1 - Getting Started

How to install Cloudforet for developer

This is Getting Started Installation guide with minikube.

Note :- This Guide is not for production, but for developer only.

Verified Environments

DistroStatusLink(ex. Blog)
Ubuntu 20.04Not Tested
Ubuntu 22.04Verified
Amazon Linux 2Not Tested
Amazon Linux 2023Not Tested
macOS (Apple Silicon, M1)Verified
macOS (Apple Silicon, M2)Verified


Cloudforet-Minikube Architecture

Cloudforet-Minikube Architecture


  • AWS EC2 VM (Intel/AMD/ARM CPU)

Recommended instance type: t3.large (2 cores, 8 GB Memory, 30GB EBS)

  • Docker/Docker Desktop
    • If you don't have Docker installed, minikube will return an error as minikube uses docker as the driver.
    • Highly recommend installing Docker Desktop based on your OS.
  • Minikube
    • Requires minimum Kubernetes version of 1.21+.
  • Kubectl
  • Helm
    • Requires minimum Helm version of 3.11.0+.
    • If you want to learn more about Helm, refer to this.

Before diving into the Cloudforet Installation process, start minikube by running the command below.

minikube start --driver=docker --memory=5000mb

If you encounter Unable to resolve the current Docker CLI context "default" error, check if the docker daemon is running.


You can install the Cloudforet by the following the steps below.

For Cloudforet v1.12.x, we DONOT provide helm charts online. You can download the helm chart from the Cloudforet Github

1) Download Helm Chart Repository

This command wll download Helm repository.

# Set working directory
mkdir cloudforet-deployment
cd cloudforet-deployment
wget https://github.com/cloudforet-io/charts/releases/download/spaceone-1.12.12/spaceone-1.12.12.tgz
tar zxvf spaceone-1.12.12.tgz

2) Create Namespaces

kubectl create ns cloudforet
kubectl create ns cloudforet-plugin

3) Create Role and RoleBinding

First, download the rbac.yaml file.

The rbac.yaml file basically serves as a means to regulate access to computer or network resources based on the roles of individual users. For more information about RBAC Authorization in Kubernetes, refer to this.

If you are used to downloading files via command-line, run this command to download the file.

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cloudforet-io/charts/master/examples/rbac.yaml -O rbac.yaml

Next, execute the following command.

kubectl apply -f rbac.yaml -n cloudforet-plugin

4) Install Cloudforet Chart

Download default YAML file for helm chart.

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cloudforet-io/charts/master/examples/values/release-1-12.yaml -O release-1-12.yaml
helm install cloudforet spaceone -n cloudforet -f release-1-12.yaml

After executing the above command, check the status of the pod.

Scheduler pods are in CrashLoopBackOff or Error state. This is because the setup is not complete.

kubectl get pod -n cloudforet

NAME                                      READY   STATUS             RESTARTS      AGE
board-5746fd9657-vtd45                    1/1     Running            0             57s
config-5d4c4b7f58-z8k9q                   1/1     Running            0             58s
console-6b64cf66cb-q8v54                  1/1     Running            0             59s
console-api-7c95848cb8-sgt56              2/2     Running            0             58s
console-api-v2-rest-7d64bc85dd-987zn      2/2     Running            0             56s
cost-analysis-7b9d64b944-xw9qg            1/1     Running            0             59s
cost-analysis-scheduler-ff8cc758d-lfx4n   0/1     Error              3 (37s ago)   55s
cost-analysis-worker-559b4799b9-fxmxj     1/1     Running            0             58s
dashboard-b4cc996-mgwj9                   1/1     Running            0             56s
docs-5fb4cc56c7-68qbk                     1/1     Running            0             59s
identity-6fc984459d-zk8r9                 1/1     Running            0             56s
inventory-67498999d6-722bw                1/1     Running            0             57s
inventory-scheduler-5dc6856d44-4spvm      0/1     CrashLoopBackOff   3 (18s ago)   59s
inventory-worker-68d9fcf5fb-x6knb         1/1     Running            0             55s
marketplace-assets-8675d44557-ssm92       1/1     Running            0             59s
mongodb-7c9794854-cdmwj                   1/1     Running            0             59s
monitoring-fdd44bdbf-pcgln                1/1     Running            0             59s
notification-5b477f6c49-gzfl8             1/1     Running            0             59s
notification-scheduler-675696467-gn24j    1/1     Running            0             59s
notification-worker-d88bb6df6-pjtmn       1/1     Running            0             57s
plugin-556f7bc49b-qmwln                   1/1     Running            0             57s
plugin-scheduler-86c4c56d84-cmrmn         0/1     CrashLoopBackOff   3 (13s ago)   59s
plugin-worker-57986dfdd6-v9vqg            1/1     Running            0             58s
redis-75df77f7d4-lwvvw                    1/1     Running            0             59s
repository-5f5b7b5cdc-lnjkl               1/1     Running            0             57s
secret-77ffdf8c9d-48k46                   1/1     Running            0             55s
spacectl-5664788d5d-dtwpr                 1/1     Running            0             59s
statistics-67b77b6654-p9wcb               1/1     Running            0             56s
statistics-scheduler-586875947c-8zfqg     0/1     Error              3 (30s ago)   56s
statistics-worker-68d646fc7-knbdr         1/1     Running            0             58s
supervisor-scheduler-6744657cb6-tpf78     2/2     Running            0             59s

To execute the commands below, every POD except xxxx-scheduler-yyyy must have a Running status.

5) Initialize the Configuration

First, download the initializer.yaml file.

For more information about the initializer, please refer to the spaceone-initializer.

If you are used to downloading files via command-line, run this command to download the file.

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cloudforet-io/charts/master/examples/initializer.yaml -O initializer.yaml

And execute the following command.

wget https://github.com/cloudforet-io/charts/releases/download/spaceone-initializer-1.3.3/spaceone-initializer-1.3.3.tgz
tar zxvf spaceone-initializer-1.3.3.tgz
helm install initializer spaceone-initializer -n cloudforet -f initializer.yaml

6) Set the Helm Values and Upgrade the Chart

Complete the initialization, you can get the system token from the initializer pod logs.

To figure out the pod name for the initializer, run this command first to show all pod names for namespace spaceone.

kubectl get pods -n cloudforet 

Then, among the pods shown copy the name of the pod that starts with initialize-spaceone.

NAME                                       READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
board-5997d5688-kq4tx                      1/1     Running     0          24m
config-5947d845b5-4ncvn                    1/1     Running     0          24m
console-7fcfddbd8b-lbk94                   1/1     Running     0          24m
console-api-599b86b699-2kl7l               2/2     Running     0          24m
console-api-v2-rest-cb886d687-d7n8t        2/2     Running     0          24m
cost-analysis-8658c96f8f-88bmh             1/1     Running     0          24m
cost-analysis-scheduler-67c9dc6599-k8lgx   1/1     Running     0          24m
cost-analysis-worker-6df98df444-5sjpm      1/1     Running     0          24m
dashboard-84d8969d79-vqhr9                 1/1     Running     0          24m
docs-6b9479b5c4-jc2f8                      1/1     Running     0          24m
identity-6d7bbb678f-b5ptf                  1/1     Running     0          24m
initialize-spaceone-fsqen-74x7v            0/1     Completed   0          98m
inventory-64d6558bf9-v5ltj                 1/1     Running     0          24m
inventory-scheduler-69869cc5dc-k6fpg       1/1     Running     0          24m
inventory-worker-5649876687-zjxnn          1/1     Running     0          24m
marketplace-assets-5fcc55fb56-wj54m        1/1     Running     0          24m
mongodb-b7f445749-2sr68                    1/1     Running     0          101m
monitoring-799cdb8846-25w78                1/1     Running     0          24m
notification-c9988d548-gxw2c               1/1     Running     0          24m
notification-scheduler-7d4785fd88-j8zbn    1/1     Running     0          24m
notification-worker-586bc9987c-kdfn6       1/1     Running     0          24m
plugin-79976f5747-9snmh                    1/1     Running     0          24m
plugin-scheduler-584df5d649-cflrb          1/1     Running     0          24m
plugin-worker-58d5cdbff9-qk5cp             1/1     Running     0          24m
redis-b684c5bbc-528q9                      1/1     Running     0          24m
repository-64fc657d4f-cbr7v                1/1     Running     0          24m
secret-74578c99d5-rk55t                    1/1     Running     0          24m
spacectl-8cd55f46c-xw59j                   1/1     Running     0          24m
statistics-767d84bb8f-rrvrv                1/1     Running     0          24m
statistics-scheduler-65cc75fbfd-rsvz7      1/1     Running     0          24m
statistics-worker-7b6b7b9898-lmj7x         1/1     Running     0          24m
supervisor-scheduler-555d644969-95jxj      2/2     Running     0          24m

To execute the below kubectl logs command, the status of POD(Ex: here initialize-spaceone-fsqen-74x7v) should be Completed . Proceeding with this while the POD is INITIALIZING will give errors

Get the token by getting the log information of the pod with the name you found above.

kubectl logs initialize-spaceone-fsqen-74x7v -n cloudforet

TASK [Print Admin API Key] *********************************************************************************************

FINISHED [ ok=23, skipped=0 ] ******************************************************************************************


Update your helm values file (ex. release-1-12.yaml) and edit the values. There is only one item that need to be updated.

For EC2 users: put in your EC2 server's public IP instead of for both CONSOLE_API and CONSOLE_API_V2 ENDPOINT.

      ENDPOINT: http://localhost:8081  # http://ec2_public_ip:8081 for EC2 users
      ENDPOINT: http://localhost:8082  # http://ec2_public_ip:8082 for EC2 users

    TOKEN: 'TOKEN_VALUE_FROM_ABOVE'   # Change the system token

After editing the helm values file(ex. release-1-12.yaml), upgrade the helm chart.

helm upgrade cloudforet spaceone -n cloudforet -f release-1-12.yaml

After upgrading, delete the pods in cloudforet namespace that have the label app.kubernetes.io/instance and value cloudforet.

kubectl delete po -n cloudforet -l app.kubernetes.io/instance=cloudforet

7) Check the status of the pods

kubectl get pod -n cloudforet

If all pods are in Running state, the setup is complete.


Installing Cloudforet on minikube doesn't provide any Ingress objects such as Amazon ALB or NGINX ingress controller. We can use kubectl port-forward instead.

Run the following commands for port forwarding.

# CLI commands
kubectl port-forward -n cloudforet svc/console 8080:80 --address='' &
kubectl port-forward -n cloudforet svc/console-api 8081:80 --address='' &
kubectl port-forward -n cloudforet svc/console-api-v2-rest 8082:80 --address='' &

Start Cloudforet

Log-In (Sign in for Root Account)

For EC2 users: open browser with http://your_ec2_server_ip:8080

Open browser (


Initial Setup for Cloudforet

For your reference, Cloudforet is an open source project for SpaceOne. For additional information, refer to our official website here.


2 - Installation

This section describes how to install CloudForet.

2.1 - AWS

Install Guide of Cloudforet on AWS

Cloudforet Helm Charts

A Helm Chart for Cloudforet 1.12.


  • Kubernetes 1.21+
  • Helm 3.2.0+
  • Service Domain & SSL Certificate (optional)
    • Console: console.example.com
    • REST API: *.api.example.com
    • gRPC API: *.grpc.example.com
    • Webhook: webhook.example.com
  • MongoDB 5.0+ (optional)

Cloudforet Architecture

Cloudforet Architecture


You can install the Cloudforet using the following the steps.

1) Add Helm Repository

helm repo add cloudforet https://cloudforet-io.github.io/charts
helm repo update
helm search repo cloudforet

2) Create Namespaces

kubectl create ns spaceone
kubectl create ns spaceone-plugin

If you want to use only one namespace, you don't create the spaceone-plugin namespace.

3) Create Role and RoleBinding

First, download the rbac.yaml file.

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cloudforet-io/charts/master/examples/rbac.yaml -O rbac.yaml

And execute the following command.

kubectl apply -f rbac.yaml -n spaceone-plugin


kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cloudforet-io/charts/master/examples/rbac.yaml -n spaceone-plugin

4) Install Cloudforet Chart

helm install cloudforet cloudforet/spaceone -n spaceone

After executing the above command, check the status of the pod.

kubectl get pod -n spaceone

NAME                                       READY   STATUS             RESTARTS      AGE
board-64f468ccd6-v8wx4                     1/1     Running            0             4m16s
config-6748dc8cf9-4rbz7                    1/1     Running            0             4m14s
console-767d787489-wmhvp                   1/1     Running            0             4m15s
console-api-846867dc59-rst4k               2/2     Running            0             4m16s
console-api-v2-rest-79f8f6fb59-7zcb2       2/2     Running            0             4m16s
cost-analysis-5654566c95-rlpkz             1/1     Running            0             4m13s
cost-analysis-scheduler-69d77598f7-hh8qt   0/1     CrashLoopBackOff   3 (39s ago)   4m13s
cost-analysis-worker-68755f48bf-6vkfv      1/1     Running            0             4m15s
cost-analysis-worker-68755f48bf-7sj5j      1/1     Running            0             4m15s
cost-analysis-worker-68755f48bf-fd65m      1/1     Running            0             4m16s
cost-analysis-worker-68755f48bf-k6r99      1/1     Running            0             4m15s
dashboard-68f65776df-8s4lr                 1/1     Running            0             4m12s
file-manager-5555876d89-slqwg              1/1     Running            0             4m16s
identity-6455d6f4b7-bwgf7                  1/1     Running            0             4m14s
inventory-fc6585898-kjmwx                  1/1     Running            0             4m13s
inventory-scheduler-6dd9f6787f-k9sff       0/1     CrashLoopBackOff   4 (21s ago)   4m15s
inventory-worker-7f6d479d88-59lxs          1/1     Running            0             4m12s
mongodb-6b78c74d49-vjxsf                   1/1     Running            0             4m14s
monitoring-77d9bd8955-hv6vp                1/1     Running            0             4m15s
monitoring-rest-75cd56bc4f-wfh2m           2/2     Running            0             4m16s
monitoring-scheduler-858d876884-b67tc      0/1     Error              3 (33s ago)   4m12s
monitoring-worker-66b875cf75-9gkg9         1/1     Running            0             4m12s
notification-659c66cd4d-hxnwz              1/1     Running            0             4m13s
notification-scheduler-6c9696f96-m9vlr     1/1     Running            0             4m14s
notification-worker-77865457c9-b4dl5       1/1     Running            0             4m16s
plugin-558f9c7b9-r6zw7                     1/1     Running            0             4m13s
plugin-scheduler-695b869bc-d9zch           0/1     Error              4 (59s ago)   4m15s
plugin-worker-5f674c49df-qldw9             1/1     Running            0             4m16s
redis-566869f55-zznmt                      1/1     Running            0             4m16s
repository-8659578dfd-wsl97                1/1     Running            0             4m14s
secret-69985cfb7f-ds52j                    1/1     Running            0             4m12s
statistics-98fc4c955-9xtbp                 1/1     Running            0             4m16s
statistics-scheduler-5b6646d666-jwhdw      0/1     CrashLoopBackOff   3 (27s ago)   4m13s
statistics-worker-5f9994d85d-ftpwf         1/1     Running            0             4m12s
supervisor-scheduler-74c84646f5-rw4zf      2/2     Running            0             4m16s

Scheduler pods are in CrashLoopBackOff or Error state. This is because the setup is not complete.

5) Initialize the Configuration

First, download the initializer.yaml file.

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cloudforet-io/charts/master/examples/initializer.yaml -O initializer.yaml

And execute the following command.

helm install cloudforet-initializer cloudforet/spaceone-initializer -n spaceone -f initializer.yaml


helm install cloudforet-initializer cloudforet/spaceone-initializer -n spaceone -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cloudforet-io/charts/master/examples/initializer.yaml

For more information about the initializer, please refer the spaceone-initializer.

6) Set the Helm Values and Upgrade the Chart

Complete the initialization, you can get the system token from the initializer pod logs.

# check pod name
kubectl logs initialize-spaceone-xxxx-xxxxx -n spaceone

TASK [Print Admin API Key] *********************************************************************************************

FINISHED [ ok=23, skipped=0 ] ******************************************************************************************


First, copy this TOKEN, then Create the values.yaml file and paste it to the TOKEN.

    # If you don't have a service domain, you refer to the following 'No Domain & IP Access' example.
      ENDPOINT: https://console.api.example.com       # Change the endpoint
      ENDPOINT: https://console-v2.api.example.com    # Change the endpoint

    TOKEN: '{TOKEN}'                                    # Change the system token

For more advanced configuration, please refer the following the links.

After editing the values.yaml file, upgrade the helm chart.

helm upgrade cloudforet cloudforet/spaceone -n spaceone -f values.yaml
kubectl delete po -n spaceone -l app.kubernetes.io/instance=cloudforet

7) Check the status of the pods

kubectl get pod -n spaceone

If all pods are in Running state, the setup is complete.

8) Ingress and AWS Load Balancer

In Kubernetes, Ingress is an API object that provides a load-balanced external IP address to access Services in your cluster. It acts as a layer 7 (HTTP/HTTPS) reverse proxy and can route traffic to other services based on the requested host and URL path.

For more information, see What is an Application Load Balancer? on AWS and ingress in the Kubernetes documentation.


Install AWS Load Balancer Controller
AWS Load Balancer Controller is a controller that helps manage ELB (Elastic Load Balancers) in a Kubernetes Cluster. Ingress resources are provisioned with Application Load Balancer, and service resources are provisioned with Network Load Balancer.
Installation methods may vary depending on the environment, so please refer to the official guide document below.

How to set up Cloudforet ingress

1) Ingress Type
Cloudforet provisions a total of 3 ingresses through 2 files.

  • Console : Ingress to access the domain
  • REST API : Ingress for API service
    • console-api
    • console-api-v2

2) Console ingress
Setting the ingress to accerss the console is as follows.

cat <<EOF> spaceone-console-ingress.yaml
apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: Ingress
  name: console-ingress
  namespace: spaceone
    alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/listen-ports: '[{"HTTP": 80}]'
    alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/scheme: internet-facing
    alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/target-type: ip
    alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/load-balancer-attributes: idle_timeout.timeout_seconds=600
    alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/healthcheck-protocol: HTTP
    alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/success-codes: 200-399
    alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/load-balancer-name: spaceone-console-ingress # Caution!! Must be fewer than 32 characters.
  ingressClassName: alb
      name: console
        number: 80
# Apply ingress
kubectl apply -f spaceone-console-ingress.yaml

If you apply the ingress, it will be provisioned to AWS Load Balancer with the name spaceone-console-ingress. You can connect through the provisioned DNS name using HTTP (80 Port).

3) REST API ingress
Setting the REST API ingress for the API service is as follows.

cat <<EOF> spaceone-rest-ingress.yaml
apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: Ingress
  name: console-api-ingress
  namespace: spaceone
    alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/listen-ports: '[{"HTTP": 80}]'
    alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/scheme: internet-facing
    alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/target-type: ip
    alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/load-balancer-attributes: idle_timeout.timeout_seconds=600
    alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/healthcheck-protocol: HTTP
    alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/success-codes: 200-399
    alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/load-balancer-name: spaceone-console-api-ingress # Caution!! Must be fewer than 32 characters.
  ingressClassName: alb
      name: console-api
        number: 80
apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: Ingress
  name: console-api-v2-ingress
  namespace: spaceone
    alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/listen-ports: '[{"HTTP": 80}]'
    alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/scheme: internet-facing
    alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/target-type: ip
    alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/load-balancer-attributes: idle_timeout.timeout_seconds=600
    alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/healthcheck-protocol: HTTP
    alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/success-codes: 200-399
    alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/load-balancer-name: spaceone-console-api-v2-ingress
  ingressClassName: alb
      name: console-api-v2-rest
        number: 80
# Apply ingress
kubectl apply -f spaceone-rest-ingress.yaml

REST API ingress provisions two ALBs. The DNS Name of the REST API must be saved as console.CONSOLE_API.ENDPOINT and console.CONSOLE_API_V2.ENDPOINT in the values.yaml file.

4) Check DNS Name
The DNS name will be generated as http://{ingress-name}-{random}.{region-code}.elb.amazoneaws.com. You can check this through the kubectl get ingress -n spaceone command in Kubernetes.

kubectl get ingress -n spaceone

NAME                     CLASS   HOSTS   ADDRESS                                                                      PORTS   AGE
console-api-ingress      alb     *       spaceone-console-api-ingress-xxxxxxxxxx.{region-code}.elb.amazonaws.com      80      15h
console-api-v2-ingress   alb     *       spaceone-console-api-v2-ingress-xxxxxxxxxx.{region-code}.elb.amazonaws.com   80      15h
console-ingress          alb     *       spaceone-console-ingress-xxxxxxxxxx.{region-code}.elb.amazonaws.com          80      15h

Or, you can check it in AWS Console. You can check it in EC2 > Load balancer as shown in the image below.


5) Connect with DNS Name
When all ingress is ready, edit the values.yaml file, restart pods, and access the console.

    # If you don't have a service domain, you refer to the following 'No Domain & IP Access' example.
      ENDPOINT: http://spaceone-console-api-ingress-xxxxxxxxxx.{region-code}.elb.amazonaws.com
      ENDPOINT: http://spaceone-console-api-v2-ingress-xxxxxxxxxx.{region-code}.elb.amazonaws.com

After applying the prepared values.yaml file, restart the pods.

helm upgrade cloudforet cloudforet/spaceone -n spaceone -f values.yaml
kubectl delete po -n spaceone -l app.kubernetes.io/instance=cloudforet

Now you can connect to Cloudforet with the DNS Name of spaceone-console-ingress.

  • http://spaceone-console-ingress-xxxxxxxxxx.{region-code}.elb.amazonaws.com

Advanced ingress settings

How to register an SSL certificate
We will guide you through how to register a certificate in ingress for SSL communication.
There are two methods for registering a certificate. One is when using ACM(AWS Certificate Manager), and the other is how to register an external certificate.

How to register an ACM certificate with ingress
If the certificate was issued through ACM, you can register the SSL certificate by simply registering acm arn in ingress.

First of all, please refer to the AWS official guide document on how to issue a certificate.

How to register the issued certificate is as follows. Please check the options added or changed for SSL communication in existing ingress.

Check out the changes in ingress.
Various settings for SSL are added and changed. Check the contents of metadata.annotations.
Also, check the added contents such as ssl-redirect and spec.rules.host in spec.rules.

  • spaceone-console-ingress.yaml
apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: Ingress
  name: console-ingress
  namespace: spaceone
+   alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/actions.ssl-redirect: '{"Type": "redirect", "RedirectConfig": { "Protocol": "HTTPS", "Port": "443", "StatusCode": "HTTP_301"}}'
+   alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/listen-ports: '[{"HTTP": 80}, {"HTTPS":443}]'
-   alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/listen-ports: '[{"HTTP": 80}]'
    alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/scheme: internet-facing
    alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/target-type: ip
    alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/load-balancer-attributes: idle_timeout.timeout_seconds=600
    alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/healthcheck-protocol: HTTP
+   alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/certificate-arn: "arn:aws:acm:..."  # Change the certificate-arn
    alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/success-codes: 200-399
    alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/load-balancer-name: spaceone-console-ingress # Caution!! Must be fewer than 32 characters.
  ingressClassName: alb
- defaultBackend:
-   service:
-     name: console
-     port:
-       number: 80
+ rules:
+   - http:
+       paths:
+         - path: /*
+           pathType: ImplementationSpecific
+           backend:
+             service:
+               name: ssl-redirect
+               port:
+                 name: use-annotation
+   - host: "console.example.com"  # Change the hostname
+     http:
+       paths:
+         - path: /*
+           pathType: ImplementationSpecific
+           backend:
+             service:
+               name: console 
+               port:
+                 number: 80
  • spaceone-rest-ingress.yaml
apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: Ingress
  name: console-api-ingress
  namespace: spaceone
+   alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/actions.ssl-redirect: '{"Type": "redirect", "RedirectConfig": { "Protocol": "HTTPS", "Port": "443", "StatusCode": "HTTP_301"}}'
+   alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/listen-ports: '[{"HTTP": 80}, {"HTTPS":443}]'
-   alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/listen-ports: '[{"HTTP": 80}]'
    alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/scheme: internet-facing
    alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/target-type: ip
    alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/load-balancer-attributes: idle_timeout.timeout_seconds=600
    alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/healthcheck-protocol: HTTP
+   alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/certificate-arn: "arn:aws:acm:..."  # Change the certificate-arn
    alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/success-codes: 200-399
    alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/load-balancer-name: spaceone-console-api-ingress # Caution!! Must be fewer than 32 characters.
  ingressClassName: alb
- defaultBackend:
-   service:
-     name: console-api
-     port:
-       number: 80
+ rules:
+   - http:
+       paths:
+         - path: /*
+           pathType: ImplementationSpecific
+           backend:
+             service:
+               name: ssl-redirect
+               port:
+                 name: use-annotation
+   - host: "console.api.example.com"  # Change the hostname
+     http:
+       paths:
+         - path: /*
+           pathType: ImplementationSpecific
+           backend:
+             service:
+               name: console-api
+               port:
+                 number: 80
apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: Ingress
  name: console-api-v2-ingress
  namespace: spaceone
+   alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/actions.ssl-redirect: '{"Type": "redirect", "RedirectConfig": { "Protocol": "HTTPS", "Port": "443", "StatusCode": "HTTP_301"}}'
+   alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/listen-ports: '[{"HTTP": 80}, {"HTTPS":443}]'
-   alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/listen-ports: '[{"HTTP": 80}]'
    alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/scheme: internet-facing
    alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/target-type: ip
    alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/load-balancer-attributes: idle_timeout.timeout_seconds=600
    alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/healthcheck-protocol: HTTP
+   alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/certificate-arn: "arn:aws:acm:..."  # Change the certificate-arn
    alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/success-codes: 200-399
    alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/load-balancer-name: spaceone-console-api-v2-ingress
  ingressClassName: alb
- defaultBackend:
-   service:
-     name: console-api-v2-rest
-     port:
-       number: 80
+ rules:
+   - http:
+       paths:
+         - path: /*
+           pathType: ImplementationSpecific
+           backend:
+             service:
+               name: ssl-redirect
+               port:
+                 name: use-annotation
+   - host: "console-v2.api.example.com"  # Change the hostname
+     http:
+       paths:
+         - path: /*
+           pathType: ImplementationSpecific
+           backend:
+             service:
+               name: console-api-v2-rest
+               port:
+                 number: 80

SSL application is completed when the changes are reflected through the kubectl command.

kubectl apply -f spaceone-console-ingress.yaml
kubectl apply -f spaceone-rest-ingress.yaml

How to register an SSL/TLS certificate
Certificate registration is possible even if you have an external certificate that was previously issued. You can register by adding a Kubernetes secret using the issued certificate and declaring the added secret name in ingress.

Create SSL/TLS certificates as Kubernetes secrets. There are two ways:

1. Using yaml file
You can add a secret to a yaml file using the command below.

kubectl apply -f <<EOF> tls-secret.yaml
apiVersion: v1
  tls.crt: {your crt}   # crt
  tls.key: {your key}   # key
kind: Secret
  name: tls-secret
  namespace: spaceone
type: kubernetes.io/tls

2. How to use the command if a file exists
If you have a crt and key file, you can create a secret using the following command.

kubectl create secret tls tlssecret --key tls.key --cert tls.crt

Add tls secret to Ingress
Modify ingress using registered secret information.

ingress-nginx settings
Using secret and tls may require setup methods using ingress-nginx. For more information, please refer to the following links:

apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: Ingress
  name: console-ingress
  namespace: spaceone
    alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/actions.ssl-redirect: '{"Type": "redirect", "RedirectConfig": { "Protocol": "HTTPS", "Port": "443", "StatusCode": "HTTP_301"}}'
    alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/listen-ports: '[{"HTTP": 80}, {"HTTPS":443}]'
    alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/scheme: internet-facing
    alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/target-type: ip
    alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/load-balancer-attributes: idle_timeout.timeout_seconds=600
    alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/healthcheck-protocol: HTTP
    alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/success-codes: 200-399
    alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/load-balancer-name: spaceone-console-ingress # Caution!! Must be fewer than 32 characters.
  - hosts:
      - console.example.com        # Change the hostname
    secretName: tlssecret          # Insert secret name
    - http:
          - path: /*
            pathType: ImplementationSpecific
                name: ssl-redirect
                  name: use-annotation
    - host: "console.example.com"  # Change the hostname
          - path: /*
            pathType: ImplementationSpecific
                name: console 
                  number: 80

2.2 - On Premise

This section describes how to install CloudForet in an On-Premise environment.



Install Cloudforet

It guides you on how to install Cloudforet using Helm chart. Related information is also available at: https://github.com/cloudforet-io/charts

1. Add Helm Repository

helm repo add cloudforet https://cloudforet-io.github.io/charts 
helm repo update 
helm search repo

2. Create Namespaces

kubectl create ns spaceone 
kubectl create ns spaceone-plugin

Cautions of creation namespace
If you need to use only one namespace, you do not need to create the spaceone-plugin namespace.
If changing the Cloudforet namespace, please refer to the following link. Change K8S Namespace

3. Create Role and RoleBinding

In a general situation where namespaces are not merged, supervisor distributes plugins from spaceone namespace to spaceone-plugin namespace, so roles and rolebindings are required as follows. Check the contents at the following link. https://github.com/cloudforet-io/charts/blob/master/examples/rbac.yaml

Details of the authority are as follows. You can edit the file to specify permissions if needed.

  • Create file

    cat <<EOF> rbac.yaml
    apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
    kind: Role
      name: supervisor-plugin-control-role
      namespace: spaceone-plugin 
    - apiGroups:
      - "*"
      - replicaSets
      - pods
      - deployments
      - services
      - endpoints
      - get
      - list
      - watch
      - create
      - delete
    apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
    kind: RoleBinding
      name: supervisor-role-binding
      namespace: spaceone-plugin 
      apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
      kind: Role
      name: supervisor-plugin-control-role
    - kind: ServiceAccount
      name: default
      namespace: spaceone

To apply the permission, you can reflect it with the command below. If you have changed the namespace, enter the changed namespace. (Be careful with the namespace.)

kubectl apply -f rbac.yaml -n spaceone-plugin

4. Install

Proceed with the installation using the helm command below.

helm install cloudforet cloudforet/spaceone -n spaceone

After entering the command, you can see that pods are uploaded in the spaceone namespace as shown below.

kubectl get pod -n spaceone

NAME                                       READY   STATUS             RESTARTS      AGE
board-64f468ccd6-v8wx4                     1/1     Running            0             4m16s
config-6748dc8cf9-4rbz7                    1/1     Running            0             4m14s
console-767d787489-wmhvp                   1/1     Running            0             4m15s
console-api-846867dc59-rst4k               2/2     Running            0             4m16s
console-api-v2-rest-79f8f6fb59-7zcb2       2/2     Running            0             4m16s
cost-analysis-5654566c95-rlpkz             1/1     Running            0             4m13s
cost-analysis-scheduler-69d77598f7-hh8qt   0/1     CrashLoopBackOff   3 (39s ago)   4m13s
cost-analysis-worker-68755f48bf-6vkfv      1/1     Running            0             4m15s
cost-analysis-worker-68755f48bf-7sj5j      1/1     Running            0             4m15s
cost-analysis-worker-68755f48bf-fd65m      1/1     Running            0             4m16s
cost-analysis-worker-68755f48bf-k6r99      1/1     Running            0             4m15s
dashboard-68f65776df-8s4lr                 1/1     Running            0             4m12s
file-manager-5555876d89-slqwg              1/1     Running            0             4m16s
identity-6455d6f4b7-bwgf7                  1/1     Running            0             4m14s
inventory-fc6585898-kjmwx                  1/1     Running            0             4m13s
inventory-scheduler-6dd9f6787f-k9sff       0/1     CrashLoopBackOff   4 (21s ago)   4m15s
inventory-worker-7f6d479d88-59lxs          1/1     Running            0             4m12s
mongodb-6b78c74d49-vjxsf                   1/1     Running            0             4m14s
monitoring-77d9bd8955-hv6vp                1/1     Running            0             4m15s
monitoring-rest-75cd56bc4f-wfh2m           2/2     Running            0             4m16s
monitoring-scheduler-858d876884-b67tc      0/1     Error              3 (33s ago)   4m12s
monitoring-worker-66b875cf75-9gkg9         1/1     Running            0             4m12s
notification-659c66cd4d-hxnwz              1/1     Running            0             4m13s
notification-scheduler-6c9696f96-m9vlr     1/1     Running            0             4m14s
notification-worker-77865457c9-b4dl5       1/1     Running            0             4m16s
plugin-558f9c7b9-r6zw7                     1/1     Running            0             4m13s
plugin-scheduler-695b869bc-d9zch           0/1     Error              4 (59s ago)   4m15s
plugin-worker-5f674c49df-qldw9             1/1     Running            0             4m16s
redis-566869f55-zznmt                      1/1     Running            0             4m16s
repository-8659578dfd-wsl97                1/1     Running            0             4m14s
secret-69985cfb7f-ds52j                    1/1     Running            0             4m12s
statistics-98fc4c955-9xtbp                 1/1     Running            0             4m16s
statistics-scheduler-5b6646d666-jwhdw      0/1     CrashLoopBackOff   3 (27s ago)   4m13s
statistics-worker-5f9994d85d-ftpwf         1/1     Running            0             4m12s
supervisor-scheduler-74c84646f5-rw4zf      2/2     Running            0             4m16s

If some of the scheduler pods are having problems and the rest of the pods are up, you're in the right state for now. The scheduler problem requires an upgrade operation using the values.yaml file after issuing a token through the initializer.

5. Initialize the configuration

This is a task for Cloudforet's domain creation. A root domain is created and a root token is issued through the initializer.

spaceone-initializer can be found on the following cloudforet-io github site. https://github.com/cloudforet-io/spaceone-initializer

The initializer.yaml file to be used here can be found at the following link. https://github.com/cloudforet-io/charts/blob/master/examples/initializer.yaml

You can change the domain name, domain_owner.id/password, etc. in the initializer.yaml file.

  • Create file

    cat <<EOF> filename.yaml
            - /root/spacectl/apply/root_domain.yaml
            - /root/spacectl/apply/create_managed_repository.yaml
            - /root/spacectl/apply/user_domain.yaml
            - /root/spacectl/apply/create_role.yaml
            - /root/spacectl/apply/add_statistics_schedule.yaml
            - /root/spacectl/apply/print_api_key.yaml
                root: root
                user: spaceone
            default_language: ko
            default_timezone: Asia/Seoul
                id: admin
                password: Admin123!@# # Change your password
                id: system_api_key

After editing the file, execute the initializer with the command below.

helm install initializer cloudforet/spaceone-initializer -n spaceone -f initializer.yaml

After execution, an initializer pod is created in the specified spaceone namespace and domain creation is performed. You can check the log when the pod is in Completed state.

6. Set the Helm Values and Upgrade the chart

To customize the default installed helm chart, the values.yaml file is required.

A typical example of a values.yaml file can be found at the following link. https://github.com/cloudforet-io/charts/blob/master/examples/values/all.yaml

To solve the scheduler problem, check the pod log in Completed status as shown below to obtain an admin token.

kubectl logs initializer-5f5b7b5cdc-abcd1 -n spaceone

TASK [Print Admin API Key] *********************************************************************************************

FINISHED [ ok=23, skipped=0 ] ******************************************************************************************


Create a values.yaml file using the token value obtained from the initializer pod log. Inside the file, you can declare app settings, namespace changes, kubernetes options changes, etc.

The following describes how to configure the console domain in the values.yaml file and how to use the issued token as a global config.

    # If you don't have a service domain, you refer to the following 'No Domain & IP Access' example.
      ENDPOINT: https://console.api.example.com       # Change the endpoint
      ENDPOINT: https://console-v2.api.example.com    # Change the endpoint

    TOKEN: '{TOKEN}'                                  # Change the system token

After setting the values.yaml file as above, execute the helm upgrade operation with the command below. After the upgrade is finished, delete all app instances related to cloudforet so that all pods are restarted.

helm upgrade cloudforet cloudforet/spaceone -n spaceone -f values.yaml
kubectl delete po -n spaceone -l app.kubernetes.io/instance=cloudforet

7. Check the status of the pods

Check the status of the pod with the following command. If all pods are in Running state, the installation is complete.

kubectl get pod -n spaceone

8. Configuration Ingress

Kubernetes Ingress is a resource that manages connections between services in a cluster and external connections. Cloudforet is serviced by registering the generated certificate as a secret and adding an ingress in the order below.

Install Nginx Ingress Controller
An ingress controller is required to use ingress in an on-premise environment. Here is a link to the installation guide for Nginx Ingress Controller supported by Kubernetes.

Generate self-managed SSL

Create a private ssl certificate using the openssl command below. (If an already issued certificate exists, you can create a Secret using the issued certificate. For detailed instructions, please refer to the following link. Create secret by exist cert)

  • console

    • *.{domain}
openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout console_ssl.pem -out console_ssl.csr -subj "/CN=*.{domain}/O=spaceone" -addext "subjectAltName = DNS:*.{domain}"
  • api

    • *.api.{domain}
openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout api_ssl.pem -out api_ssl.csr -subj "/CN=*.api.{domain}/O=spaceone" -addext "subjectAltName = DNS:*.api.{domain}"

Create secret for ssl

If the certificate is ready, create a secret using the certificate file.

kubectl create secret tls console-ssl --key console_ssl.pem --cert console_ssl.csr
kubectl create secret tls api-ssl --key api_ssl.pem --cert api_ssl.csr

Create Ingress

Prepare the two ingress files below. These ingress files can be downloaded from the following link.

Each file is as follows. Change the hostname inside the file to match the domain of the certificate you created.

  • console

    cat <<EOF> console_ingress.yaml
    apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
    kind: Ingress
    name: console-ingress
    namespace: spaceone
    ingressClassName: nginx
        - hosts:
            - "console.example.com"  # Change the hostname
        secretName: spaceone-tls
        - host: "console.example.com"  # Change the hostname
            - path: /
                pathType: Prefix
                    name: console 
                    number: 80
  • rest_api

    cat <<EOF> rest_api_ingress.yaml
    apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
    kind: Ingress
    name: console-api-ingress
    namespace: spaceone
    ingressClassName: nginx
        - hosts:
            - "*.api.example.com"  # Change the hostname
        secretName: spaceone-tls
        - host: "console.api.example.com"  # Change the hostname
            - path: /
                pathType: Prefix
                    name: console-api
                    number: 80
    apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
    kind: Ingress
    name: console-api-v2-ingress
    namespace: spaceone
    ingressClassName: nginx
        - hosts:
            - "*.api.example.com"  # Change the hostname
        secretName: spaceone-tls
        - host: "console-v2.api.example.com"  # Change the hostname
            - path: /
                pathType: Prefix
                    name: console-api-v2-rest
                    number: 80

Create the prepared ingress in the spaceone namespace with the command below.

kubectl apply -f console_ingress.yaml -n spaceone
kubectl apply -f rest_api_ingress.yaml -n spaceone

Connect to the Console

Connect to the Cloudforet Console service.

Advanced Configurations

Additional settings are required for the following special features. Below are examples and solutions for each situation.

Set Plugin CertificateThis is how to set a certificate for each plugin when using a private certificate.
Support Private Image RegistryIn an environment where communication with the outside is blocked for organization's security reasons, you can operate your own Private Image Registry. In this case, Container Image Sync operation is required, and Cloudforet suggests a method using the dregsy tool.
Change K8S NamespaceNamespace usage is limited by each environment, or you can use your own namespace name. Here is how to change Namespace in Cloudforet.
Set HTTP ProxyIn the on-premise environment with no Internet connection, proxy settings are required to communicate with the external world. Here's how to set up HTTP Proxy.
Set K8S ImagePullSecretsIf you are using Private Image Registry, you may need credentials because user authentication is set. In Kubernetes, you can use secrets to register credentials with pods. Here's how to set ImagePullSecrets.

3 - Configuration

In the Configuration section, We will introduce the settings for using Cloudforet.

3.1 - Set plugin certificate

Describes how to set up private certificates for plugins used in Cloudforet.


If Cloudforet is built in an on-premise environment, it can be accessed through a proxy server without direct communication with the Internet.
At this time, a private certificate is required when communicating with the proxy server.
First, configure the secret with the prepared private certificate and mount it on the private-tls volume.
After that, set the value of various environment variables required to set the certificate in supervisor's KubernetesConnectorto be the path of tls.crt in the private-tls volume.

Register the prepared private certificate as a Kubernetes Secret

apiVersionAPI version of resourcev1
kindKind of resourceSecret
metadataMetadata of resource{...}
metadata.nameName of resourceprivate-tls
metadata.namespaceNamespace of resourcespaceone
dataData of resourcetls.crt
typeType of resourcekubernetes.io/tls
kubectl apply -f create_tls_secret.yml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: spaceone-tls
  namespace: spaceone
  tls.crt: base64 encoded cert  # openssl base64 -in cert.pem -out cert.base64
type: kubernetes.io/tls

Set up on KubernetesConnector of supervisor

supervisor.application_schedulerConfiguration of supervisor scheduler{...}
supervisor.application_scheduler.CONNECTORS.KubernetesConnector.env[]Environment variables for plugin[...]
supervisor.application_scheduler.CONNECTORS.KubernetesConnector.env[].nameName of environment variableREQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE, AWS_CA_BUNDLE, CLOUDFORET_CA_BUNDLE
supervisor.application_scheduler.CONNECTORS.KubernetesConnector.env[].valueValue of environment variable/opt/ssl/cert/tls.crt
supervisor.application_scheduler.CONNECTORS.KubernetesConnector.volumes[]Volumes for plugin[...]
supervisor.application_scheduler.CONNECTORS.KubernetesConnector.volumes[].nameName of volumesprivate-tls
supervisor.application_scheduler.CONNECTORS.KubernetesConnector.volumes[].secret.secretNameSecret name of secret volumeprivate-tls
supervisor.application_scheduler.CONNECTORS.KubernetesConnector.volumeMounts[]Volume mounts of plugins[...]
supervisor.application_scheduler.CONNECTORS.KubernetesConnector.volumeMounts[].nameName of volume mountsprivate-tls
supervisor.application_scheduler.CONNECTORS.KubernetesConnector.volumeMounts[].mountPathPath of volume mounts/opt/ssl/cert/tls.crt
supervisor.application_scheduler.CONNECTORS.KubernetesConnector.volumeMounts[].readOnlyRead permission on the mounted volumetrue
  enabled: true
    name: spaceone/supervisor
    version: x.y.z

    - name: my-credential

          - name: REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE
            value: /opt/ssl/cert/tls.crt
          - name: AWS_CA_BUNDLE
            value: /opt/ssl/cert/tls.crt
          - name: CLOUDFORET_CA_BUNDLE
            value: /opt/ssl/cert/tls.crt
          - name: private-tls
              secretName: private-tls
          - name: private-tls
            mountPath: /opt/ssl/cert/tls.crt
            readOnly: true


You can apply the changes through the helm upgrade command and by deleting the pods

helm upgrade cloudforet cloudforet/spaceone -n spaceone -f values.yaml
kubectl delete po -n spaceone -l app.kubernetes.io/instance=cloudforet

3.2 - Change kubernetes namespace

This section describes how to change a core service or plugin service to a namespace with a different name.

When Cloudforet is installed in the K8S environment, the core service is installed in spaceone and the plugin service for extension function is installed in spaceone-plugin namespace. (In v1.11.5 and below, it is installed in root-supervisor.)

If the user wants to change the core service or plugin service to a namespace with a different name or to install in a single namespace, the namespace must be changed through options.

In order to change the namespace, you need to write changes in Cloudforet's values.yaml. Changes can be made to each core service and plugin service.

Change the namespace of the core service

To change the namespace of the core service, add the spaceone-namespace value by declaring global.namespace in the values.yaml file.

#  production_json:
#      ENDPOINT: https://console.api.example.com        # Change the endpoint
#      ENDPOINT: https://console-v2.api.example.com     # Change the endpoint

  namespace: spaceone-namespace                         # Change the namespace

Change the namespace of plugin service

You can change the namespace of supervisor's plugin service as well as the core service. Life-cycle of plugin service is managed by supervisor, and plugin namespace setting is also set in supervisor.

Below is the part where supervisor is set to change the namespace of the plugin service in the values.yaml file. Add the plugin-namespace value to supervisor.application_scheduler.CONNECTORS.KubernetesConnector.namespace.

    HOSTNAME: spaceone.svc.cluster.local                # Change the hostname
        namespace: plugin-namespace                     # Change the namespace


You can apply the changes through the helm upgrade command and by deleting the pods.

helm upgrade cloudforet cloudforet/spaceone -n spaceone -f values.yaml
kubectl delete po -n spaceone -l app.kubernetes.io/instance=cloudforet

3.3 - Creating and applying kubernetes imagePullSecrets

We will explain the process of enabling Cloudforet pods to get private container images using imagePullSecrets.

Due to organization's security requirements, User can Build and utilize a private dedicated image registry to manage private images.

To pull container images from a private image registry, credentials are required. In Kubernetes, Secrets can be used to register such credentials with pods, enabling them to retrieve and pull private container images.

For more detailed information, please refer to the official documentation.

Creating a Secret for credentials.

Kubernetes pods can pull private container images using a Secret of type kubernetes.io/dockerconfigjson.

To do this, create a secret for credentials based on registry credentials.

kubectl create secret docker-registry my-credential --docker-server=<your-registry-server> --docker-username=<your-name> --docker-password=<your-pword> --docker-email=<your-email>

Mount the credentials Secret to a Pod.

You can specify imagePullSecrets in the helm chart values of Cloudforet to mount the credentials Secret to the pods.

WARN: Kubernetes Secret is namespace-scoped resources, so they need to exist in the same namespace.

Set imagePullSecrets configuration for the core service

[services].imagePullSecrets[]]imagePullSecrets configuration(* Each micro service section)[]
[services].imagePullSecrets[].nameName of secret type of kubernetes.io/dockerconfigjson""
    enable: true
      name: spaceone/console
      version: x.y.z

      - name: my-credential

    enable: true
      name: spaceone/console-api
      version: x.y.z

      - name: my-credential


Set imagePullSecrets configuration for the plugin

supervisor.application_schedulerConfiguration of supervisor scheduler{...}
supervisor.application_scheduler.CONNECTORS.KubernetesConnector.imagePullSecrets[]imagePullSecrets configuration for plugin[]
supervisor.application_scheduler.CONNECTORS.KubernetesConnector.imagePullSecrets[].nameName of secret type of kubernetes.io/dockerconfigjson for plugin""
    enabled: true
      name: spaceone/supervisor
      version: x.y.z

      - name: my-credential

                - name: my-credential


You can apply the changes through the helm upgrade command and by deleting the pods

helm upgrade cloudforet cloudforet/spaceone -n spaceone -f values.yaml
kubectl delete po -n spaceone -l app.kubernetes.io/instance=cloudforet

3.4 - Setting up http proxy

We will explain the http_proxy configuration for a Kubernetes pod to establish a proxy connection.


You can enable communication from pods to the external world through a proxy server by declaring the http_proxy and https_proxy environment variables.

This configuration is done by declaring http_proxy and https_proxy in the environment variables of each container.

no_proxy environment variable is used to exclude destinations from proxy communication.

For Cloudforet, It is recommended to exclude the service domains within the cluster for communication between micro services.


Set roxy configuration for the core service

global.common_env[]Environment Variable for all micro services[]
global.common_env[].nameName of environment variable""
global.common_env[].valueValue of environment variable""
    - name: HTTP_PROXY
      value: http://{proxy_server_address}:{proxy_port}
    - name: HTTPS_PROXY
      value: http://{proxy_server_address}:{proxy_port}
    - name: no_proxy
      value: .svc.cluster.local,localhost,{cluster_ip},board,config,console,console-api,console-api-v2,cost-analysis,dashboard,docs,file-manager,identity,inventory,marketplace-assets,monitoring,notification,plugin,repository,secret,statistics,supervisor

Set proxy configuration for the plugin

supervisor.application_schedulerConfiguration of supervisor schduler{...}
supervisor.application_scheduler.CONNECTORS.KubernetesConnector.env[]Environment Variable for plugin[]
supervisor.application_scheduler.CONNECTORS.KubernetesConnector.env[].nameName of environment variable""
supervisor.application_scheduler.CONNECTORS.KubernetesConnector.env[].valueName of environment variable""

Depending on your the installation environment, the default local domain may differ, so you need to change the default local domain such as .svc.cluster.local to match your environment. You can check the current cluster DNS settings with the following command.

kubectl run -it --rm busybox --image=busybox --restart=Never -- cat /etc/resolv.conf

    enabled: true
      name: spaceone/supervisor
      version: x.y.z

      - name: my-credential

            - name: HTTP_PROXY
              value: http://{proxy_server_address}:{proxy_port}
            - name: HTTPS_PROXY
              value: http://{proxy_server_address}:{proxy_port}
            - name: no_proxy
              value: .svc.cluster.local,localhost,{cluster_ip},board,config,console,console-api,console-api-v2,cost-analysis,dashboard,docs,file-manager,identity,inventory,marketplace-assets,monitoring,notification,plugin,repository,secret,statistics,supervisor


You can apply the changes through the helm upgrade command and by deleting the pods

helm upgrade cloudforet cloudforet/spaceone -n spaceone -f values.yaml
kubectl delete po -n spaceone -l app.kubernetes.io/instance=cloudforet

3.5 - Support private image registry

Cloudforet proposes a way to sync container images between private and public image registries.

In organizations operating in an on-premise environment, there are cases where they establish and operate their own container registry within the internal network due to security concerns.

In such environments, when installing Cloudforet, access to external networks is restricted, requiring the preparation of images from Dockerhub and syncing them to their own container registry.

To automate the synchronization of container images in such scenarios, Cloudforet proposes using a Container Registry Sync tool called 'dregsy' to periodically sync container images.


In an environment situated between an external network and an internal network, dregsy is executed.

This tool periodically pulls specific container images from Dockerhub and uploads them to the organization's private container registry.

The dregsy tool described in this guide always pulls container images from Dockerhub, regardless of whether the images already exist in the destination registry.

And, Docker Hub limits the number of Docker image downloads, or pulls based on the account type of the user pulling the image

  • For anonymous users, the rate limit is set to 100 pulls per 6 hours per IP address
  • For authenticated users, it’s 200 pulls per 6 hour period.
  • Users with a paid Docker subscription get up to 5000 pulls per day.

Install and Configuration

In this configuration, communication with Dockerhub is required, so it should be performed in an environment with internet access.

Also, this explanation is based on the installation of Cloudforet version 1.11.x



Since the tools are executed using Docker, there is no separate installation process required. 

The plan is to pull and run the dregsy image, which includes skopeo (mirror tool).


  • Create files
touch /path/to/your/dregsy-spaceone-core.yaml
touch /path/to/your/dregsy-spaceone-plugin.yaml
  • Add configuration (dregsy-spaceone-core.yaml)

If authentication to the registry is configured with username:password,
the information is encoded and set in the 'auth' field as shown below (example - lines 19 and 22 of the configuration).

echo '{"username": "...", "password": "..."}' | base64

In the case of Harbor, Robot Token is not supported for authentication.
Please authenticate by encoding the username:password

relay: skopeo
watch: true

  binary: skopeo
  certs-dir: /etc/skopeo/certs.d

  maxItems: 100
  cacheDuration: 2h

  - name: sync_spaceone_doc
    interval: 21600 # 6 hours
    verbose: true

      registry: registry.hub.docker.com
      auth: {Token}                 # replace to your dockerhub token
      registry: {registry_address}  # replace to your registry address
      auth: {Token}                 # replace to your registry token
      skip-tls-verify: true

      - from: spaceone/spacectl
        to: your_registry_project/spaceone/spacectl     # replace to your registry project & repository
          - 'regex: 1\.11\.(?:[0-9]?[0-9]).*'
      - from: spaceone/marketplace-assets
        to: your_registry_project/spaceone/marketplace-assets   # replace to your registry project & repository
          - 'regex: 1\.11\.(?:[0-9]?[0-9]).*'
      - from: spaceone/docs
        to: your_registry_project/spaceone/docs          # replace to your registry project & repository
          - 'regex: 1\.11\.(?:[0-9]?[0-9]).*'
      - from: redis
        to: your_registry_project/spaceone/redis       # replace to your registry project & repository
          - 'latest'
      - from: mongo
        to: your_registry_project/spaceone/mongo       # replace to your registry project & repository
          - 'latest'

  - name: sync_spaceone_core
    interval: 21600 # 6 hours
    verbose: true

      registry: registry.hub.docker.com
      auth: {Token}
      registry: {registry_address}  # replace to your registry address
      auth: {Token}               # replace to your registry token
      skip-tls-verify: true

      - from: spaceone/console
        to: your_registry_project/spaceone/console     # replace to your registry project & repository
          - 'regex: 1\.11\.(?:[0-9]?[0-9]).*'
      - from: spaceone/inventory
        to: your_registry_project/spaceone/inventory       # replace to your registry project & repository
          - 'regex: 1\.11\.(?:[0-9]?[0-9]).*'
      - from: spaceone/console-api
        to: your_registry_project/spaceone/console-api     # replace to your registry project & repository
          - 'regex: 1\.11\.(?:[0-9]?[0-9]).*'
      - from: spaceone/cost-analysis
        to: your_registry_project/spaceone/cost-analysis       # replace to your registry project & repository
          - 'regex: 1\.11\.(?:[0-9]?[0-9]).*'
      - from: spaceone/statistics
        to: your_registry_project/spaceone/statistics      # replace to your registry project & repository
          - 'regex: 1\.11\.(?:[0-9]?[0-9]).*'
      - from: spaceone/secret
        to: your_registry_project/spaceone/secret      # replace to your registry project & repository
          - 'regex: 1\.11\.(?:[0-9]?[0-9]).*'
      - from: spaceone/file-manager
        to: your_registry_project/spaceone/file-manager        # replace to your registry project & repository
          - 'regex: 1\.11\.(?:[0-9]?[0-9]).*'
      - from: spaceone/monitoring
        to: your_registry_project/spaceone/monitoring      # replace to your registry project & repository
          - 'regex: 1\.11\.(?:[0-9]?[0-9]).*'
      - from: spaceone/supervisor
        to: your_registry_project/spaceone/supervisor      # replace to your registry project & repository
          - 'regex: 1\.11\.(?:[0-9]?[0-9]).*'
      - from: spaceone/identity
        to: your_registry_project/spaceone/identity        # replace to your registry project & repository
          - 'regex: 1\.11\.(?:[0-9]?[0-9]).*'
      - from: spaceone/notification
        to: your_registry_project/spaceone/notification        # replace to your registry project & repository
          - 'regex: 1\.11\.(?:[0-9]?[0-9]).*'
      - from: spaceone/repository
        to: your_registry_project/spaceone/repository      # replace to your registry project & repository
          - 'regex: 1\.11\.(?:[0-9]?[0-9]).*'
      - from: spaceone/plugin
        to: your_registry_project/spaceone/plugin      # replace to your registry project & repository
          - 'regex: 1\.11\.(?:[0-9]?[0-9]).*'
      - from: spaceone/config
        to: your_registry_project/spaceone/config      # replace to your registry project & repository
          - 'regex: 1\.11\.(?:[0-9]?[0-9]).*'
      - from: spaceone/console-api-v2
        to: your_registry_project/spaceone/console-api-v2      # replace to your registry project & repository
          - 'regex: 1\.11\.(?:[0-9]?[0-9]).*'
      - from: spaceone/board
        to: your_registry_project/spaceone/board       # replace to your registry project & repository
          - 'regex: 1\.11\.(?:[0-9]?[0-9]).*'
      - from: spaceone/dashboard
        to: your_registry_project/spaceone/dashboard       # replace to your registry project & repository
          - 'regex: 1\.11\.(?:[0-9]?[0-9]).*'
  • Add configuration (dregsy-spaceone-plugin.yaml)
relay: skopeo
watch: true

  binary: skopeo
  certs-dir: /etc/skopeo/certs.d

  maxItems: 100
  cacheDuration: 2h

  - name: sync_spaceone_plugin
    interval: 21600 # 6 hours
    verbose: true

      registry: registry.hub.docker.com
      auth: {Token}                 # replace to your dockerhub token
      registry: {registry_address}  # replace to your registry address
      auth: {Token}                 # replace to your registry token
      skip-tls-verify: true

      - from: spaceone/plugin-google-cloud-inven-collector
        to: your_registry_project/spaceone/plugin-google-cloud-inven-collector     # replace to your registry project & repository
          - 'semver: >=1.0.0 <1.99.0'
          - 'keep: latest 2'
      - from: spaceone/plugin-azure-inven-collector
        to: your_registry_project/spaceone/plugin-azure-inven-collector     # replace to your registry project & repository
          - 'semver: >=1.0.0 <1.99.0'
          - 'keep: latest 2'
      - from: spaceone/plugin-aws-cloudwatch-mon-datasource
        to: your_registry_project/spaceone/plugin-aws-cloudwatch-mon-datasource     # replace to your registry project & repository
          - 'semver: >=1.0.0 <1.99.0'
          - 'keep: latest 2'
      - from: spaceone/plugin-azure-activity-log-mon-datasource
        to: your_registry_project/spaceone/plugin-azure-activity-log-mon-datasource     # replace to your registry project & repository
          - 'semver: >=1.0.0 <1.99.0'
          - 'keep: latest 2'
      - from: spaceone/plugin-aws-cloudtrail-mon-datasource
        to: your_registry_project/spaceone/plugin-aws-cloudtrail-mon-datasource     # replace to your registry project & repository
          - 'semver: >=1.0.0 <1.99.0'
          - 'keep: latest 2'
      - from: spaceone/plugin-aws-ec2-inven-collector
        to: your_registry_project/spaceone/plugin-aws-ec2-inven-collector     # replace to your registry project & repository
          - 'semver: >=1.0.0 <1.99.0'
          - 'keep: latest 2'
      - from: spaceone/plugin-aws-sns-mon-webhook
        to: your_registry_project/spaceone/plugin-aws-sns-mon-webhook     # replace to your registry project & repository
          - 'semver: >=1.0.0 <1.99.0'
          - 'keep: latest 2'
      - from: spaceone/plugin-aws-trusted-advisor-inven-collector
        to: your_registry_project/spaceone/plugin-aws-trusted-advisor-inven-collector     # replace to your registry project & repository
          - 'semver: >=1.0.0 <1.99.0'
          - 'keep: latest 2'
      - from: spaceone/plugin-azure-monitor-mon-datasource
        to: your_registry_project/spaceone/plugin-azure-monitor-mon-datasource     # replace to your registry project & repository
          - 'semver: >=1.0.0 <1.99.0'
          - 'keep: latest 2'
      - from: spaceone/plugin-email-noti-protocol
        to: your_registry_project/spaceone/plugin-email-noti-protocol     # replace to your registry project & repository
          - 'semver: >=1.0.0 <1.99.0'
          - 'keep: latest 2'
      - from: spaceone/plugin-google-stackdriver-mon-datasource
        to: your_registry_project/spaceone/plugin-google-stackdriver-mon-datasource     # replace to your registry project & repository
          - 'semver: >=1.0.0 <1.99.0'
          - 'keep: latest 2'
      - from: spaceone/plugin-telegram-noti-protocol
        to: your_registry_project/spaceone/plugin-telegram-noti-protocol     # replace to your registry project & repository
          - 'semver: >=1.0.0 <1.99.0'
          - 'keep: latest 2'
      - from: spaceone/plugin-keycloak-identity-auth
        to: your_registry_project/spaceone/plugin-keycloak-identity-auth     # replace to your registry project & repository
          - 'semver: >=1.0.0 <1.99.0'
          - 'keep: latest 2'
      - from: spaceone/plugin-prometheus-mon-webhook
        to: your_registry_project/spaceone/plugin-prometheus-mon-webhook     # replace to your registry project & repository
          - 'semver: >=1.0.0 <1.99.0'
          - 'keep: latest 2'
      - from: spaceone/plugin-slack-noti-protocol
        to: your_registry_project/spaceone/plugin-slack-noti-protocol     # replace to your registry project & repository
          - 'semver: >=1.0.0 <1.99.0'
          - 'keep: latest 2'
      - from: spaceone/plugin-grafana-mon-webhook
        to: your_registry_project/spaceone/plugin-grafana-mon-webhook     # replace to your registry project & repository
          - 'semver: >=1.0.0 <1.99.0'
          - 'keep: latest 2'
      - from: spaceone/plugin-aws-cloud-service-inven-collector
        to: your_registry_project/spaceone/plugin-aws-cloud-service-inven-collector     # replace to your registry project & repository
          - 'semver: >=1.0.0 <1.99.0'
          - 'keep: latest 2'
      - from: spaceone/plugin-aws-phd-inven-collector
        to: your_registry_project/spaceone/plugin-aws-phd-inven-collector     # replace to your registry project & repository
          - 'semver: >=1.0.0 <1.99.0'
          - 'keep: latest 2'
      - from: spaceone/plugin-api-direct-mon-webhook
        to: your_registry_project/spaceone/plugin-api-direct-mon-webhook     # replace to your registry project & repository
          - 'semver: >=1.0.0 <1.99.0'
          - 'keep: latest 2'
      - from: spaceone/plugin-azure-cost-mgmt-cost-datasource
        to: your_registry_project/spaceone/plugin-azure-cost-mgmt-cost-datasource     # replace to your registry project & repository
          - 'semver: >=1.0.0 <1.99.0'
          - 'keep: latest 2'
      - from: spaceone/plugin-aws-cost-explorer-cost-datasource
        to: your_registry_project/spaceone/plugin-aws-cost-explorer-cost-datasource     # replace to your registry project & repository
          - 'semver: >=1.0.0 <1.99.0'
          - 'keep: latest 2'
      - from: spaceone/plugin-ms-teams-noti-protocol
        to: your_registry_project/spaceone/plugin-ms-teams-noti-protocol     # replace to your registry project & repository
          - 'semver: >=1.0.0 <1.99.0'
          - 'keep: latest 2'
      - from: spaceone/plugin-google-monitoring-mon-webhook
        to: your_registry_project/spaceone/plugin-google-monitoring-mon-webhook     # replace to your registry project & repository
          - 'semver: >=1.0.0 <1.99.0'
          - 'keep: latest 2'
      - from: spaceone/plugin-http-file-cost-datasource
        to: your_registry_project/spaceone/plugin-http-file-cost-datasource     # replace to your registry project & repository
          - 'semver: >=1.0.0 <1.99.0'
          - 'keep: latest 2'
      - from: spaceone/plugin-google-cloud-log-mon-datasource
        to: your_registry_project/spaceone/plugin-google-cloud-log-mon-datasource     # replace to your registry project & repository
          - 'semver: >=1.0.0 <1.99.0'
          - 'keep: latest 2'


No need to pull docker images separately.
The command below will get the image if there is no image locally

docker run -d --rm --name dregsy_spaceone_core -v /path/to/your/dregsy-spaceone-core.yaml:/config.yaml xelalex/dregsy:0.5.0
docker run -d --rm --name dregsy_spaceone_plugin -v /path/to/your/dregsy-spaceone-plugin.yaml:/config.yaml xelalex/dregsy:0.5.0


  • view log
docker logs -f {container_id|container_name}
  • delete docker container
docker rm {container_id|container_name} [-f]

3.6 - Advanced configuration guide

Advanced Configuration Guide of SpaceONE

Title and Favicon

SpaceONE has default title and CI with Wanny favicon.

But you can change them to your own title and favicon.

ComponentFile PathDescription
Title/var/www/title.txtname of Title
Favicon/var/www/favicon.icofavicon file

Console supports the functionality of changing title and favicon. The default values are in source code, but you can overwrite them when deploying pods.

This is an example value of console.yaml file.
  # favicon
          - name: favicon
            mountPath: /var/www/title.txt
            subPath: title.txt
            readOnly: true
          - name: favicon-img
            mountPath: /var/www/favicon.ico
            subPath: favicon.ico
            readOnly: true

      - name: favicon
            name: favicon
      - name: favicon-img
            name: favicon-img

The actual values are from Kubernetes ConfigMap object. So you might have to change the value at ConfigMap or create a new one and mount it in your pod.


apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: favicon
  namespace: spaceone
  title.txt: |
    KB One Cloud


apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: favicon-img
  namespace: spaceone
  favicon.ico: AAABAAEAAAAAAAEAIADxxxxxxx...

NOTE: favicon.ico must be base64 encoded.

# cat favicon.ico | base64

Corporate Identity

When you open SpaceONE page, you can see the default SpaceONE CI, logo and text. You can change the default SpaceONE CI with your company CI.

Login Page

Every Page

Update helm value of console (console -> production_json -> DOMAIN_IMAGE)


CI_LOGOCustom Logo ImageImage (56 * 56 px)
CI_TEXT_WITH_TYPECI Text ImageImage (164 * 40 px)
SIGN_INSign-in page ImageImage (1024 * 1024 px)
CI_TEXTCI Text Image On every pageImage (123 * 16 px)

NOTE: Recommended file format is SVG. But if you would like to use a PNG file, use transparent background and double the size than recommended size.

NOTE: SpaceONE does not support uploading files, so upload CI files at your web server or S3.!

  enabled: true
  developer: false
  name: console
  replicas: 2
      name: spaceone/console
      version: 1.8.7
  imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent

# TODO: Update value
#  - GTAG_ID (if you have google analytics ID)
#  - AMCHARTS_LICENSE (for commercial use only)
          ENDPOINT: http://console-api.example.com
          CI_LOGO: https://spaceone-custom-assets.s3.ap-northeast-2.amazonaws.com/console-assets/domain/example/ci-logo.svg
          CI_TEXT_WITH_TYPE: https://spaceone-custom-assets.s3.ap-northeast-2.amazonaws.com/console-assets/domain/example/ci-text1.svg
          SIGN_IN: https://spaceone-custom-assets.s3.ap-northeast-2.amazonaws.com/console-assets/domain/example/login-img.png
          CI_TEXT: https://spaceone-custom-assets.s3.ap-northeast-2.amazonaws.com/console-assets/domain/example/ci-text2.svg

Google Analytics

You can apply Google Analytics to SpaceONE Console by following the steps below.

Create accounts and properties

  1. Log in to your Google account after accessing the Google Analytics site.

  2. Click the Start Measurement button.


  3. Enter your account name and click the Next button.


  4. Enter a property name and click the Next button.

    In the property name, enter the name of the url you want to track.


  5. Click the Create button.


  6. Click the Agree button after agreeing to the data processing terms.


Set up data streams

  1. Choose Web as the platform for the data stream you want to collect.


  2. Enter your SpaceONE Console website URL and stream name and click the Create Stream button.


  3. Check the created stream information and copy the measurement ID.


Set up the SpaceONE Helm Chart

Paste the copied measurement ID as the value for the GTAG_ID key in the helm chart settings as shown below.

# frontend.yaml
    GTAG_ID: {measurement ID}

3.7 - Create secret by exist cert

If a public or private certificate is issued, it explains how to create and apply a secret using the issued certificate.

If a public or private certificate has already been issued, you can create a secret through the existing certificate. The following is how to create a secret using the certificate_secret.yaml file.

Create Secret from certificate_secret.yaml file

If the certificate is ready, edit the certificate_secert.yaml file. The file can be downloaded from the link below. In addition, the downloaded content is edited and used as follows. https://github.com/cloudforet-io/charts/blob/master/examples/ingress/on_premise/certificate_secret.yaml

cat <<EOF> certificate_secret.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: spaceone-tls
  namespace: spaceone           # Change the namespace
  tls.crt: base64 encoded cert  # openssl base64 -in cert.pem -out cert.base64
  tls.key: base64 encoded key   # openssl base64 -in key.pem -out key.base64
type: kubernetes.io/tls

Apply the certificate_secret.yaml file to the spaceone namespace through the following command.

kubectl apply -f certificate_secret.yaml -n spaceone