing a Provider

Select a provider to view cloud services provided through a certain provider only.


Filter settings

You can search with more detailed conditions by setting service classification and region filters.

(1) Click the [Settings] button to open the [Filter Settings] modal dialog.


(2) After selecting the desired filter, click the [OK] button to apply it.


Exploring Cloud Service

You can check the details of certain cloud services on the cloud service detail page.

Click a card on the cloud service page to go to the detail page.


You can check detailed information about the selected cloud service in the cloud service list on the left.


Viewing a list of resources in cloud services

You can enter a search word to see a list of cloud resources that match your criteria.

See here for a detailed description of Advanced search.

Click the [Excel] icon button to [Export as an Excel file] for a list of resources (/ko/docs/guides/advanced/excel-export) or click the [Settings] icon button to [Personalize table fields](/ko/ docs/guides/advanced/custom-table).


Viewing the status of cloud service usage

You can check statistical information about the selected cloud service.


For more detailed information, click the [View chart] button on the right.


Opening cloud resources console

Sometimes you need to work in a console provided by a cloud resources provider.

(1) Select the cloud resource to which you want to connect the console.

(2) Click the [Console connection] button.


(3) By clicking the button, open the provider's console in a new tab where you can continue working with the cloud resource.

Below is an example of the AWS EC2 Instance console that was opened.


Exploring resources in cloud services

If you select an item you want to look at in the list of cloud resources, you can check information about that resource at the bottom.

  • [Details] (#check-cloud-resources-details)
  • [Tag] (#manage-cloud-resources-tag)
  • [Associated member] (#check-cloud-resource-associated-member)
  • [Change history] (#check-cloud-resource-associated-member)
  • [Monitoring] (#check-cloud-resource-monitoring-information)


Checking cloud resource details

Detailed information about the selected resource is displayed.

The information displayed here is divided into a Basic tab and a More information tab.

  • Basic tab: This is provided as default in the cloud resources details, and the [Basic information] and [Original data] tabs are applicable.
  • More information Tab: All tabs except the main tab are determined by the collector plugin that gathers resources. For detailed information, see here.


The image above is an example of cloud resources details.

Except for the [Basic information] tab and [Original data] tabs, all other tabs (AMI, Permissions, Tags) offer information added by the collector plugin.

Managing cloud resources tags

There are two types of tags for cloud resources: Managed and Custom. For each cloud resource, you can either view the Managed tags added from the provider or add Custom tags.

Each tag in the form of key: value can be useful when searching for specific resources.


[ Viewing Managed Tags ]

  • The Managed tags can't be directly edited or removed in Cloudforet.


[ Creating & Viewing Custom Tags ]

(1) Click the [Edit Custom Tags] button


(2) After entering the tag in the form of key:value on the tag page, click the [Save] button to complete this process.


Checking members associated with cloud resources

In the [Associated members] tab, you can check user information that meets the conditions below:


Viewing history of changing cloud resources

In the [Change history] tab, you can quickly identify changes by date/time of the selected cloud resource.

(1) You can select a certain date or search for the content you want to check.


(2) When you click a certain key value or time period, you can check the details of the corresponding history of changes.

(2-1) Contents of changes: You can check the details of which key values ​​of the resource were updated and how.


(2-2) Logs: As we support detailed logs by providers such as AWS CloudTrail, you can check which detailed events have occurred within/without of the selected time. This has a great advantage when identifying users who have made changes to a particular resource.


You can check the detailed log by clicking the value key you want to check.


(2-3) Notes: By adding/managing notes at a selected time, you can freely manage the workflow for each company, such as which person in charge is related to the change, which process you will choose to solve the issue, etc.


Checking cloud resource monitoring information

The [Monitoring] tab shows various metrics for cloud resources.


You can also view metrics for different criteria by changing the [Time range] filter, or by selecting a different statistical method from the [Statistics] dropdown.

If you select multiple resources by clicking the checkbox on the left from the list of cloud resources at the top, you can compare and explore metric information for multiple resources.


Metrics information is collected by the Monitoring plugin, and for detailed information, see here.

4.4.3 - Server

Collector allows you to check server resources among diverse resources of cloud services.

Getting a list of server resources

You can check a list of server resources by entering the server page through the [Asset inventory > Server] menu.

Advanced search allows you to filter the list by elaborate criteria.

Click the [Excel] icon button to [Export as an Excel file] for a list of resources (/ko/docs/guides/advanced/excel-export) or click the [Settings] icon button to [Personalize table fields](/ko/ docs/guides/advanced/custom-table).


Opening the server resources console

Sometimes you need to work on a console site that a server resources provider offers.

(1) Select the server resource to which you want to connect the console.

(2) Click the [Console connection] button.


(3) Click the button to open the provider's console in a new tab where you can continue working with the server resource.

Below is an example of the AWS EC2 Instance console that was opened.


Explore server resources

If you select the item you want to look at from a list of server resources, you can check information about the resource at the bottom.

It is equivalent to the Explore cloud service resources in the [Asset inventory > Cloud service] menu.

4.4.4 - Collector

Cloudforet gathers Cloud resources through a Collector, and its schedule can be set up.


To collect data with a collector, you need two elements:

Collector plugin

This is an element that defines the specifications of what resources to collect from the Cloud provider, and how to display the collected data on the screen.

Since each provider has a different structure and content of data, a collector completely relies on Collector plugin to collect resources.

For detailed information on this, see here.

Service account

To collect resources, you need to connect to an account on the Cloud provider.

Service Account is your account information to link to your provider's account.

A collector accesses the provider account through the service account created for each provider.

For detailed information on this, see here.

Create a collector

(1) Click the [+ Create] button at the top left.


(2) Follow the steps on the "Create New Collector" page.

(2-1) On the Plugin List page, find a required collector plugin and click the [Select] button.


(2-2) Enter the name and version of the collector and click the [Continue] button.

(Depending on the collector, it can be required to select a specific cloud provider.)


(2-3) Select additional options for the collector and click the [Continue] button.

(2-3-1) Service Account: Select either "All" or Specific Service Accounts. If you choose "All," the service accounts associated with the provider related to the collector will be automatically selected for data collection.

(2-3-2) Additional Options: Depending on the collector, there may or may not be additional options to select.


(2-4) You can set up a schedule to automatically perform data collection (optional). Once you have completed all the steps, click the [Create New Collector] button to finalize the collector creation.


(2-5) Once collector is created, you can collect data immediately.


Get a list of collectors

You can view a list of all collectors that have been created on the collector page.

Advanced search allows you to filter the list by elaborate criteria. For a detailed explanation, see here.


View/Edit/Delete collector

(1) View Details

(1-1) Select a specific collector card from the list to navigate to its detailed page.


(1-2) You can view the basic information, schedule, additional options, and attached service accounts.


(2) Edit or Delete

(2-1) Click on the [Edit] icon at the top and modify the collector name.


(2-2) If you need to edit details such as base information, schedule, additional options or service accounts, click the [Edit] button in each area.


(2-3) After making the changes, click the [Save Changes] button to complete the modification.


(2-4) If you need to delete a collector, click the [Trash] icon on the top.


Set up automated data collection

After creating a collector, you can still modify the automated data collection schedule for each individual collector.

(1) In the collector list page, you can enable or disable automated data collection for each collector by using the schedule toggle button(Switch On/Off) in the collector card section. You can quickly set and modify the frequency by clicking the [Edit] button.




(2) You can also navigate to the detailed page of each collector and change the schedule.


Start data collection immediately

You can collect data on a one-time basis without setting up automated data collection.

It allows data collection to take place even when the collector does not have an automated data collection schedule.

Data collection works in two ways:

Collect data for all attached service accounts

Collector needs account information from a Provider for data collection, which is registered through Service account.

(1) Click on [Collect Data]

(Collector list Page) Hover over the collector card area for data collection, and then click the [Collect Data] button.


(Collector Detail Page) Click the [Collect Data] button located in the top right corner of the detailed page.



(2) Proceed with data collection.

(2) Whether or not the collector has completed a data collection can be checked in Collector history. You can click the [View details] link of a selected collector to go to that page.

Collect data for a single service account

When collecting data with a collector, you may only collect data from a specific cloud provider’s account.

(1) Select a collector from the collector list page, and go to detail page.

(2) You can find the list of attached service accounts on the bottom of detail page.


(3) In order to start data collection, Click the [Collect Data] button on the right side of the service account for which you want to collect data.

Checking data collection history

You can check your data collection history on the Collector history page.

You can go to the collector history page by clicking the [Collector history] button at the top of the collector page.



Checking the details of data collection history

If you select a collection history from the list of data collections above, you will be taken to the collection history details page.

You can check data collection status, basic information, and Collection history by service account.


Checking collection history for each service account

When you run the collector, each collection is performed for each associated service account.

Here you can find information about how the collection was performed by the service account.


Key field Information
  • Created Count: The number of newly added resources
  • Updated Count: The number of imported resources
  • Disconnected Count: The number of resources that were not fetched
  • Deleted Count: Number of deleted resources (in case of a resource failing to fetch multiple times, it is considered deleted.)

Check the content of collection errors

(1) Select the item you want to check for error details from a list of collections for each account.

(2) You can check the details of errors in the [Error list] tab below.


4.4.5 - Service account

In the Service account page, you can easily integrate, manage, and track your accounts of each cloud service.

Add service account

There are two types of service accounts for different needs and better security.

Create General Account

(1) On the [Asset inventory > Service account] page, select the cloud service you want to add.


(2) Click the [Add] button.


(3) Fill out the service account creation form.

(3-1) Select General Account.


(3-2) Enter basic information.


(3-3) Specify the project to collect resources from according to the service account.


(3-4) Enter encryption key information.

  • Option 1) You can create account with its own credentials. service-account-add-key

  • Option 2) Create account using credentials from an existing Trusted Account.

  • In the case of AWS, you can easily create Assume Role by attaching an exisiting Trusted Account. If you select a certain Trusted Account, its credential key will automatically get inserted, then you will only need to enter the rest of information. service-account-add-key

  • Option 3) You can also create account without credentials. service-account-add-key

(4) Click the [Save] button to complete.

Create Trusted Account

(1) On the [Asset inventory > Service account] page, select the cloud service you want to add.


(2) Click the [Add] button.


(3) Fill out the service account creation form.

(3-1) Select Trusted Account.


(3-2) Enter basic information.


(3-3) Specify the project to collect resources from according to the service account.


(3-4) Enter encryption key information.


(4) Click the [Save] button to complete.

Viewing service account

You can view a list of service accounts that have been added, and when you click a certain account, you can check the detailed information.


Editing service account

Select a service account you want to edit from the list.


Editing each part

You can edit each part of detail information by clicking [Edit] button.

service-account-edit-btn service-account-edit

Removing service account

Select a service account you want to remove from the list.

You can delete it by clicking the delete icon button.


If the service account is Trusted Account type and currently attached to more than one General Account, it can't be removed.


4.5 - Cost Explorer

Cost Explorer feature traces all expenses incurred from service accounts registered in Cloudforet. Cost data, having been cleaned, can be found in Dashboard or Cost analysis.

The amount used by period can be checked based on a Budget set by a user and Budget use notification can also be set up.

4.5.1 - Cost analysis

Cost analysis provides detailed analyses of cost data received from cloud providers.

By grouping or filtering data based on diverse conditions, you can view the desired cost data at a glance.

Verifying cost analysis

Selecting a data source

If you have more than one billing data source connected, you can perform a detailed cost analysis by selecting each data source from the "Cost Analysis" section in the left menu.


Selecting the granularity

Granularity is criteria set for how data will be displayed. The form of the provided chart or table varies depending on the detailed criteria.


  • Daily: You can review daily accumulated data for a specific month.
  • Monthly: You can check monthly data for a specific period (up to 12 months).
  • Yearly: You can examine yearly data for the most recent three years.

Selecting the period

The available options in the "Period" menu vary depending on a granularity you choose. You can select a menu from the [Period] dropdown or configure it directly through the "Custom" menu.


Group-by settings

You can select more than one result from group statistics. In the chart, only one selected result of group statistics is displayed, and in the table, you can see all the results from group statistics that you select.



Filter settings

Filters, similar to group-by, can be selected one or more at a time, and your configured values are used for filtering with an "AND" condition.

(1) Click the [Filter] button at the top of the page.

(2) When the "Filter Settings" window opens, you can choose the desired filters, and the selections will be immediately reflected in the chart and table.


Creating/managing custom cost analysis

Creating a custom analysis page

To alleviate the inconvenience of having to reset granularity and period every time you enter the "Cost Analysis" page, a feature is provided that allows you to save frequently used settings as custom analysis pages.

(1) Click the [Save As] button in the upper-right corner of a specific cost analysis page.


(2) After entering a name and clicking the [Confirm] button, a new analysis page is created.



(3) Custom cost analysis pages can be saved with settings like name, filters, group-by, etc., directly using the [Save] option, and just like the default analysis pages, you can also create new pages by using [Save As].


Editing the custom analysis name

You can edit the name by clicking the [Edit] button at the top of the page.



Deleting the custom analysis name

You can delete the page by clicking the [Delete] button at the top of the page.


4.5.2 - Budget

Budget is a service that helps manage your budget by setting standards on costs incurred by each project.

Creating a budget

(1) Click the [Create budget] button at the top right of the [Cost Explorer > Budget] page.


(2) Enter basic information


(2-1) Enter the name of the budget.

(2-2) Select a billing data source.

(2-3) Select the project to be the target of budget management in the target item.

(2-4) Select the cost incurring criteria. If you select all as the cost type, all cost data related to the corresponding project will be imported.

(3) Enter the budget plan


(3-1) Set a period for managing the budget.

(3-2) Choose how you want to manage your budget.

(3-3) Set the budget amount. If you selected Set total budget, enter the total budget amount. If you selected Set monthly budget, enter the monthly budget amount.

Check the set budget and usage status

The budget page provides a summary of your budget data and an overview of your budget for each project at a glance. You can use filters at the top to specify a period or apply an exchange rate, and you can search for a specific project or name using an advanced search.


Budget detail page

On the budget detail page, you can view specific data for the created budget.

Budget summary

Under [Budget summary], you can check the monthly budget and cost trends through charts and tables.


Set budget usage notifications

In [Budget usage notification settings], you can adjust the settings to receive a notification when the budget has been used up over a certain threshold. When the budget amount used goes over a certain percentage or the actual amount exceeds a certain amount, you can receive a notification through the notifications channel registered in advance.


4.6 - Alert manager

Alert manager in Cloudforet is a service to integrate and manage events of diverse patterns that occur in multiple monitoring systems.

4.6.1 - Quick Start

You may want to go over our Alert manager service for a quick start below.

Creating alerts

Alerts can be created in two ways:

  • Create an alert manually in the Cloudforet console.
  • Automatically create through an external monitoring service connection

Creating an alert manually from a console

(1) Go to the [Alert manager > Alert] page and click the [Create] button.


(2) When the [Create alert] modal dialog opens, fill in the input form.


(2-1) Enter an [Alert title] and select [Urgency].

(2-2) Designate the project for which the alert occurred.

(2-3) Write [Comment] if an additional explanation is needed.

(3) Click the [OK] button to complete alert creation.

Connecting to an external monitoring service to receive alerts

When an external monitoring service is connected, an event message occurring in the service is automatically generated as an alert.
To receive alerts from the external monitoring, Webhook creation and Connection settings are required.

Creating a webhook

To receive event messages from an external monitoring service, you need to create a webhook.
Webhooks can be created on the project detail page.

(1) Go to the [Alerts] tab of the project detail page and select the [Webhook] tab.


(2) Click the [Add] button.

(3) Write a name in an [Add webhook] modal dialog and select the plug-in of the external monitoring service to be connected.


(4) Click the [OK] button to complete set up.

Escalation policy settings

Whether an alert received via a webhook is sent as a notification to project members is determined by escalation policy.

(1) Inside the [Alert] tab of the project detail page, move to the [Settings] tab.


(2) Click the [Change] button in the escalation policy area.


(3) After selecting the [Create new policy] tab, enter the settings to create an escalation policy.


Exit condition (status)Define the condition to stop the generated alarm.
RangeIndicate the scope in which escalation policy can be used. In case of "global," the policy can be used in all projects within the domain, and in case of "project," within the specified project.
Escalation RulesAll levels from LV1 to LV5 can be added.
Alerts are sent to a notifications channel belonging to a set level, and a period between steps can be given in minutes from step 2 or higher.
Number of repetitionsDefine how many times to repeat an alert notification. Notifications can be repeated up to 9 times.
Project (if you create it from the escalation rules page)If the scope is a project, this indicates the project being targeted.

(4) When all settings are completed, click the [OK] button to create the escalation policy.

Notifications settings

In the [Notification] tab of the project detail page, you can decide whether or not to Create a notifications channel and enable it.
Notifications channel is a unit that expresses the systematic recipient area, including the method and level of notifications transmission. It helps to transmit alerts according to the level set in the escalation rule.

(1) On the project detail page, select the [Notification] tab and click the [Add channel] button of the desired notifications channel.


(2) On the notification creation page, enter the settings to create a notifications channel.

(2-1) Enter the basic information about the notifications channel you want to create, such as the required channel name and notification level. The [Channel name] and [Notification level] comprise the basic setting fields, and afterward, the remaining fields receive different information per channel.


(2-2) You can set a schedule to receive notifications only at certain times.


(2-3) Notifications can be received when an alert occurs or when a threshold for budget notifications was reached. You can set the occasions when you receive notifications in [Topic].


(3) Click the [Save] button to complete the notifications channel creation.

(4) Notifications channels that have been created can be checked at the bottom of the [Notification] tab.


You can control whether to activate the corresponding notifications channel through the toggle button at the top left. Even if there is a level set up under the escalation policy, without activating the notifications channel, notifications will not go out.

4.6.2 - Dashboard

It is on dashboards that you can view alerts that have occurred to the currently logged-in users at a glance.

You can check alerts for each of the three main parts, as follows:

Check alerts by state

At the top of the dashboard, you can view alerts by State.
Click each item to go to the Alert details page, where you can check detailed information or implement detailed settings.


Alerts history

Alert history occurred in Project is displayed.
You can see the daily data on the chart, and the increase/decrease in alerts on the card compared to the previous month.


Project dashboard

[Project dashboard] shows the alert information of each project related to a user.

In the case of [Top 5 project activities], projects are displayed in the order of having the most alerts in the [Open] state.


At the bottom of the search bar, the alerted projects are displayed in the order of highest activity.
Only projects marked with an issue status are visible, and when all the alerts reach a cleared status, they are changed to normal status and are no longer visible on the dashboard.


4.6.3 - Alert

Alert is defined by all the issues that occur during service operation, created mainly to send notifications to relevant users.


Alerts have one of the following states:

OKState in which an alert has been assigned and is being processed
CreatedState in which alert was first registered
ResoledState in which the contents of alerts such as faults, inspection, etc., have been resolved
ErrorState in which an event has been received through webhook connections but alerts were not normally registered due to error


There are two types of urgent alerts in Cloudforet: high and low.

Whereas in the case of the Manual creation of alerts, it is created as one of two types, high and low, in the case of automatic creation through webhook connections, urgency is measured according to Severity.

Creating alerts

Alerts can be created in two ways:

  • Manual creation: create an alert manually in the Cloudforet console.
  • Auto generation: create a webhook and receives events from an external monitoring service connected to the webhook. And it automatically generates an alert by purifying the received event message.

Creating an alert manually from a console

(1) Go to the [Alert manager > Alerts] page and click the [Create] button.


(2) When the [Create alert] modal dialog opens, fill in the input form.


(2-1) Enter an [Alert title] and select [Urgency].

(2-2) Designate the project for which the alert occurred.

(2-3) Write [Comment] if an additional explanation is needed.

(3) Click the [OK] button to complete alert creation.

Connecting to an external monitoring service to receive alerts

When an external monitoring service is connected, an event message occurring in the service is automatically generated as an alert.
To receive alerts from the external monitoring, Webhook creation and Connection settings are required.

Creating a webhook

To receive event messages from an external monitoring service, you need to create a webhook.
Webhooks can be created on the project detail page.

(1) Go to the [Alerts] tab of the project detail page and select the [Webhook] tab.


(2) Click the [Add] button.

(3) Write a name in an [Add webhook] modal dialog and select the plug-in of the external monitoring service to be connected.


(4) Click the [OK] button to complete set up.

Using Alerts

Let's take a brief look at various ways to use the alert features in Cloudforet.

  • Notifications channel: set up how and when to send alerts to which users.
  • Escalation policy: apply step-by-step rules to effectively forward received alerts to project members.
  • Event rules: events received through webhooks are generated as Alerts according to the circumstances.
  • Maintenance period: register regular and irregular system task schedules to guide tasks and block Alerts that occur between tasks.

Getting a list of alerts

You can view alerts from all projects on the [Alert manager > Alerts] page.
You can search for alerts or change the state of an alert.

Searching for alerts

You can enter a search term to see a list of alerts that match your criteria and click the title of an alert you want to check on an alert detail page.


Also, the built-in filtering feature makes it convenient to filter alerts.

For a detailed description on advanced search, see here.

Changing alert state in lists

You can edit an alert state right from the list.

(1) Select an alert to edit the state, and click the desired button from among [OK], [Resolved], and [Delete] in the upper right corner.


(1-1) Click the [OK] button to change the state to OK

The OK state is a state in which the alert has been assigned and is being processed by a person in charge.
As soon as you change the state, you can set the person in charge of the selected alert to yourself, and click the [OK] button to complete.


(1-2) Click the [Revolved] button to change the state to `resolved’

The resolved state means that the issue that caused the alert has been processed.
You can write a note as soon as the state changes, and click the [OK] button to complete.


(1-3) Click the [Delete] button to delete an alert

You can check the alert list to be deleted once again, and click the [OK] button to delete it.


Viewing alerts

You can view and manage details and alert history on the alert detail page.


DurationTime during which an alert lasted
DescriptionAs a description of an alert, the content written by a user or that of an event received from an external monitoring service
RulesConditions alerted by an external monitoring service
SeverityLevel of seriousness of data received from a webhook event
Escalation policyApplied escalation policy
ProjectAlerted project(s)
CreateMonitoring services that sent alerts
Resource nameAlert occurrence target

Renaming and deleting alerts

You can change the name of an alert or delete an alert through the [Edit] and [Delete] icon buttons for each.


Changing state/urgency

State and urgency can be easily changed via the dropdown menus.


Changing the person in charge

(1) Click the [Assign] button.


(2) Select a person in mind and click the [OK] button to complete the assignment of the person in charge.


Editing description

Only users with an administrative role for the alert can edit it.

(1) Click the [Edit] button.


(2) Write changes through a form in an alert description field and click the [Save changes] button to complete such changes.


Changing a project

You can change the project linked with an alert.

(1) Click the [Change] button to change a project.


(2) After selecting a project from a [Select project] dropdown menu, click the [Save changes] button to complete the project change.


Updating to a new state

By recording the progress in the state of alerts field, you can quickly grasp their state.
If you change the content, the previous state history will be lost.

(1) Click the [New update] button.


(2) Input the state in the [New state update] modal dialog, and click the [OK] button to complete the state update.


Adding recipients

Alerts are sent to recipients via Escalation policy.

If you need to send an alert to additional users for that alert, set up [Additional recipients].


You can view and search a list of available users by clicking the search bar, where multiple selections are possible.


Adding notes

Members can communicate by leaving comments on alerts, registering inquiries and answers to those inquiries during processing.


Viewing occurred events

You can view history by logging events that occurred in one alert.


If you click one event from a list, you can view the details of that event.


Notification policy settings

You can set an alert to occur only when the urgency of the alert that has occurred in the project is urgent.

(1) Inside the [Alerts] tab of the project detail page, go to the [Settings] tab.


(2) Click the [Edit] icon button in the notification policy area.


(3) Select the desired notification policy.


(4) Click the [OK] button to complete policy settings.

Auto recovery settings

The auto recovery feature automatically places the alert into a resolved state when the system crashes.

(1) Inside the [Alerts] tab on the project detail page, move to the [Settings] tab.


(2) Click the [Edit] icon button in the auto recovery area.


(3) Select the desired auto recovery settings.


(4) Click the [OK] button to complete auto recovery settings

4.6.4 - Webhook

You can receive events that occurred in external monitoring services through Webhook.

Creating a webhook

To receive event messages from an external monitoring service, you need to create a webhook.
Webhooks can be created on the project detail page.

(1) Go to the [Alerts] tab of the project detail page and select the [Webhook] tab.


(2) Click the [Add] button.

(3) Write a name in an [Add webhook] modal dialog and select the plug-in of the external monitoring service to be connected.


(4) Click the [OK] button to complete set up.

Getting a list of webhooks

You can enter a search word in the search bar to see a list of webhooks that match your criteria. For a detailed description on advanced search, see here.


Editing and deleting webhook

You can enable, disable, change, or delete a webhook viewed from the list.


Enabling/disabling a webhook

If you enable a webhook, you can receive events from an external monitoring service connected to the webhook at Alerts.
On the contrary, if you disable a webhook, incoming events are ignored and no alerts are raised.

(1) Select the webhook to enable and choose the [Enable]/[Disable] menu from the [Action] dropdown.


(2) Check the content in the [Enable/disable a webhook] modal dialog and click the [OK] button.

enable-webhook-2 disable-webhook-2

Renaming a webhook

(1) Select the webhook to change from the webhook list, and select the [Change] menu from the [Action] dropdown.


(2) Write a name to be changed and click the [OK] button to complete the change.


Deleting a webhook

(1) Select the webhook to delete from the webhook list, and choose the [Delete] menu from the [Action] dropdown.


(2) After entering the accurate name of the selected webhook, click the [Delete] button to delete the webhook.


4.6.5 - Event rule

By setting an Event rule, an alert that occurs triggers specific actions to perform automatically, reducing the hassle of manually managing alerts.

Event rules are project dependent and can be managed on the project detail page.


Create event rules

(1) In the [Settings] tab found in the [Alert] tab of the project detail page, click the [Edit] button of the event rule.


(2) Click the [Add event rule] button.


(3) Enter desired setting values ​​on the event rule page.


(3-1) Set the conditions to perform additional actions on the received alert.

At least one condition must be written, and you can add conditions by clicking the [Add] button on the right or delete them by clicking the [Delete] icon button.


(3-2) Specify the action to be performed on the alert that meets the conditions defined above.


List of event rules settings

Stop notificationsSuppress Notification for alerts for the corresponding conditions
Project routingAlerts of the corresponding conditions are not received by current project but by project selected under project routing (no alert is created in the current project)
Project DependenciesAlerts of the corresponding conditions can be viewed from the projects registered in project dependency.
UrgencyAutomatically assign urgency to alerts of the corresponding conditions
High, low, or none-set can be specified and in case of none-set, rules are applied as follows
β€’ External monitoring alert: Urgency of an object
β€’ Direct creation: High (default)
Person in chargeAutomatically assign a person in charge of the alert for the corresponding condition(s):
Additional recipientsWhen Notification occurs with the alert of the corresponding condition(s), send a notification to specified users together
Additional informationAutomatically add information to alerts for the corresponding conditions
Stop executing further actionsIf the event rule is executed, subsequent event rules are ignored (See Ways and order of event rules action)

Edit event rules

(1) Click the [Edit] button on the event rules page.


(2) Enter the setting values you want​for the event rule.


(3) Click the [Save] button to complete editing the event rules.

Delete event rules

(1) Click the [Delete] button on the event rules page.


(2) In the [Delete event rule] modal dialog, click the [OK] button to complete the deletion.


Ways and order of event rules action

Event rules set by a user for when an alert occurs will be executed sequentially.


If event rules are created as in the example above, they are executed in the order of [#1], [#2], etc., starting from the highest event rule.
You can easily change the order of the event rules by clicking the [↑] and the [↓] buttons.

4.6.6 - Maintenance window

You may want to block sending Notification on Alerts that occur during regular or irregular system operation.
Setting a Maintenance window allows you to block sending notifications during that period.

The maintenance window is project dependent and can be managed on the project detail page.


Create maintenance window

(1) Click the [Create maintenance window] button at the top right of the project detail page.


(2) Enter a [Title] for a maintenance window and set the schedule to limit the occurrence of the alert.


When you set the schedule, you can start right away or have it start at a scheduled time.
Select the [Start and end now] option if you want to start immediately, or the [Start at scheduled time] option if you want to schedule an upcoming task


(3) Click the [OK] button to complete the creation.

Edit maintenance window

You can only edit maintenance windows that have not yet ended.

(1) Select the [Maintenance window] tab under the [Alerts] tab on the project detail page.

(2) Select the object you want to edit and click the [Edit] button.


(3) After changing the desired items, click the [OK] button to complete.


Closing maintenance window

(1) Select the [Maintenance window] tab under the [Alerts] tab on the project detail page.

(2) Select the object to be edited and click the [Exit] button to exit.


4.6.7 - Notification

Notifications are a means to deliver alerts.

In the Notifications channel page, you can set up how and when to send alerts to which users.

The notifications channel is project dependent and can be managed on the project detail page.


Creating a notifications channel

In the [Notification] tab of the project detail page, you can decide whether or not to Create a notifications channel and enable it.

Notifications channel is a unit that expresses the systematic recipient area, including the method and level of notifications transmission. It helps to transmit alerts according to the level set in the escalation rule.

(1) On the project detail page, select the [Notification] tab and click the [Add channel] button of the desired notifications channel.


(2) On the notification creation page, enter the settings to create a notifications channel.

(2-1) Enter the basic information about the notifications channel you want to create, such as the required channel name and notification level. The [Channel name] and [Notification level] comprise the basic setting fields, and afterward, the remaining fields receive different information per channel.


(2-2) You can set a schedule to receive notifications only at certain times.


(2-3) Notifications can be received when an alert occurs or when a threshold for budget notifications was reached. By setting up topics, you can choose which notifications you want to receive.
If you select [Receive all notifications], you will receive both types of notifications, and if you select [Receive notifications on selected topics], you will receive only notifications related to what you selected.


(3) Click the [Save] button to complete the notifications channel creation.

Editing and deleting the notifications channel

Editing the notifications channel

Created notifications channels can be checked under each notifications channel selection.


You can change the active/inactive status through the toggle button at the top left, and you can edit each item by clicking the [Edit] button of each notifications channel.
When you complete inputting the information, click the [Save changes] button to complete the editing.


Deleting the notifications channel

You can delete the notifications channels by clicking the [Delete icon] button in the upper right corner.


Cloudforet user channel

The [Add Cloudforet user channel] button exists in the [Notifications channel] item in the project.


If you add a Cloudforet user channel, an alert is spread to the personal channels of project members. Afterward, alerts are forwarded via the Cloudforet user notifications channel of the user who has received it.


Creating a Cloudforet user notifications channel

A user notifications channel can be created in [My page > Notifications channel].


Unlike creating a project notifications channel, there are no notification level settings, and other creation procedures are the same as Creating a project notifications channel.

4.6.8 - Escalation policy

By applying stage-by-stage rules to alerts through escalation policies, alerts that have been received are effectively sent to members of the project.

Each rule has a set level, and an alert is spread to the corresponding notifications channel for each level.

Whether an alert received via a webhook is to be sent as a notification to project members is determined by Escalation policy.
Escalation policy can be managed in two places:

  • [Alert manager > Escalation policy] page: Manage escalation policy under the scope of global and project
  • [Project] detail page: Manage escalation policy under the scope of project

Create escalation policy

If you are a user with manage permission on the [Escalation policy] page, you can create an escalation policy.

Create in an [Escalation policy] page

(1) Click the [Create] button on the [Alert manager > Escalation policy] page.


(2) Enter the settings to create an escalation policy.


Exit condition (status)Define the condition to stop the generated alarm.
RangeIndicate the scope in which the escalation policy can be used. In case of global, the policy can be used in all projects within the domain, and in case of project, within the specified project.
ProjectScope defined as project indicates the project being targeted.
Escalation rulesDefine rules for sending step-by-step notifications.
Alerts are sent to a notifications channel belonging to a set level, and a period between steps can be given in minutes from step 2 or higher.
Number of repetitionsDefine how many times to repeat an alert notification. Notifications can be repeated up to 9 times.

Create in a [Project] detail page

When you create an escalation policy on the [Project] detail page, the project is automatically designated as an escalation policy target.

(1) Inside the [Alert] tab of the project detail page, go to the [Settings] tab.


(2) Click the [Change] button in the escalation policy area.


(3) Click the [Create new policy] tab.


(4) Enter settings to create an escalation policy.



A level is a transmission range at which you send an alert from the stage you are in when sending the alert by stage.

You can set up a notifications channel in the project, and each notifications channel has its own level.


When defining the escalation rule, you set the [Notification level]. At each set stage, an alert is sent to the notifications channel of the corresponding level.

(5) When all settings are completed, click the [OK] button to create the escalation policy.

Set as default policy

After selecting one from the list of escalation policies, you can set it up as a default by selecting the [Set as default] menu from the [Action] dropdown.

When a new project is created and the alert is activated, the corresponding policy is automatically applied.


Modify and delete escalation

Once you select a target from the escalation policy list, [Modify] and [Delete] become available from the [Action] dropdown.



In the case of editing, you can use the same form as a modal dialog that is created when the [Create] button is clicked, and all items except the range can be edited.



In case of deletion, you can proceed with deletion through the confirmation modal dialog as shown below:


4.7 - Administration

In the Administration page, you can manage and edit information, roles, policies, etc. of domain users.

You can create a User and designate a Role that is connected to an API policy.

4.7.1 - [IAM] User

In the User page, you can create / delete Cloudforet users or enable / disable them.

You can also grant permissions to users by assigning them roles.

Adding users

Click the [+ Add] button on the [Administration > IAM > User] page.


There are three types of users that can be added as follows:

  • Internal user: users who can sign in by using their ID and password on the login page
  • External user: users added by following the external user authentication that the domain has
  • API Only: users who are only able to use API, and for whom the Cloudforet console is not accessible

1. Adding internal users

Internal users are users who can sign in by using their IDs and passwords on the login page.

(1-1) After the [Add user] modal dialog opens, select the [Local] tab to add an internal user.


(1-2) After entering the ID of an internal user, click the [Check ID] button. The user ID must be in an email form, and not on the list of existing users.

(1-3) Optionally enter user name and notification email(for receiving important system-related announcements or password reset link).

(1-4) Either send user a password reset link or, set the password on user's behalf. (β€» If you set the password manually, you will need to directly inform the user of the password)

(1-5) To assign admin role to the user, you can activate the 'Admin Role' section at the bottom of the modal window and grant a specific role.


(1-6) Click the [Confirm] button to complete the user addition.

2. Adding external users

Adding an external user follows the external user authentication that the domain has. Without authentication as an external user, one cannot be added as a user.

(2-1) After opening the [Add User] modal, select a specific SSO tab for adding external users. ex. Google OAuth


(2-2) Enter an existing authenticated external user account.

(2-3) Optionally enter user name and notification email(for receiving important system-related announcements or password reset link).

(2-4) To assign admin role to the user, you can activate the 'Admin Role' section at the bottom of the modal window and grant a specific role.

(2-5) Click the [Confirm] button to complete the user addition.

3. Adding API only users

API users cannot access the Cloudforet console and can only use the API.

(3-1) After the [Add user] modal dialog opens, select the [API Only] tab.


(3-2) After entering the ID, click the [Check ID] button. The user ID must not be on the list of existing users.

(3-3) Optionally enter user name.

(3-4) To assign admin role to the user, you can activate the 'Admin Role' section at the bottom of the modal window and grant a specific role.

(3-5) Click the [Confirm] button to complete the user addition.

Viewing user details

By selecting a specific user from the table on the user page, you can view detailed information on that user.


Updating users

By selecting a specific user in the table and clicking on [Actions > Edit], you can modify the user's information.


  • You can modify the user's ID, name, notification email, password, admin role (role), and tags.
  • If the user encounters difficulties with verification for the notification email, you can directly verify it without sending verification code.
  • For local users, you can either change the password on their behalf or send them a password reset link for the user to reset it themselves.

4.8 - My page

My page allows you to manage your personalized data.

4.8.1 - Account & profile

Account & profile is a page where you can view and edit your personal information.

[My page] can be accessed through the submenu that appears when you click the icon on the far right of the top menu.


Changing settings

You can change your name, time zone, and language settings on the [My page > Account & profile] page.


Verifying Notification Email

You can enter and verify Notification Email. If your Notification Email has not been verified yet, you won't be able to receive important system notifications or password reset link.


Changing the password

If you are an internal user (a user signed in with ID/password), you can change your password on this page.


4.8.2 - Notifications channel

Notification Channel is a service that allows you to receive various alerts and events from Cloudforet's monitoring system or budget service, or notifications from Cloudforet itself, etc.

Creating notifications

On the [My page > Notifications channel] page, there is an [Add channel] button for each protocol.


As you click the [Add channel] button, you will enter the following page. The input form for basic information is different for each protocol, whereas the channel name, notification schedules, and selection boxes for topics able to subscribe to are the same for all protocols.


If you select anytime as the schedule, you can receive notifications at any time. If you select set time, you can select the desired day and time.


You can also select an option to receive all notifications for topics, or receive notifications only for a topic you would select between alert and budget.


Verifying the created notifications channel

When you fill out all input forms and create a notifications channel, you can check the newly created channel as follows:


Editing the notifications channel

Alerts you create can be edited directly from the list.

In the case of a protocol that can edit the entered data (e.g. SMS, voice call), data, channel name(s), schedules, and topics can all be edited. For protocols where data cannot be edited (e.g., Slack, Telegram), the [Edit] button is not active.


4.9 - Information

You can check important Information such as recent updates or task announcements regarding the use of the console.

4.9.1 - Notice

This is a page where you can check notices written by the Cloudforet system administrator or the administrator of the customer company in use.

Verifying notices

(1) Quick check for recent notices: After clicking the notification button on the top menu, click the [Notice] tab to check the recently registered notices.


(2) Check the full list: You can move to the full list of notices page through the submenu that appears when you click the icon on the far right of the top menu.


Registering notice

A user with a role whose type is [Admin] is permitted to directly create announcements within a related domain.

(1) Enter the [Notice] page, and click the [Register new notice] button to write a new post.

  • The updated notice is open to all users assigned a specific role within a related domain.



(2) The updated notice can be [modified] or [deleted] later.

4.10 - Advanced feature

Advanced features are designed to use Cloudforet more conveniently.

4.10.1 - Custom table

Custom table feature is useful when there are many fields in the table or when you want to adjust the field order.

If you click the [Settings] icon button from the table, you can directly set up the table fields.


Getting field properties

You can sort fields by suggestion/alphabet or search by field name. You can also search by the tag field that you have.


Selecting/deselecting fields

Fields can be freely deselected/selected from the field table. Select the desired field and click the [OK] button.


Sorting fields

Auto sort

If you click the [Recommended order] or [Alphabetical order] button at the top of the field table, the fields are sorted by the corresponding condition. The sorting only applies to the selected field.


Manual sorting

You can manually sort fields by dragging and dropping the [Reorder] icon button to the right of the selected field.


Reverting to default settings

If you want to retrieve a custom field to its default settings, click the [Return to Default] button.


4.10.2 - Export as an Excel file

Export as an Excel file allows you to download table data compatible with Excel.

Click the [Export as an Excel file] icon button from the table.


The data downloaded to Excel is as follows, and if you set it up to show only some fields as a custom table, you can see the data of that field only:


4.10.3 - Search

Search feature makes your data easily refined and checked.

There are two ways to use the search bar from the data tables: advanced and keyword searches.

The search field provided by SpaceONE makes data searches much more convenient. All field names that can be searched would appear as you hover your mouse cursor over the search bar.


After selecting a field, you can manually enter a value for that field or choose it from a list of suggestions.


Use the keyword search if you want to search all fields rather than limit your search to a specific field. If you type the text in the search bar and press the enter key, the data containing the keyword is filtered in and displayed in the table.


You can use both advanced and keyword searches together, and multiple searches are possible. The search word shall be displayed in the table if any of the field values ​​are matched by filtering the data with the "or" condition.


4.11 - Plugin

Let us introduce a "Plugin" feature used in Cloudforet.

4.11.1 - [Alert manager] notification

Cloudforet provides plugins as a Notification method to deliver alerts to users.


Cloudforet provides plugins as a notification method to deliver alerts to users.
For a list of plugins currently supported by Cloudforet, see the Plugin support list.
You can see more detailed descriptions on Telegram and Slack connections from the below link.
In addition, the Email, SMS and Voice call are available Without any additional settings.

Plugin support list

PluginsSetup guide link
EmailCan be used without additional settings
SMSCan be used without additional settings
Voice callCan be used without additional settings

4.11.2 - [Alert manager] webhook

Cloudforet supports plugin type webhooks for you to receive event messages from Various monitoring services.


Cloudforet supports plugin type webhooks for you to receive event messages from Various monitoring services.
For a list of webhook plugins currently supported by Cloudforet, see the Plugin support list.

In particular, event messages generated by AWS CloudWatch and AWS PHD (PersonalHealthDashboard)
are collected by Cloudforet through the AWS SNS (Simple Notification Service) webhook.

For the settings guide for each monitoring service, see Setup guide link in the plugin support list below.

Plugin support list

PluginsSetup guide link

4.11.3 - [Asset inventory] collector

Cloudforet can collect cloud resources in use by each Cloud provider through a collector plugin.


Cloudforet can collect cloud resources in use by each Cloud provider through a collector plugin.
For a list of collectors currently supported by Cloudforet, see the Plugin support list below.

First, to use the collector plugin, you must register a Service account.
However, since the ways for registering a service account registration are different for each cloud provider such as AWS, Google Cloud, Azure, etc.,
see the Setup guide link in the plugin support list below for detailed settings.

Plugin support list

PluginsSetup guide link
AWS Cloud Services collector
AWS EC2 Compute collector
AWS Personal Health Dashboard collector
AWS Trusted Advisor collector
Azure Cloud collector
Google Cloud collector
Monitoring Metric Collector of Collected Resources

4.11.4 - [Cost analysis] data source

Cloudforet collects cost data on cloud services using a plugin.


Cloudforet collects cost data for cloud services using a plugin.
For a list of plugins currently supported by Cloudforet, see the Plugin support list.
If there is no suitable plugin, you can develop a plugin fit for your company's billing system
and use it in Cloudforet.

Plugin support list

PluginsSetup guide link
AWS hyperbilling cost datasource

4.11.5 - [IAM] authentication

As a Means for user authentication, Cloudforet provides an authentication method using an account of other services through a plugin.


As a means for user authentication, Cloudforet provides an authentication method using an account of other services using a plugin.
For a list of authentication plugins currently supported by Cloudforet, see the Plugin support list.

You can use the Google Oauth2 plugin,
which authenticates users through your Google account, and the Keycloak plugin, which supports a single sign-on (SSO) via standard protocols.
For more detailed settings, see the Setup guide link below

Plugin support list

PluginsSetup guide link
Google Oauth2

5 - Developers

Cloudforet Development Guides

5.1 - Architecture

Cloudforet Architecture guide

5.1.1 - Micro Service Framework

Cloudforet Deep Dive

Cloudforet Architecture

The Cloudforet consists of a micro service architecture based on identity and inventory. Each micro services provides a plugin interface for flexibility of implementation.

Cloudforet Backend Software Framework

The Cloudforet development team has created our own S/W framework like Python Django or Java Spring. Cloudforet S/W Framework provides software framework for implementing business logic. Each business logic can present its services in various way like gRPC interface, REST interface or periodic task.

LayerDescrptionBase ClassImplementation Directory
InterfaceEntry point of Service requestcore/api.pyproject/interface/interface type/
HandlerPre, Post processing before Service call
ServiceBusiness logic of servicecore/service.pyproject/service/
CacheCaching for manager function(optional)core/cache/
ManagerUnit operation for each service functioncore/manager.pyproject/manager/
ConnectorInterface for Data Source(ex. DB, Other micro services)

Backend Server Type

Based on Interface type, each micro service works as

Interface typeDescription
gRPC servergRPC based API server which is receiving requests from console or spacectl client
rest serverHTTP based API server, usually receiving requests from external client like grafana
scheduler serverPeriodic task creation server, for example collecting inventory resources at every hour
worker serverPeriodic task execution server which requests came from scheduler server

5.1.2 - Micro Service Deployment

Micro Service Deployment

Cloudforet Deployment

The Cloudforet can be deployed by Helm chart. Each micro services has its own Helm chart, and the top chart, spaceone/spaceone contains all sub charts like console, identity, inventory and plugin.

Cloudforet provides own Helm chart repository. The repository URL is

helm repo add spaceone
helm repo list
helm repo update

helm search repo -r spaceone
spaceone/spaceone             	1.8.6        	1.8.6      	A Helm chart for Cloudforet
spaceone/spaceone-initializer 	1.2.8        	1.x.y      	Cloudforet domain initializer Helm chart for Kube...
spaceone/billing              	1.3.6        	1.x.y      	Cloudforet billing Helm chart for Kubernetes
spaceone/billing-v2           	1.3.6        	1.x.y      	Cloudforet billing v2 Helm chart for Kubernetes
spaceone/config               	1.3.6        	1.x.y      	Cloudforet config Helm chart for Kubernetes
spaceone/console              	1.2.5        	1.x.y      	Cloudforet console Helm chart for Kubernetes
spaceone/console-api          	1.1.8        	1.x.y      	Cloudforet console-api Helm chart for Kubernetes
spaceone/cost-analysis        	1.3.7        	1.x.y      	Cloudforet Cost Analysis Helm chart for Kubernetes
spaceone/cost-saving          	1.3.6        	1.x.y      	Cloudforet cost_saving Helm chart for Kubernetes
spaceone/docs                 	2.0.0        	1.0.0      	Cloudforet Open-Source Project Site Helm chart fo...
spaceone/identity             	1.3.7        	1.x.y      	Cloudforet identity Helm chart for Kubernetes
spaceone/inventory            	1.3.7        	1.x.y      	Cloudforet inventory Helm chart for Kubernetes
spaceone/marketplace-assets   	1.1.3        	1.x.y      	Cloudforet marketplace-assets Helm chart for Kube...
spaceone/monitoring           	1.3.15       	1.x.y      	Cloudforet monitoring Helm chart for Kubernetes
spaceone/notification         	1.3.8        	1.x.y      	Cloudforet notification Helm chart for Kubernetes
spaceone/plugin               	1.3.6        	1.x.y      	Cloudforet plugin Helm chart for Kubernetes
spaceone/power-scheduler      	1.3.6        	1.x.y      	Cloudforet power_scheduler Helm chart for Kubernetes
spaceone/project-site         	1.0.0        	0.1.0      	Cloudforet Open-Source Project Site Helm chart fo...
spaceone/repository           	1.3.6        	1.x.y      	Cloudforet repository Helm chart for Kubernetes
spaceone/secret               	1.3.9        	1.x.y      	Cloudforet secret Helm chart for Kubernetes
spaceone/spot-automation      	1.3.6        	1.x.y      	Cloudforet spot_automation Helm chart for Kubernetes
spaceone/spot-automation-proxy	1.0.0        	1.x.y      	Cloudforet Spot Automation Proxy Helm chart for K...
spaceone/statistics           	1.3.6        	1.x.y      	Cloudforet statistics Helm chart for Kubernetes
spaceone/supervisor           	1.1.4        	1.x.y      	Cloudforet supervisor Helm chart for Kubernetes

Helm Chart Code

Each repository should provide its own helm chart.

The code should be at {repository}/deploy/helm

Every Helm charts consists of four components.

File or DirectoryDescription
Chart.yamlInformation of this Helm chart
values.yamlDefault vaule of this Helm chart
config (directory)Default configuration of this micro service
templates (directory)Helm template files

The directory looks like

└── helm
    β”œβ”€β”€ Chart.yaml
    β”œβ”€β”€ config
    β”‚Β Β  └── config.yaml
    β”œβ”€β”€ templates
    β”‚Β Β  β”œβ”€β”€ NOTES.txt
    β”‚Β Β  β”œβ”€β”€ _helpers.tpl
    β”‚Β Β  β”œβ”€β”€ application-grpc-conf.yaml
    β”‚Β Β  β”œβ”€β”€ application-rest-conf.yaml
    β”‚Β Β  β”œβ”€β”€ application-scheduler-conf.yaml
    β”‚Β Β  β”œβ”€β”€ application-worker-conf.yaml
    β”‚Β Β  β”œβ”€β”€ database-conf.yaml
    β”‚Β Β  β”œβ”€β”€ default-conf.yaml
    β”‚Β Β  β”œβ”€β”€ deployment-grpc.yaml
    β”‚Β Β  β”œβ”€β”€ deployment-rest.yaml
    β”‚Β Β  β”œβ”€β”€ deployment-scheduler.yaml
    β”‚Β Β  β”œβ”€β”€ deployment-worker.yaml
    β”‚Β Β  β”œβ”€β”€ ingress-rest.yaml
    β”‚Β Β  β”œβ”€β”€ rest-nginx-conf.yaml
    β”‚Β Β  β”œβ”€β”€ rest-nginx-proxy-conf.yaml
    β”‚Β Β  β”œβ”€β”€ service-grpc.yaml
    β”‚Β Β  β”œβ”€β”€ service-rest.yaml
    β”‚Β Β  └── shared-conf.yaml
    └── values.yaml

3 directories, 21 files

Based on micro service types like frontend, backend, or supervisor, the contents of templates directory is different.



values.yaml file defines default vault of templates.

Basic information

enabled: true
developer: false
grpc: true
scheduler: false
worker: false
rest: false
name: identity
    name: spaceone/identity
    version: latest
imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent

database: {}
  • enabled: true | false defines deploy this helm chart or not
  • developer: true | false for developer mode (recommendation: false)
  • grpc: true if you want to deploy gRPC server
  • rest: true if you want to deploy rest server
  • scheduler: true if you want to deploy scheduler server
  • worker: true if you want to deploy worker server
  • name: micro service name
  • image: docker image and version for this micro service
  • imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent | Always
  • database: if you want to overwrite default database configuration

Application Configuration

Each server type like gRPC, rest, scheduler or worker server has its own specific configuration.

application_grpc: {}
application_rest: {}
application_scheduler: {}
application_worker: {}

This section is used at templates/application-{server type}-conf.yaml, then saved as ConfigMap.

Deployment file uses this ConfigMap at volumes,

then volumeMount as /opt/spaceone/{ service name }/config/application.yaml

For example, inventory scheduler server needs QUEUES and SCHEDULERS configuration.

So you can easily configure by adding configuration at application_scheduler like

            backend: spaceone.core.queue.redis_queue.RedisQueue
            host: redis
            port: 6379
            channel: collector

            backend: spaceone.inventory.scheduler.inventory_scheduler.InventoryHourlyScheduler
            queue: collector_q
            interval: 1
            minute: ':00'

Local sidecar

If you want to append specific sidecar in this micro service.

# local sidecar

Local volumes

Every micro service needs default timezone and log directory.

# Local volumes
    - name: timezone
          path: /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Seoul
    - name: log-volume
      emptyDir: {}

Global variables

Every micro services need some part of same configuration or same sidecar.

# global variable
    shared: {}
    sidecar: []


gRPC or rest server needs Service

# Service
        type: ClusterIP
            nil: nil
            - name: grpc
              port: 50051
              targetPort: 50051
              protocol: TCP
        type: ClusterIP
            nil: nil
            - name: rest
              port: 80
              targetPort: 80
              protocol: TCP


Some micro service may need additional file or configuration. In this case use volumeMounts which can attach any thing.

# volumeMount per deployment
    application_grpc: []
    application_rest: []
    application_scheduler: []
    application_worker: []

POD Spec

We can configure specific value for POD spec. For example, we can use nodeSelector for deploy POD at specific K8S worker node.

# pod spec (append more pod spec)
# example nodeSelect
# pod:
#   spec:
#     nodeSelector:
#       application: my-node-group
    spec: {}

CI (github action)

If you want to make helm chart for this micro service, trigger at github action Make Helm Chart.

5.2 - Microservices

SpaceONE Microservice

5.2.1 - Console

Console microservice

5.2.2 - Identity

Identity microservice

5.2.3 - Inventory

Inventory microservice

5.2.4 - Monitoring

Notification microservice

5.2.5 - Notification

Monitoring microservice

5.2.6 - Statistics

Monitoring microservice

5.2.7 - Billing

Billing microservice

5.2.8 - Plugin

Plugin microservice

5.2.9 - Supervisor

Supervisor microservice

5.2.10 - Repository

Repository Microservice

5.2.11 - Secret

Secret Microservice

5.2.12 - Config

Config Microservice

5.3 - Frontend

SpaceONE Development Guides

5.4 - Design System

Mirinae is Cloudforet’s open-source design system for products and digital experiences.


In the hyper-competitive software market, design system have become a big part of a product’s success. So, we built our design system based on the principles below.

A design system increases collaboration and accelerates design and development cycles. Also, a design system is a single source of truth that helps us speak with one voice and vary our tone depending on the situational context.



Design is the β€œtouch point” for users to communicate with the product. Communication between a user and a product is the key activity for us. We prioritize accessibility, simplicity, and perceivability. We are enabling familiar interactions that make complex products simple and straightforward for users to use.


Users need to accomplish their complex tasks on our multi-cloud platform. We reduced the length of the thinking process by eliminating confusion for a better user experience. We aim to users achieve tasks simpler and improve motivation to solve tasks.


Language development is supported by a variety of sensory experiences. We aim to have the best and the most perfectly consistent design system and keep improving the design system by checking usability.

Click the links to open the resource below for Mirinae’s development.



Design system repository


Component Library


Preparing For Release

5.4.1 - Getting Started

이 νŽ˜μ΄μ§€λŠ” SpaceOne Design System κ°œλ°œμ„ μ‹œμž‘ν•˜κΈ° μœ„ν•œ μ•ˆλ‚΄λ¬Έμ„œμž…λ‹ˆλ‹€.

개발 ν™˜κ²½ μ„ΈνŒ…


ν˜„μž¬ μŠ€νŽ˜μ΄μŠ€μ›μ˜ μ½˜μ†”μ€ μ˜€ν”ˆμ†ŒμŠ€λ‘œ μš΄μ˜μ€‘μ— μžˆμŠ΅λ‹ˆλ‹€.

κ°œλ°œμ— κΈ°μ—¬ν•˜κΈ°μœ„ν•΄ λ¨Όμ € Design System λ ˆν¬μ§€ν† λ¦¬λ₯Ό 개인 github 계정에 포크해 μ€λ‹ˆλ‹€.


이후 ν¬ν¬ν•΄μ˜¨ λ ˆν¬μ§€ν† λ¦¬λ₯Ό 둜컬둜 클둠해 μ€λ‹ˆλ‹€.

μ„œλΈŒλͺ¨λ“ˆλ‘œ assetsκ³Ό λ²ˆμ—­ κ΄€λ ¨ λ ˆν¬μ§€ν† λ¦¬κ°€ μ‚¬μš©μ€‘μ΄κΈ° λ•Œλ¬Έμ— ν•¨κ»˜ μ΄ˆκΈ°ν™”ν•©λ‹ˆλ‹€.

git clone --recurse-submodules[github username]/spaceone-design-system

cd console

Run Storybook

μ½˜μ†”μ„ μ‹€ν–‰ μ‹€ν–‰μ‹œν‚€κΈ° μœ„ν•΄ npm으둜 μ˜μ‘΄μ„±μ„ μ„€μΉ˜ν•˜κ³ , 슀크립트λ₯Ό μ‹€ν–‰ν•΄ μ€λ‹ˆλ‹€.

npm install --no-save

npm run storybook


배포 κ°€λŠ₯ν•œ zip을 μƒμ„±ν•˜λ €λ©΄ μ•„λž˜μ˜ 슀크립트λ₯Ό μ‹€ν–‰ν•˜μ‹œλ©΄ λ©λ‹ˆλ‹€.

npm run build

μŠ€ν† λ¦¬λΆ

SpaceOne Design system은 Storybook을 μ œκ³΅ν•˜κ³  μžˆμŠ΅λ‹ˆλ‹€.

μ»΄ν¬λ„ŒνŠΈλ₯Ό μƒμ„±ν•˜λ©΄ ν•΄λ‹Ή μ»΄ν¬λ„ŒνŠΈμ˜ κΈ°λŠ₯ μ •μ˜λ₯Ό Storybook을 톡해 λ¬Έμ„œν™”ν•©λ‹ˆλ‹€.

기본적으둜 ν•œ μ»΄ν¬λ„ŒνŠΈκ°€ μ•„λž˜μ™€ 같은 ꡬ쑰둜 κ΅¬μ„±λ˜μ–΄ μžˆμŠ΅λ‹ˆλ‹€.

- component-name
    - [component-name].stories.mdx
    - [component-name].vue
    - story-helper.ts
    - type.ts

[component-name].stories.mdx 와 story-helper.ts

μ»΄ν¬λ„ŒνŠΈμ˜ μ„€λͺ…, μ‚¬μš©μ˜ˆμ‹œ, Playgroundλ₯Ό μ œκ³΅ν•©λ‹ˆλ‹€.

mdx 포멧을 μ‚¬μš©μ€‘μ΄λ©° μ‚¬μš©λ°©λ²•μ€ λ¬Έμ„œλ₯Ό μ°Έκ³ ν•˜μ‹­μ‹œμ˜€.

playground에 λͺ…μ‹œλ˜λŠ” props, slots, events와 같은 속성듀은 가독성을 μœ„ν•΄ story-helperλ₯Ό 톡해 λΆ„λ¦¬ν•˜μ—¬ μž‘μ„±ν•˜λŠ” 방식을 지ν–₯ν•©λ‹ˆλ‹€.

차트 λΌμ΄μ„ μŠ€

SpaceONE λ””μžμΈ μ‹œμŠ€ν…œμ€ λ‚΄λΆ€μ μœΌλ‘œ amCharts for Dynamic Chartλ₯Ό μ‚¬μš©ν•©λ‹ˆλ‹€.

λ””μžμΈ μ‹œμŠ€ν…œμ„ μ‚¬μš©ν•˜κΈ° 전에 amCharts의 λΌμ΄μ„ μŠ€λ₯Ό ν™•μΈν•΄μ£Όμ‹­μ‹œμ˜€.

μžμ‹ μ—κ²Œ μ ν•©ν•œ amCharts λΌμ΄μ„ μŠ€λ₯Ό κ΅¬μž…ν•˜μ—¬ μ• ν”Œλ¦¬μΌ€μ΄μ…˜μ—μ„œ μ‚¬μš©ν•˜λ €λ©΄ λΌμ΄μ„ μŠ€ FAQλ₯Ό μ°Έμ‘°ν•˜μ‹­μ‹œμ˜€.


μŠ€νƒ€μΌ μ •μ˜μ— μžˆμ–΄ SpaceOne Console은 tailwind css와 postcssλ₯Ό μ‚¬μš©μ€‘μ— μžˆμŠ΅λ‹ˆλ‹€.

SpaceOne의 color palette에 따라 tailwind μ»€μŠ€ν…€μ„ 톡해 μ μš©λ˜μ–΄ μžˆμŠ΅λ‹ˆλ‹€. (μ„ΈλΆ€ μ •λ³΄λŠ” storybook을 μ°Έκ³ ν•΄μ£Όμ„Έμš”)

5.5 - Backend

SpaceONE Development Guides

5.6 - Plugins

Cloudforet Plugin Development Guide

5.6.1 - About Plugin

Concept of Plugin Interface

About Plugin

A plugin is a software add-on that is installed on a program, enhancing its capabilities.
The Plugin interface pattern consists of two types of architecture components: a core system and plug-in modules. Application logic is divided between independent plug-in modules and the basic core system, providing extensibility, flexibility, and isolation of application features and custom processing logic

Why Cloudforet use a Plugin Interface

  • Cloudforet wants to accommodate various clouds on one platform. : Multi-Cloud / Hybrid Cloud / Anything
  • We want to be with Cloudforet not only in the cloud, but also in various IT solutions.
  • We want to become a platform that can contain various infrastructure technologies.
  • It is difficult to predict the future direction of technology, but we want to be a flexible platform that can coexist in any direction.

Integration Endpoints

Micro ServiceResourceDescription
IdentityAuthSupport Single Sign-On for each specific domain
ex) OAuth2, ActiveDirectory, Okta, Onelogin
InventoryCollectorAny Resource Objects for Inventory
ex) AWS inventory collector
MonitoringDataSourceMetric or Log information related with Inventory Objects
ex) CloudWatrch, StackDriver ...
MonitoringWebhookAny Event from Monitoring Solutions
ex) CPU, Memory alert ...
NotificationProtocolSpecific Event notification
ex) Slack, Email, Jira ...

5.6.2 - Developer Guide

Developer Guide

Plugin can be developed in any language using Protobuf. This is because both Micro Service and Plugin communication use Protobuf by default. The basic structure is the same as the server development process using the gRPC interface.

When developing plugins, it is possible to develop in any language (all languages that gRPC interface can use), but If you use the Python Framework we provide, you can develop more easily. All of the currently provided plugins were developed based on the Python-based self-developed framework.

For the basic usage method for Framework, refer to the following.

The following are the development requirements to check basically when developing a plugin, and you can check the detailed step-by-step details on each page. - Plugin Interface

Check Plugin Interface

First, check the interface between the plugin to be developed and the core service. The interface structure is different for each service. You can check the gRPC interface information about this in the API document. (SpaceONE API)

For example, suppose we are developing an Auth Plugin for authentication of Identity. At this time, if you check the interface information of the Auth Plugin, it is as follows. (SpaceONE API - Identity Auth)

In order to develop Identity Auth Plugin, a total of 4 API interfaces must be implemented. Of these, init and verify are intefaces that all plugins need equally, The rest depends on the characteristics of each plugin.

Among them, let's take a closer look at init and verify, which are required to be implemented in common.

1. init

Plugin initialization. In the case of Identity, when creating a domain, it is necessary to decide which authentication to use, and the related Auth Plugin is distributed. When deploying the first plugin (or updating the plugin version), after the plugin container is created, the Core service calls the init API to the plugin. At this time, the plugin returns metadata information required when the core service communicates with the plugin. Information on metadata is different for each Core service.

Below is an example of python code for init implementation of Google oAuth2 plugin. Metadata is returned as a return value, and at this time, various information required by identity is added and returned.

    def init(self, params):
        """ verify options
              - options
            - metadata
        manager = self.locator.get_manager('AuthManager')
        options = params['options']
        options['auth_type'] = 'keycloak'
        endpoints = manager.get_endpoint(options)
        capability= endpoints
        return {'metadata': capability}

2. verify

Check the plugin's normal operation. After the plugin is deployed, after the init API is called, it goes through a check procedure to see if the plugin is ready to run, and the API called at this time is verify. In the verify step, the procedure to check whether the plugin is ready to perform normal operation is checked.

Below is an example of python code for verify implementation of Google oAuth2 plugin. The verify action is performed through the value required for Google oAuth2 operation. The preparation stage for actual logic execution requires verification-level code for normal operation.

    def verify(self, options):
        # This is connection check for Google Authorization Server
        # URL:
        # After connection without param.
        # It should return 404
        r = requests.get(self.auth_server)
        if r.status_code == 404:
            return "ACTIVE"
            raise ERROR_NOT_FOUND(key='auth_server', value=self.auth_server) - Plugin Register

Plugin Register

If plugin development is completed, you need to prepare plugin distribution. Since all plugins of SpaceONE are distributed as containers, the plugin code that has been developed must be built as an image for container distribution. Container build is done after docker build using Dockerfile, The resulting Image is uploaded to an image repository such as Docker hub. At this time, the image storage is uploaded to the storage managed by the Repository service, which is a microservice of SpaceONE.

If you have uploaded an image to the repository, you need to register the image in the Repository service among Microservices. Registration API uses Repository.plugin.register. (SpaceONE API - (Repository) Plugin.Register)

The example below is the parameter content delivered when registering the Notification Protocol Plugin. The image value contains the address of the previously built image.

name: Slack Notification Protocol
service_type: notification.Protocol
image: pyengine/plugin-slack-notification-protocol_settings
  - slack_webhook
  data_type: SECRET
  description: Slack
  "spaceone:plugin_name": Slack
  icon: ''
provider: slack
template: {}

In the case of image registration, directly use gRPC API or use spacectl because it is not yet supported in Web Console. After creating the yaml file as above, you can register the image with the spacectl command as shown below.

> spacectl exec register repository.Plugin -f plugin_slack_notification_protocol.yml

When the image is registered in the Repository, you can check it as follows.

> spacectl list repository.Plugin -p repository_id=<REPOSITORY_ID>  -c plugin_id,name
plugin_id                              | name
 plugin-aws-sns-monitoring-webhook      | AWS SNS Webhook
 plugin-amorepacific-monitoring-webhook | Amore Pacific Webhook
 plugin-email-notification-protocol_settings     | Email Notification Protocol
 plugin-grafana-monitoring-webhook      | Grafana Webhook
 plugin-keycloak-oidc                   | Keycloak OIDC Auth Plugin
 plugin-sms-notification-protocol_settings       | SMS Notification Protocol
 plugin-voicecall-notification-protocol_settings | Voicecall Notification Protocol
 plugin-slack-notification-protocol_settings     | Slack Notification Protocol
 plugin-telegram-notification-protocol_settings  | Telegram Notification Protocol

 Count: 9 / 9

Detailed usage of spacectl can be found on this page. Spacectl CLI Tool - Plugin Deployment

Plugin Deployment

To actually deploy and use the registered plugin, you need to deploy a pod in the Kubernetes environment based on the plugin image. At this time, plugin distribution is automatically performed in the service that wants to use the plugin.

For example, in the case of Notification, an object called Protocol is used to deliver the generated Alert to the user. At that time, Protocol.create action (Protocol.create) triggers installing Notification automatically.

The example below is an example of the Protocol.create command parameter for creating a Slack Protocol to send an alarm to Slack in Notification.

name: Slack Protocol
  plugin_id: plugin-slack-notification-protocol_settings
  version: "1.0"
  options: {}
  schema: slack_webhook
  description: Slack Protocol

In plugin_id, put the ID value of the plugin registered in the Repository, In version, put the image tag information written when uploading the actual image to an image repository such as Dockerhub. If there are multiple tags in the image repository, the plugin is distributed with the image of the specified tag version.

In the above case, because the version was specified as "1.0" It is distributed as a "1.0" tag image among the tag information below.

In the case of the API, it takes some time to respond because it goes through the steps of creating and deploying a Service and a Pod in the Kubernetes environment. If you check the pod deployment in the actual Kubernetes environment, you can check it as follows.

> k get po
NAME                                                              READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
plugin-slack-notification-protocol_settings-zljrhvigwujiqfmn-bf6kgtqz   1/1     Running   0          1m - Plugin Debugging

How To Debugging SpaceONE Plugins

Using Pycharm

It is recommand to using pycharm(The most popular python IDE) to develop & testing plugins. Overall setting processes are as below.

1. Open projects and dependencies

First, open project Identity, python-core and api one by one.

  • Click Open

  • Select your project directory. In this example '~/source/cloudone/identity'

  • Click File > Open , then select related project one by one. In this example '~/source/cloudone/python-core'

  • Select New Window for an additional project. You might need to do several times if you have multiple projects. Ex) python-core and api

  • Now we have 3 windows. Just close python-core and API projects.

  • Once you open your project at least one time, you can attach them to each other. Let's do it on identity project. Do this again Open > select your anther project directory. In this example, python-core and API.

But this time, you can ATTACH it to Identity project.

You can attach a project as a module if it was imported at least once.

2. Configure Virtual Environment

  • Add additional python interpreter

  • Click virtual environment section

  • Designate base interpreter as 'Python 3.8'(Python3 need to be installed previously)

  • Then click 'OK'

  • Return to 'Python interpreter > Interpreter Settings..'

  • List of installed python package on virtual environment will be displayed

  • Click '+' button, Then search & click 'Install Package' below

  • 'spaceone-core'

  • 'spaceone-api'

  • 'spaceone-tester'

  • Additional libraries are in 'pkg/pip_requirements.txt' in every repository. You also need to install them.

  • Repeat above process or you can install through command line

$> pip3 install -r pip_requirements.txt

3. Run Server

  • Set source root directory
  • Right click on 'src' directory 'Mark Directory as > Resource Root'
  • Set test server configuration
  • Fill in test server configurations are as below, then click 'OK'
Module namespaceone.core.command
Parametersgrpc spaceone.inventory -p 50051-p option means portnumber (Can be changed)
  • You can run test server with 'play button' on the upper right side or the IDE

4. Execute Test Code

Every plugin repository has their own unit test case file in 'test/api' directory

  • Right click on '' file
  • Click 'Run 'test_collector''

Some plugin needs credential to interface with other services. You need to make credential file and set them as environments before run

  • Go to test server configuration > test_server > Edit Configurations

  • Click Edit variables

  • Add environment variable as below

GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALSFull path of your configuration file

Finally you can test run your server

  • First, run test server locally

  • Second, run unit test

Using Terminal

5.6.3 - Plugin Designs

Plugin designs for each cloud services

Inventory Collector

Inventory Collector ν”ŒλŸ¬κ·ΈμΈμ„ 톡해 전문적인 κ°œλ°œμ§€μ‹μ΄ μ—†λŠ” μ‹œμŠ€ν…œ μ—”μ§€λ‹ˆμ–΄λΆ€ν„°, μ „λ¬Έ ν΄λΌμš°λ“œ κ°œλ°œμžλ“€κΉŒμ§€ μ›ν•˜λŠ” ν΄λΌμš°λ“œ μžμ‚°μ •λ³΄λ₯Ό νŽΈλ¦¬ν•˜κ²Œ μˆ˜μ§‘ν•˜μ—¬ μ²΄κ³„μ μœΌλ‘œ 관리할 수 μžˆμŠ΅λ‹ˆλ‹€. 그리고, μˆ˜μ§‘ν•œ μžμ‚° 정보λ₯Ό μ‚¬μš©μž UI에 μ†μ‰½κ²Œ ν‘œν˜„ν•  수 μžˆμŠ΅λ‹ˆλ‹€.

Inventory Collector ν”ŒλŸ¬κ·ΈμΈμ€ SpaceONE의 grpc framework κΈ°λ³Έ λͺ¨λ“ˆμ„ 기반으둜(spaceone-core, spaceone-api) κ°œλ°œν•  수 μžˆμŠ΅λ‹ˆλ‹€. μ•„λž˜μ˜ λ¬Έμ„œλŠ” 각각의 Cloud Provider별 상세 μŠ€νŽ™μ„ λ‚˜νƒ€λƒ…λ‹ˆλ‹€.



Google Cloud

Google Cloud VM Instance

Google Cloud SQL Instance

Google Cloud Disk

Google Cloud External IP Address

Google Cloud Instance Group

Collecting Google Cloud Instance Template

Collecting Google Cloud Load Balancing

Collecting Google Cloud Machine Image

Collecting Google Cloud Route

Collecting Google Cloud Snapshot

Collecting Google Cloud Storage Bucket

Collecting Google Cloud VPC Network

Identity Authentication

Monitoring DataSources

Alert Manager Webhook



5.6.4 - Collector

Inventory Collector plugin development

Add new Cloud Service Type

To add new Cloud Service Type

ComponentSource DirectoryDescription
modelsrc/spaceone/inventory/model/skeletonData schema
managersrc/spaceone/inventory/manager/skeletonData Merge
connectorsrc/spaceone/inventory/connector/skeletonData Collection

Add model

5.7 - API & SDK

API & SDK Guide

5.7.1 - gRPC API

API Specification and Build

Developer Guide

This guide explains the new SpaceONE API specification which extends the spaceone-api.

git clone

Create new API spec file

Create new API spec file for new micro service. The file location must be

proto/spaceone/api/<new service name>/<version>/<API spec file>

For example, the APIs for inventory service is defined at

└── spaceone
    └── api
        β”œβ”€β”€ core
        β”‚   └── v1
        β”‚       β”œβ”€β”€ handler.proto
        β”‚       β”œβ”€β”€ plugin.proto
        β”‚       β”œβ”€β”€ query.proto
        β”‚       └── server_info.proto
        β”œβ”€β”€ inventory
        β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ plugin
        β”‚   β”‚   └── collector.proto
        β”‚   └── v1
        β”‚       β”œβ”€β”€ cloud_service.proto
        β”‚       β”œβ”€β”€ cloud_service_type.proto
        β”‚       β”œβ”€β”€ collector.proto
        β”‚       β”œβ”€β”€ job.proto
        β”‚       β”œβ”€β”€ job_task.proto
        β”‚       β”œβ”€β”€ region.proto
        β”‚       β”œβ”€β”€ server.proto
        β”‚       └── task_item.proto
        └── sample
            └── v1
                └── helloworld.proto

If you create new micro service called sample, create a directory proto/spaceone/api/sample/v1

Define API

After creating API spec file, update gRPC protobuf.

The content consists with two sections. + service + messages

service defines the RPC method and message defines the request and response data structure.

syntax = "proto3";

package spaceone.api.sample.v1;

// desc: The greeting service definition.
service HelloWorld {
  // desc: Sends a greeting
  rpc say_hello (HelloRequest) returns (HelloReply) {}

// desc: The request message containing the user's name.
message HelloRequest {
  // is_required: true
  string name = 1;

// desc: The response message containing the greetings
message HelloReply {
  string message = 1;

Build API spec to specific language.

Protobuf can not be used directly, it must be translated to target langauge like python or Go.

If you create new micro service directory, udpate Makefile Append directory name at TARGET

TARGET = core identity repository plugin secret inventory monitoring statistics config report sample

Currently API supports python output.

make python

The generated python output is located at dist/python directory.

└── python
    └── spaceone
        └── api
            β”œβ”€β”€ core
            β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€
            β”‚   └── v1
            β”‚       β”œβ”€β”€
            β”‚       β”œβ”€β”€
            β”‚       β”œβ”€β”€
            β”‚       β”œβ”€β”€
            β”‚       β”œβ”€β”€
            β”‚       β”œβ”€β”€
            β”‚       β”œβ”€β”€
            β”‚       β”œβ”€β”€
            β”‚       └──
            β”œβ”€β”€ inventory
            β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€
            β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ plugin
            β”‚   β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€
            β”‚   β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€
            β”‚   β”‚   └──
            β”‚   └── v1
            β”‚       β”œβ”€β”€
            β”‚       β”œβ”€β”€
            β”‚       β”œβ”€β”€
            β”‚       β”œβ”€β”€
            β”‚       β”œβ”€β”€
            β”‚       β”œβ”€β”€
            β”‚       β”œβ”€β”€
            β”‚       β”œβ”€β”€
            β”‚       β”œβ”€β”€
            β”‚       β”œβ”€β”€
            β”‚       β”œβ”€β”€
            β”‚       β”œβ”€β”€
            β”‚       β”œβ”€β”€
            β”‚       β”œβ”€β”€
            β”‚       β”œβ”€β”€
            β”‚       β”œβ”€β”€
            β”‚       └──
            └── sample
                └── v1


[Google protobuf]

5.8 - CICD

Detailed Explanation of SpaceONE CI CD Pipeline and Architecture

SpaceONE CICD Architecture

CI process is mainly processed by GitHub Actions described in .github/workflows directory of each repository. The process can be triggered automatically through events such as pull requests or push, or manually. Continuous integration includes software building, uploading image in docker, and releasing package in NPM or PyPi. Docker Image is built with all dependency packages to include.

CD process is mainly processed by Spinnaker. Spinnaker deployment is triggered by detecting image upload in docker hub. After the triggering event, Spinnaker automatically deploys the microservice to Kubernetes, with Helm chart prepared for each repository to prepare the infrastructure for the deployment.

Role of cloudforet-io/spaceone Repository

Before we discuss the CI process of each repository, we should check the cloudforet-io/spaceone repository (or β€˜root’ repository). Root repository serves a role as a trigger of all repositories to start the CI process. Through manually starting one of the GitHub Action the root repository has, most of the repositories detect the action and their GitHub Action is triggered.

Repository Categories

SpaceONE repositories can be divided into 5 different categories based on their characteristics in CI/CD process.

  1. Frontend microservice
  2. Backend microservice
  3. Backend Core microservice
  4. Frontend Core microservice
  5. Plugin
  6. Tools

Core microservices are differentiated with ordinary microservices, since they support the other services by serving various functions such as framework, library or system.

Frontend microserviceconsole, console-api, console-assets, marketplace-assets
Backend microservicebilling, config, cost-analysis, cost-saving, identity, inventory, monitoring, notification, plugin, power-scheduler, secret, spot-automation, statistics, supervisor
Backend Core microserviceapi, python-core
Frontend Core microserviceconsole-core-lib, spaceone-design-system
Pluginplugin module repositories (excluding β€˜plugin’ repository)
Toolsspacectl, spaceone-initializer, tester

** Some repositories might not fit in the categories and standards. To check more details in CI/CD, check our GitHub repositories' .github/workflow files.

Versioning System

SpaceONE uses 3 digit versioning system in the format of β€˜x.y.z’. The version scheme is displayed in the table below.

Developmentx.y.zdev[0-9]+api, python-core only1.2.3dev1
Release Candidatex.y.zrc[0-9]+Every release has RC during QA1.2.3rc1
Final Releasex.y.zOfficial Release version1.2.3
Hotfixx.y.z.[0-9]+Hotfix of Final Release1.2.3.1

Released Packages & Images

Packages and images released in CI process can be found in the links above.

Continuous Integration Process

CI process of each repositories can be organized by 4 different kinds of triggering events.

  1. Master Branch Push :
    If the master branch in GitHub get pushed, GitHub Action occurs by CI_master_push.yml file, which builds the software and uploads to the registry such as Docker or NPM. After the process, CloudONE team is notified through Slack.

  2. Create Release Branch :
    Each repository can create release branch manually or by cloudforet-io/spaceone repository’s event. After initialization, GitHub Action triggers branch tagging action.

  3. Branch Tagging :
    By being triggered by the event above or getting pushed with version tags, each repository can tag branch with GitHub Action by updating the version in both local and master branch, building the software, and uploading the output to registries such as Docker or PyPi. After all process is done, Slack notification is automatically sent to CloudONE team.

  4. Reflect Branch Update :
    The last CI process to be described is updating the version file in the master branch of each repository. This process is triggered by the branch tagging action or cloudforet-io/spaceone repository GitHub Action.

While most of the process can be explained with the description above, Continuous Integration processes differ by the repository categories described above. To learn about CI of each repository type, visit the document linked below.

5.8.1 - Frontend Microservice CI

Detailed Explanation of Frontend Microservice Repository CI

Frontend Microservice CI process details

The flowchart above describes 4 .yml GitHub Action files for CI process of frontend microservices. Unlike the backend microservices, frontend microservices are not released as packages, so the branch tagging job does not include building and uploading the NPM software package. Frontend microservices only build software and upload it on Docker, not NPM or PyPi.

To check the details, go to the .github/workflow directory in each directory. We provide an example of the workflow directory of the frontend microservices with the below link.

5.8.2 - Backend Microservice CI

Detailed Explanation of Backend Microservice Repository CI

Backend Microservice CI process details

The flowchart above describes 4 .yml GitHub Action files for CI process of backend microservices. Most of the workflow is similar to the frontend microservices' CI. However, unlike the frontend microservices, backend microservices are released as packages, therefore the process includes building and uploading PyPi package.

To check the details, go to the .github/workflow directory in each directory. We provide an example of the workflow directory of the backend microservices with the below link.

5.8.3 - Frontend Core Microservice CI

Detailed Explanation of Frontend Core Microservice Repository CI

Frontend Core Microservice CI

Frontend Core microservices' codes are integrated and built, uploaded with the flow explained above. Most of the workflows include set-up process including setting Node.js, caching node modules, and installing dependencies. After the set-up proccess, each repository workflow is headed to building process proceeded in NPM. After building, both repositories' packages built are released in NPM by code npm run semantic-release.

Check semantic-release site, npm: semantic-release for further details about the release process.

Also, unlike other repositories deployed by the flow from Docker to Spinnaker and k8s, spaceone-design-system repository is deployed differently, based on direct deployment through AWS S3.

To check the details, go to the .github/workflow directory in each directory.

5.8.4 - Backend Core Microservice CI

Detailed Explanation of Backend Core Microservice Repository CI

Backend Core Microservice CI process details

Backend Core microservices' 4 workflow related GitHub Action files are explained through the diagram above. Unlike the other repositories, pushes in GitHub with tags are monitored and trigger to do building the package in PyPi for testing purposes, instead of workflow tasks for master branch pushes.

Also, Backend Core microservices are not built and uploaded on Docker. They are only managed in PyPi.

To check the details, go to the .github/workflow directory in each directory.

5.8.5 - Plugin CI

Detailed Explanation of Plugin Repository CI

Plugin CI process details

Plugin repositories with name starting with β€˜plugin-’ have unique CI process managed with workflow file named push_sync_ci.yaml. As the total architecture of CI is different from other repositories, plugin repositories' workflow files are automatically updated at every code commit.

We can follow the plugin CI process, step by step.

Step 1. push_sync_ci.yaml in each plugin repository is triggered by master branch push or in a manual way.

Step 2. push_sync_ci.yaml runs cloudforet-io/actions/.github/worflows/deploy.yaml.

Step 2-1. spaceone/actions/.github/worflows/deploy.yaml runs cloudforet-io/actions/src/

  1. cloudforet-io/actions/src/ updates each plugin repository workflow files based on the repository characteristics distinguished by topics. Newest version files of all plugin repository workflows are managed in cloudforet-io/actions.

Step 2-2. spaceone/actions/.github/worflows/deploy.yaml runs push_build_dev.yaml in each plugin repository

  1. push_build_dev.yaml proceeds versioning based on current date.

  2. push_build_dev.yaml upload the plugin image in Docker.

  3. push_build_dev.yaml sends notification through Slack.

To build and release the docker image of plugin repositories, plugins use dispatch_release.yaml.

  1. dispatch_release.yaml in each plugin repository is triggered manually.

  2. dispatch_release.yaml executes condition_check job to check version format and debug.

  3. dispatch_release.yaml updates master branch version file.

  4. dispatch_release.yaml executes git tagging.

  5. dispatch_release.yaml builds and pushes to Docker Hub with docker/build-push-action@v1

  6. dispatch_release.yaml sends notification through Slack.

For further details, you can check our GitHub cloudforet-io/actions.

5.8.6 - Tools CI

Detailed Explanation of Tools Repository CI

Tools CI process details

spacectl, spaceone-initializer, tester repositories are tools used for the spaceone project. There are some differences from other repositories' CI process.

spacectl repository workflow includes test code for each push with a version tag, which is similar to the CI process of backend core repositories.

spaceone-initializer repository does not include the workflow file triggered by β€˜master branch push’, which most of repositories including spacectl and tester have.

Tools-category repositories use different repositories to upload.

  • spacectl : PyPi and Docker both
  • spaceone-initializer : Docker
  • tester : PyPi

To check the details, go to the .github/workflow directory in each directory.

5.9 - Contribute

Cloudforet Project Contribution Guide

5.9.1 - Documentation

Cloudforet Project Documentation Guide - Content Guide

This page contains guidelines for Cloudforet documentation.

Create a new page

Go to the parent page of the page creation location. Then, click the 'Create child page' button at the bottom right.

You can also fork from the repository and work locally.

Choosing a title and filename

Create a filename that uses the words in your title separated by underscore (_). For example, the topic with title Using Project Management has filename

Adding fields to the front matter

In your document, put fields in the front matter. The front matter is the YAML block that is between the triple-dashed lines at the top of the page. Here's an example:

title: "Project Management"
linkTitle: "Project Management"
weight: 10
date: 2021-06-10
description: >
  View overall status of each project and Navigate to detailed cloud resources.  

Description of front matter variables

titleThe title for the content
linkTitleLeft-sidebar title
weightUsed for ordering your content in left-sidebar. Lower weight gets higher precedence. So content with lower weight will come first. If set, weights should be non-zero, as 0 is interpreted as an unset weight.
dateCreation date
descriptionPage description

If you want to see more details about front matter, click Front matter.

Write a document

Adding Table of Contents

When you add ## in the documentation, it makes a list of Table of Contents automatically.

Adding images

Create a directory for images named file_name_img in the same hierarchy as the document. For example, create project_management_img directory for Put images in the directory.

Style guide

Please refer to the style guide to write the document.

Opening a pull request

When you are ready to submit a pull request, commit your changes with new branch. - Style Guide (shortcodes)

This page explains the custom Hugo shortcodes that can be used in Cloudforet Markdown documentation.

Heading tag

It is recommended to use them sequentially from ##, <h2>. It's for style, not just semantic markup.

Code :

{{< link-button background-color="navy500" url="/" text="Home" >}}
{{< link-button background-color="white" url="" text="" >}}

Output :


Code :

{{< video src="" title="Cloudforet Setup" >}}



Code :

{{< alert title="Note Title" >}}
	Note Contents
{{< /alert >}}

